Module Astlib.Location

Source code locations (ranges of positions), used in parsetrees

type t = Ocaml_common.Location.t = {
  1. loc_start : Stdlib.Lexing.position;
  2. loc_end : Stdlib.Lexing.position;
  3. loc_ghost : bool;

The location type

type 'a loc = 'a Ocaml_common.Location.loc = {
  1. txt : 'a;
  2. loc : t;

A located type

module Error : sig ... end
val set_input_name : string -> unit

Set the name of the input source, e.g. the file name.

val set_input_lexbuf : Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf option -> unit

Set the name of the input source, e.g. the file name.

val none : t

An arbitrary value of type t; describes an empty ghost range.

Automatically reporting errors for raised exceptions

val register_error_of_exn : (exn -> Error.t option) -> unit

Each compiler module which defines a custom type of exception which can surface as a user-visible error should register a "printer" for this exception using register_error_of_exn. The result of the printer is an error value containing a location, a message, and optionally sub-messages (each of them being located as well).

exception Error of Error.t

Located exception.

val raise_errorf : ?loc:t -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a

Raise a located exception.

val report_exception : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn -> unit

Report an exception on the given formatter