Module Imandra_interactive.Extract


type model = Imandra_surface.Top_result.model
type expr = Imandra_surface.Term.t
val to_string : ?scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope -> ?signature:Imandra_surface.Uid.t -> ?ext_sig:bool -> ?accessors:bool -> unit -> string

to_string () produces a code fragment that defines a module Mex which can be used to extract term models

  • parameter signature

    if present, name of a function whose argument list will become a record type. This is typically a function we decompose using Modular_decomp.

  • parameter ext_sig

    if true, the emitted module will include types for each argument of the signature function, named t_<name of argument>.

  • parameter accessors

    if true, the emitted module will include accessors for the extract_type record, named ret_<name of argument>.

val eval : ?scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope -> ?quiet:bool -> ?signature:Imandra_surface.Uid.t -> ?ext_sig:bool -> ?accessors:bool -> unit -> unit

Calls generate and then evaluates the code fragment

val to_file : ?scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope -> ?signature:Imandra_surface.Uid.t -> ?ext_sig:bool -> ?accessors:bool -> string -> unit

to_file filename extracts code to the given file

Predefined Accessors

Accessors used by the generated code. Do not call directly.