Module Trace_core.Level

Tracing levels.

This is similar to log levels in, say, Logs. In a thoroughly instrumented program, there will be a lot of spans, and enabling them all in production might slow down the application or overwhelm the tracing system; yet they might be useful in debug situations.

type t =
  1. | Error

    Only errors

  2. | Warning


  3. | Info
  4. | Debug1

    Least verbose debugging level

  5. | Debug2

    Intermediate verbosity debugging level

  6. | Debug3

    Maximum verbosity debugging level

  7. | Trace

    Enable everything (default level)


Level of tracing. These levels are in increasing order, i.e if level Debug1 is enabled, everything below it (Error, Warning, Info, etc.) are also enabled.

  • since 0.7
val to_string : t -> string
  • since 0.7
val leq : t -> t -> bool