Module Imandra_interactive.Interactive_snapshot

Snapshot of all of Interactive

This module controls the state of most of Imandra_interactive. It allows push/pop control of the state, for transactions, and named snapshots for #undo directives or other forms of explicit state checkout.

include Imandra_util.Snapshot_sigs.S
val push : scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope option -> unit -> unit
val pop_restore : scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope option -> unit -> unit
val pop_delete : scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope option -> unit -> unit
val is_empty : unit -> bool
val with_push : scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope option -> restore_if_ok:bool -> ( unit -> 'a ) -> 'a
val save_named : scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope option -> int -> unit
val restore_named : scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope option -> int -> unit
val delete_named : scope:Opentelemetry.Trace.scope option -> int -> unit
val pp_named_debug : int CCFormat.printer
module Gen_snap : sig ... end

Generation of snapshots with unique names