Module Imandrakit_twine.Immediate

type t =
  1. | Null
  2. | True
  3. | False
  4. | Int of int64
  5. | Float32 of float
  6. | Float of float
  7. | String of Imandrakit_bytes.Byte_slice.t
  8. | Blob of Imandrakit_bytes.Byte_slice.t
  9. | Pointer of int
  10. | Cstor0 of int

An immediate value

val null : t
val string : string -> t
val blob : string -> t
val pointer : int -> t
val int64 : int64 -> t
val int : int -> t
val float32 : float -> t
val float : float -> t
val cstor0 : index:int -> t
val bool : bool -> t