Imandra CLI and API client library

Imandra is a cloud-native automated reasoning engine for analysis of algorithms and data.

This package contains the imandra Python library for interacting with Imandra's web APIs. It includes:

  • imandra.core, which provides programmatic access to Imandra X, Imandra's core reasoning engine.
  • imandra.u.agents.* and imandra.u.reasoners.*, bindings to Imandra Universe Agents and Reasoners.
  • imandra.ipl, tools for analysing Imandra Protocol Language (IPL) files.

If you're interested in developing Imandra X or IPL models, you may also want to see the Imandra documentation.

The imandra python API reference documentation is available here.


First obtain an API key from

The Python library will read the API key from the first of:

  1. The api_key parameter passed when instantiating a Client.
  2. The IMANDRA_API_KEY environment variable.
  3. The file $HOME/.config/imandra/api_key (MacOS and Linux) or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\imandra\api_key (Windows)

Example: Imandra Core

First, ensure dependencies for the core module are installed. Note that imandra.core requires Python >= 3.12.

$ pip install 'imandra[core]'
$ ipython
In [1]: from imandra.core import Client

In [2]: client = Client()

In [3]: client.eval_src('let f x = if x > 0 then if x * x < 0 then x else x + 1 else x')
Out[3]: success: true

In [4]: result = client.verify_src('fun x -> x > 0 ==> f x > 0')

In [5]: result
proved {
  proof_pp: "..."

In [6]: print(result.proved.proof_pp)
{ id = 1; concl = `|- x > 0 ==> f x > 0`;
  view =
  T_deduction {
    premises =
      [{ id = 0; concl = `|- x > 0 ==> f x > 0`;
         view = T_deduction {premises = []} }

In [7]: result = client.instance_src('fun x -> f x = 43')

In [8]: result
sat {
  model {
    m_type: Instance
    src: "module M = struct\n\n  let x = 42\n\n end\n"
    artifact {
      kind: "cir.model"
      data: "..."
      api_version: "v8"

In [9]: print(result.sat.model.src)
module M = struct

  let x = 42


In [10]: result = client.decompose('f')

In [11]: result
artifact {
  kind: "cir.fun_decomp"
  data: "..."
  api_version: "v8"
regions_str {
  constraints_str: "not (x > 0)"
  invariant_str: "x"
  model_str {
    k: "x"
    v: "0"
regions_str {
  constraints_str: "not (x * x < 0)"
  constraints_str: "x > 0"
  invariant_str: "x + 1"
  model_str {
    k: "x"
    v: "1"
task {
  id {
    id: "task:decomp:rE3VSX-t5kbrrAksQ4saBrMUs2uHTXfu-CqeZunV9aE="

Example: Imandra Universe reasoners

$ pip install imandra
$ ipython

In [1]: from imandra.u.reasoners.prover9 import Client

In [2]: client = Client()

In [3]: input = "formulas(sos).\n\n  e * x = x.\n  x'\'' * x = e.\n  (x * y) * z = x * (y * z).\n\n  x * x = e.\n\nend_of_list.\n\nformulas(goals).\n\n  x * y = y * x.\n\nend_of_list ...: ."

In [4]: result = client.eval(input)

In [5]: print(result['results'][0])
============================== Prover9 ===============================
Prover9 (64) version 2009-11A, November 2009.
Process 18 was started by universe on localhost,
Mon Jan  6 14:52:26 2025
The command was "/imandra-universe/prover9/bin/prover9 -t 45".
============================== end of head ===========================

============================== INPUT =================================

e * x = x.
x''' * x = e.
(x * y) * z = x * (y * z).
x * x = e.

x * y = y * x.

============================== end of input ==========================


============================== PROOF =================================

% Proof 1 at 0.01 (+ 0.00) seconds.
% Length of proof is 16.
% Level of proof is 7.
% Maximum clause weight is 11.000.
% Given clauses 12.

1 x * y = y * x # label(non_clause) # label(goal).  [goal].
2 e * x = x.  [assumption].
3 x''' * x = e.  [assumption].
4 (x * y) * z = x * (y * z).  [assumption].
5 x * x = e.  [assumption].
6 c2 * c1 != c1 * c2.  [deny(1)].
7 x''' * (x * y) = y.  [para(3(a,1),4(a,1,1)),rewrite([2(2)]),flip(a)].
8 x * (x * y) = y.  [para(5(a,1),4(a,1,1)),rewrite([2(2)]),flip(a)].
9 x * (y * (x * y)) = e.  [para(5(a,1),4(a,1)),flip(a)].
11 x'''''' * e = x.  [para(3(a,1),7(a,1,2))].
13 x''' * e = x.  [para(5(a,1),7(a,1,2))].
15 x''' = x.  [back_rewrite(11),rewrite([13(8)])].
16 x * e = x.  [back_rewrite(13),rewrite([15(3)])].
19 x * (y * x) = y.  [para(9(a,1),8(a,1,2)),rewrite([16(2)]),flip(a)].
24 x * y = y * x.  [para(19(a,1),8(a,1,2))].
25 $F.  [resolve(24,a,6,a)].

============================== end of proof ==========================

============================== STATISTICS ============================

Given=12. Generated=122. Kept=23. proofs=1.
Usable=8. Sos=3. Demods=12. Limbo=2, Disabled=14. Hints=0.
Kept_by_rule=0, Deleted_by_rule=0.
Forward_subsumed=99. Back_subsumed=0.
Sos_limit_deleted=0. Sos_displaced=0. Sos_removed=0.
New_demodulators=21 (0 lex), Back_demodulated=9. Back_unit_deleted=0.
Demod_attempts=770. Demod_rewrites=156.
Res_instance_prunes=0. Para_instance_prunes=0. Basic_paramod_prunes=0.
Nonunit_fsub_feature_tests=0. Nonunit_bsub_feature_tests=0.
User_CPU=0.01, System_CPU=0.00, Wall_clock=0.

============================== end of statistics =====================

============================== end of search =========================


Example: Imandra Universe agents

$ pip install imandra[universe]
$ ipython

In [1]: from imandra.u.agents import cogito

In [2]: from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage

In [3]: g = cogito.get_remote_graph()

In [4]: cogito.create_thread_sync(g)

In [5]: g.invoke({'messages': [HumanMessage(content='hello')], 'tasks': []})
{'messages': [{'content': "You are Cogito, agent within Imandra Universe - a cloud platform for accessing automated logical reasoners, tools and agents connected to them.",
   'additional_kwargs': {},
   'response_metadata': {},
   'type': 'system',
   'name': None,
   'id': 'ae883182-17df-4ced-87e2-4b79b7777e93'},
  {'content': 'hello',
   'additional_kwargs': {'example': False,
    'additional_kwargs': {},
    'response_metadata': {}},
   'response_metadata': {},
   'type': 'human',
   'name': None,
   'id': 'c5491021-fec5-4e4a-8651-eda927d8e473',
   'example': False},
  {'content': 'Hello! How can I assist you today?',
   'additional_kwargs': {},
   'response_metadata': {},
   'type': 'ai',
   'name': 'supervisor',
   'id': '52e4fd16-235a-4ac2-bdba-3a20d19870a3',
   'example': False,
   'tool_calls': [],
   'invalid_tool_calls': [],
   'usage_metadata': None}],
 'tasks': []}

Example: IPL

$ pip install imandra
$ ipython

In [1]: from imandra.ipl import Client

In [2]: client = Client()

In [3]: job_id = client.unsat_analysis('/path/to/model.ipl')

In [4]: client.status(job_id)
Out[4]: 'processing'

In [5]: client.wait(job_id)
Out[5]: 'done'

In [6]: data =

In [7]: print(data['content'].decode('ascii'))
For message flow `simple_orders_one`, unsat cores: []


The imandra package also adds an entry point called imandra-cli which exposes the imandra library functionality in a more discoverable way:

$ python3 -m venv ./my/venv
$ ./my/venv/pip install imandra
$ ./my/venv/bin/imandra-cli --help
usage: imandra [-h] auth,ipl,core,rule-synth,cfb ...

Imandra CLI

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

On Windows, the entry point can be found as .\my\venv\Scripts\imandra-cli.exe.

CLI Authentication

This is the first step to start using the Imandra CLI. Our cloud environment requires a user account, which you can setup like this:

$ ./my/venv/bin/imandra-cli auth login

and follow the prompts to authenticate. This will create the relevant credentials in ~/.imandra (or %APPDATA%\imandra on Windows).

You should now be able to invoke CLI commands that require authentication.