This module contains updated versions of node constructors that were kept stable when the node changed. For every function in this module, there's an equally-named function outside this module. The function outside this module will stay stable, whereas the function inside this module will adapt potential upcoming new compiler features. Only use a function in this module, if the equally-named one outside this module is missing a feature you need.
val ppat_construct :
loc:Astlib.Location.t ->
Astlib.Longident.t Astlib.Location.loc ->
(string Astlib.Location.loc list * Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.pattern) option ->
val constructor_declaration :
loc:Astlib.Location.t ->
name:string Astlib.Location.loc ->
vars:string Astlib.Location.loc list ->
args:Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.constructor_arguments ->
res:Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.core_type option ->
unit ->