A convenient version of Make
that takes a TOTAL_ORD
instead of a partially ordered module. It allows to directly pass modules that implement compare
without implementing leq
type elt = E.t
val empty : t
returns the empty heap.
val is_empty : t -> bool
is_empty h
returns true
iff the heap h
is empty.
merge h1 h2
merges the two heaps h1
and h2
. If one heap is empty, the result is physically equal to the other heap. Complexity: O(log (m+n))
where m
and n
are the number of elements in each heap.
insert x h
inserts an element x
into the heap h
. Complexity: O(log n)
where n
is the number of elements in h
find_min h
returns the minimal element of h
, or None
if h
is empty. Complexity: O(1)
take h
returns the minimum element of h
and the new heap without this element, or None
if h
is empty. Complexity: O(log n)
val size : t -> int
size h
is the number of elements in the heap h
. Complexity: O(n)
delete_one eq x h
deletes an occurrence of the value x
from the heap h
, if there is some. If h
does not contain x
, then h
itself is returned. Elements are identified by the equality function eq
. Complexity: O(n)
delete_all eq x h
deletes all occurrences of the value x
from the heap h
. If h
does not contain x
, then h
itself is returned. Elements are identified by the equality function eq
. This function is more efficient than filter
because it avoids considering elements greater than x
. Complexity: O(n)
filter p h
filters the elements of h
, only retaining those that satisfy the predicate p
. If no element in h
satisfies p
, then h
itself is returned. Complexity: O(n)
add_list h l
adds the elements of the list l
into the heap h
. An element occurring several times will be added that many times to the heap. Elements need not be given in any particular order. This function is more efficient than repeated insertions. Complexity: O(log m + n)
where m
and n
are the number of elements in h
and l
, respectively.
val add_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t
add_seq h seq
is akin to add_list
, but taking a Seq.t
of elements as input. Renamed from add_std_seq
since 3.0.
add_iter_almost_sorted h iter
is equivalent to merge h (of_iter_almost_sorted iter)
. See of_iter_almost_sorted
. Complexity: O(log m + n)
of_list l
builds a heap from the list of elements l
. Elements need not be given in any particular order. This function is more efficient than repeated insertions. It is equivalent to add_list
empty l
. Complexity: O(n)
val of_seq : elt Stdlib.Seq.t -> t
of_seq seq
is akin to of_list
, but taking a Seq.t
of elements as input. Renamed from of_std_seq
since 3.0.
of_iter iter
builds a heap from the iter
sequence of elements. Elements need not be given in any particular order. However, the heap takes advantage of partial sorting found in the input: the closer the input sequence is to being sorted, the more efficient it is to convert the heap to a sorted sequence. This enables heap-sorting that is faster than O(n log n)
when the input is almost sorted. In the best case, when only a constant number of elements are misplaced, then successive take
run in O(1)
, and to_list_sorted
runs in O(n)
. Complexity: O(n)
to_list h
returns a list of the elements of the heap h
, in no particular order. Complexity: O(n)
val to_seq : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
to_seq h
is akin to to_list
, but returning a Seq.t
of elements. Renamed from to_std_seq
since 3.0.
to_list_sorted h
returns the list of elements of the heap h
in increasing order. Complexity: O(n log n)
to_iter_sorted h
is akin to to_list_sorted
, but returning an iter
of elements.
val to_seq_sorted : t -> elt Stdlib.Seq.t
to_seq_sorted h
is akin to to_list_sorted
, but returning a Seq.t
of elements. Renamed from to_std_seq_sorted
since 3.0.
to_tree h
returns a ktree
of the elements of the heap h
. The layout is not specified. Complexity: O(n)
to_string ?sep f h
prints the heap h
to a string, using f
to convert elements to strings and sep
(default: ","
) as a separator between elements.
val pp :
?pp_start:unit printer ->
?pp_stop:unit printer ->
?pp_sep:unit printer ->
elt printer ->
t printer
pp ?pp_start ?pp_stop ?pp_sep ppf h
prints h
on ppf
. Each element is formatted with ppf
, pp_start
is called at the beginning, pp_stop
is called at the end, pp_sep
is called between each element. By default, pp_start
and pp_stop
do nothing, and pp_sep
is (fun out -> Format.fprintf out ",@ ")
. Renamed from print
since 2.0