Module Imandra_interactive.Remote_ref

Interactive remote references

include module type of struct include Imandra_util.Remote_ref end
module Fmt = CCFormat
type remote_id = Imandra_util__.Remote_id.t
val pp_remote_id : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> remote_id -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_remote_id : remote_id -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type 'a t = 'a Imandra_util__Remote_ref.t
type 'a rref = 'a t
val id : 'a t -> remote_id
module Shared = Imandra_util__Remote_ref.Shared
module Key = Imandra_util__Remote_ref.Key
module Unsafe_ = Imandra_util__Remote_ref.Unsafe_
include module type of Reasoning_proxy.Remote_ref
val show : ?scope:Imandra_interactive.Reasoning_proxy.scope -> _ Imandra_util.Remote_ref.t -> string Imandra_thread_util.Fut.t

Show content of remote reference

val show_shared : ?scope:Imandra_interactive.Reasoning_proxy.scope -> _ Imandra_util.Remote_ref.Shared.t -> string Imandra_thread_util.Fut.t
val show_block : ?scope:Imandra_interactive.Reasoning_proxy.scope -> _ Imandra_util.Remote_ref.t -> string
val get_shared : ?scope:Imandra_interactive.Reasoning_proxy.scope -> 'a Imandra_util.Remote_ref.Shared.t -> 'a Imandra_thread_util.Fut.t

Obtain value of this shared object. Might involve a network query.

val get_shared_cached : 'a Imandra_util.Remote_ref.Shared.t -> 'a option
val get_shared_block : ?scope:Imandra_interactive.Reasoning_proxy.scope -> 'a Imandra_util.Remote_ref.Shared.t -> 'a

Obtain value of this shared object, blocking if IOs are required.