Module Imandra_interactive.REPL_state

Main module to read lines from stdin

val readline_state : Imandra_syntax.Readline_state.t

Main readline state

val ibuf : Imandra_syntax.Input_buf.t

Main input buffer

exception E_wrap of exn * Imandra_util.Iloc.Input.t * Imandra_util.Iloc.t list

Wrap exceptions that contain a location

val read_phrase : Imandra_syntax.Syntax.t -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list * Imandra_util.Iloc.Input.t

Read a list of toplevel phrases (as small as possible).

  • raises E_wrap

    if the parser raises an exception.

val add_to_history : unit -> unit

record current string into history file, if any

val init_linenoise : unit -> unit