Tool man pages


Man page sections for a command are printed in the order specified by manual as given to Unless specified explicitly in the command's manual the following sections are automatically created and populated for you:

The various doc documentation strings specified by the command's term arguments get inserted at the end of the documentation section they respectively mention in their docs argument:

  1. For commands, see
  2. For positional arguments, see Those are listed iff both the docv and doc string is specified by
  3. For optional arguments, see
  4. For exit statuses, see
  5. For environment variables, see Cmdliner.Arg.env_var and

If a docs section name is mentioned and does not exist in the command's manual, an empty section is created for it, after which the doc strings are inserted, possibly prefixed by boilerplate text (e.g. for Cmdliner.Manpage.s_environment and Cmdliner.Manpage.s_exit_status).

If the created section is:

Finally note that the header of empty sections are dropped from the output. This allows you to share section placements among many commands and render them only if something actually gets inserted in it.

Documentation markup language

Manpage blocks and doc strings support the following markup language.