ser-pack is a data serialization scheme built on top of Imandrakit_ser
. It introduces a notion of heap (an array of ser-values) and pointers into this heap (ser-values consisting of an integer wrapped in a specific tag). The heap is then turned into an array of ser-values, so that the resulting "pack" is just a single large ser-value with a specific internal structure (some of which are pointers into the large internal heap).
When serializing a complex data structure that presents internal sharing (typically, with pointers/references), the heap can be used to represent that sharing directly in the ser-value. This is done by serializing a value once, adding it to the heap (which is an array); the position of the ser-value in the heap can then be wrapped with tag 6 to become a pointer. All other references to this value are serialized as pointers.
type value = Imandrakit_ser.Value.t
type nonrec 'a result = ('a, string) result
module Ser : sig ... end
val to_cbor_string : 'a Ser.t -> 'a -> string
to_cbor_string ser x
seralizes x
using ser
, and returns the pack containing the shared heap, and an entry point.
val pp_diagnostic : value Imandrakit_common.Fmt.printer
module Deser : sig ... end
of_value_exn deser value
deserializes an object using deser
from the shared heap value.h
, starting at value.key
val of_cbor_string_exn : 'a Deser.t -> string -> 'a
Parse value and deserialize it