is a systems programming interface between effects based schedulers and concurrent abstractions. Picos is designed to enable an ecosystem of interoperable elements of effects based cooperative concurrent programming models such as
If you are the author of an application level concurrent programming library or framework, then Picos should not fundamentally be competing with your work. However, Picos and libraries built on top of Picos probably do have overlap with your work and making your work Picos compatible may offer benefits:
- You may find it useful that the core of Picos provides parallelism safe building blocks for cancelation, which is a particularly tricky problem to get right.
- You may find it useful that you don't have to reinvent many of the basic communication and synchronization abstractions such as mutexes and condition variables, promises, concurrent bounded queues, channels, and what not.
- You may benefit from further non-trivial libraries, such as IO libraries, that you don't have to reimplement.
- Potential users of your work may be reassured and benefit from the ability to mix-and-match your work with other Picos compatible libraries and frameworks.
Of course, interoperability does have some costs. It takes time to understand Picos and it takes time to implement Picos compatibility. Implementing your programming model elements in terms of the Picos interface may not always give ideal results. To address concerns such as those, a conscious effort has been made to keep Picos as minimal and unopinionated as possible.
Picos is essentially an interface between schedulers and concurrent abstractions. Two phrases, Picos compatible and Implemented in Picos, are used to describe the opposing sides of this contract.
Picos compatible
The idea is that schedulers provide their own handlers for the Picos effects. By handling the Picos effects a scheduler allows any libraries built on top of the Picos interface to be used with the scheduler. Such a scheduler is then said to be Picos compatible.
Implemented in Picos
A scheduler is just one element of a concurrent programming model. Separately from making a scheduler Picos compatible, one may choose to implement other elements of the programming model, e.g. a particular approach to structuring concurrency or a particular collection of communication and synchronization primitives, in terms of the Picos interface. Such scheduler agnostic elements can then be used on any Picos compatible scheduler and are said to be Implemented in Picos.
Design goals and principles
The core of Picos is designed and developed with various goals and principles in mind.
- Simple: Picos should be kept as simple as possible.
- Minimal: Picos should be kept minimal. The dependency footprint should be as small as possible. Convenience features should be built on top of the interface.
- Safe: Picos should be designed with safety in mind. The implementation must be data race free. The interface should promote and always allow proper resource management.
- Unopinionated: Picos should not make strong design choices that are controversial.
- Flexible: Picos should allow higher level libraries as much freedom as possible to make their own design choices.
The documentation of the concepts includes design rationale for some of the specific ideas behind their detailed design.
Constraints Liberate, Liberties Constrain
Picos aims to be unopinionated and flexible enough to allow higher level libraries to provide many different kinds of concurrent programming models. While it is impossible to give a complete list of what Picos does not dictate, it is perhaps illuminating to explicitly mention some of those:
- Picos does not implement capability-based security. Higher level libraries with or without capabilities may be built on top of Picos.
- Picos never cancels computations implicitly. Higher level libraries may decide when cancelation should be allowed to take effect.
- Picos does not dictate which fiber should be scheduled next after a Picos effect. Different schedulers may freely use desired data structures (queues, work-stealing deques, stacks, priority queues, ...) and, after handling any Picos effect, freely decide which fiber to run next.
- Picos does not dictate how fibers should be managed. It is possible to implement both unstructured and structured concurrent programming models on top of Picos.
- Picos does not dictate which mechanisms applications should use for communication and synchronization. It is possible to build many different kinds of communication and synchronization mechanisms on top of Picos including mutexes and condition variables, STMs, asynchronous and synchronous message passing, actors, and more.
- Picos does not dictate that there should be a connection between the scheduler and other elements of the concurrent programming model. It is possible to provide those separately and mix-and-match.
- Picos does not dictate which library to use for IO. It is possible to build direct-style asynchronous IO libraries on top of Picos that can then be used with any Picos compatible schedulers or concurrent programming models.
Let's build an incredible ecosystem of interoperable concurrent programming libraries and frameworks!
A systems programming interface between effects based schedulers and concurrent abstractions.Picos_domain
Minimalistic domain API available both on OCaml 5 and on OCaml 4.Picos_thread
Minimalistic thread API available with or without threads.posix
Many operation in the Picos libraries use non-blocking algorithms. Unless explicitly specified otherwise,
- non-blocking operations in Picos are atomic or strictly linearizable (i.e. linearizable and serializable), and
- lock-free operations in Picos are designed to avoid having competing operations of widely different complexities, which should make such operations much less prone to starvation.
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