Module Imandrakit_thread.Timer


Keep track of multiple timers, using a background thread. The timer is thread-safe. It runs callbacks from within its own background thread.

module Handle : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. run_after_s : float -> (unit -> unit) -> Handle.t;
  2. run_every_s : ?initial:float -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> Handle.t;
  3. terminate : unit -> unit;
exception Stop_timer
val timer_error : Imandrakit.Error_kind.t
val run_after_s : t -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

run_after_s t f waits t seconds and then runs f

val run_after_s' : t -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> Handle.t
val after_s : t -> float -> unit Fut.t

after_s timer t returns a future that resolves in t seconds.

val run_every_s : t -> ?initial:float -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

run_every ~initial t f waits initial seconds and then runs f() every t seconds. f () can raise Stop_timer to stop the loop.

val run_every_s' : t -> ?initial:float -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> Handle.t
val cancel : t -> Handle.t -> unit

Cancel timer

val create : unit -> t

New timer

val terminate : t -> unit

Stop the timer