Module Imandrakit_twine.Encode

module Immediate = Immediate
type immediate = Immediate.t
type t
val create : unit -> t

New encoder.

val reset : t -> unit

Reset the encoder. Previous slices obtained via finalize are invalidated.

type 'a encoder = t -> 'a -> immediate
val ignore_offset : int -> unit

Used when we don't use the resulting offset


val write_immediate : t -> immediate -> int

write_immediate enc i writes down i and returns an immediate pointer to it

val write_or_ref_immediate : t -> immediate -> int

write_or_deref_immediate enc i looks at i, and if i is Pointer p, it returns p; otherwise it writes down i and returns a pointer to it.

val tag : t -> tag:int -> v:immediate -> immediate


val array_init : t -> int -> (int -> immediate) -> immediate
val array : t -> immediate array -> immediate
val array_iter : t -> immediate Iter.t -> immediate
val list : t -> immediate list -> immediate


val dict : t -> int -> (int -> immediate * immediate) -> immediate
val dict_iter : t -> (immediate * immediate) Iter.t -> immediate
val dict_list : t -> (immediate * immediate) list -> immediate

Sum types

val cstor : t -> index:int -> immediate array -> immediate

Top value

val finalize : t -> entrypoint:immediate -> Imandrakit_bytes.Byte_slice.t

Finalize by writing the entrypoint, and get the result as a byte slice

  • parameter top

    the offset of the toplevel/entrypoint value

val finalize_copy : t -> entrypoint:immediate -> string

Finalize, and get a copy of the result. See finalize

val encode_to_string : 'a encoder -> 'a -> string

Full entrypoint

val to_string : 'a encoder -> 'a -> string
  • deprecated use encode_to_string instead


Caching is used to create/preserve sharing in the encoded slice, by actively storing, in a hashtable, the offset where a value was previously encoded.

type 'a cache_key
val create_cache_key : (module Stdlib.Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a cache_key

Create a new (generative) cache key for a hashable + comparable type.

NOTE this should be called only at module toplevel, as a constant, not dynamically inside a function: let key = create_cache_key (module …);;. Indeed, this is generative, so creating multiple keys for a type will result in sub-par or inexistant caching.

val with_cache : ?max_string_size:int -> 'a cache_key -> 'a encoder -> 'a encoder

with_cache key enc is the same encoder as enc, but with caching. When encoding a value x:'a, the cache key is used to detect if x was already encoded to some entry, and uses a pointer to this entry instead of re-serializing x.

  • parameter max_string_size

    strings and blobs above this size are written once and referred to by pointer

val add_cache : ?max_string_size:int -> (module Stdlib.Hashtbl.HashedType with type t = 'a) -> 'a encoder ref -> unit

add_cache (module …) enc_ref modifies the given encoder so that it goes through a layer of caching. This is the same as:

let key = create_cache_key (module …)
let () = enc_ref := with_cache key !enc_ref
val add_cache_with : ?max_string_size:int -> eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> hash:('a -> int) -> 'a encoder ref -> unit

Shortcut for add_cache