Response from the server
and response =
| Res_nop | (* do nothing *) |
| Res_ok | |
| Res_remote_show of string | |
| Res_remote_get of bytes | |
| Res_validate of Validate.Response.t | |
| Res_simplify of Simplify.Response.t | |
| Res_verify of Verify.Response.t | |
| Res_modular_decomp of Modular_decomp.Response.t | |
| Res_abstractor of Abstractor.Response.t | |
| Res_code of Imandra_surface.Code_fragment.t | |
| Res_ext_solvers of string list | |
| Res_gc_stats of Imandra_util.Gc_stat.t | |
| Res_custom of {
} |
val pp :
Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter ->
t ->
val show : t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val pp_response :
Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter ->
response ->
val show_response : response -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val force_lazy : t -> unit
val serialize : t Imandra_util.Serialize.t