Module imandrax_api.twirp.logging
def configure(force=False)
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def configure(force = False): """ Configures logging & structlog modules Keyword Arguments: force: Force to reconfigure logging. """ global _configured if _configured and not force: return # Check whether debug flag is set debug = os.environ.get('DEBUG_MODE', False) # Set appropriate log level if debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.INFO # Set logging config logging.basicConfig( level = log_level, format = "%(message)s", ) # Configure structlog structlog.configure( logger_factory = LoggerFactory(), processors = [ add_log_level, # Add timestamp structlog.processors.TimeStamper('iso'), # Add stack information structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer(), # Set exception field using exec info structlog.processors.format_exc_info, # Render event_dict as JSON structlog.processors.JSONRenderer() ] ) _configured = True
Configures logging & structlog modules
Keyword Arguments: force: Force to reconfigure logging.
def get_logger(**kwargs)
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def get_logger(**kwargs): """ Get the structlog logger """ # Configure logging modules configure() # Return structlog return structlog.get_logger(**kwargs)
Get the structlog logger