Package ppxlib


This is the user manual and API for ppxlib, the core of the PPX meta-programming system for OCaml and its derivatives, such as Reason. For a good introduction on PPXs, what they are, and how to use them, see the OCaml official guide on PPXs. This manual is mostly aimed at authors of PPX rewriters and contains everything one should know in order to write PPX rewriters.


The manual consists of several sections. It can be read linearly, but you can also jump directly to your section of interest:

  1. An introduction to ppxlib
  2. How ppxlib works internally
  3. Registering a transformation
  4. Generating AST nodes
  5. Destructing AST nodes
  6. Traversing the AST
  7. Good practices
  8. Examples


The API exposes the following modules:

Package info
