Analysing Web-app Authentication Logic¶
When writing and refactoring we often have to make a lot of assumptions about how our code works. Here we'll look at some example authentication logic written in OCaml that you might find a standard web application codebase, and use Imandra as a tool to analyse it.
Let's imagine our system currently has a user represented by this type:
Right. Let's take a look at the core of the authentication logic itself.
type auth_result = Authed | Not_authed;;
let get_auth_result (path: string) (u : user) : auth_result =
if String.prefix "/user/" path then
if String.prefix ("/user/" ^ u.username) path then
else if String.prefix "/admin" path then
if u.is_admin then
(* Temporary hack to give co-founder accounts admin access for the demo! - DA 06/05/15 *)
if List.exists (fun au -> au = u.username) ["diego"; "shannon"] then
There's even a few tests (although they are a bit rusty...)!
type test_result = Pass | Fail;;
let run_test f = if f then Pass else Fail;;
run_test ((get_auth_result "/" { username = "test"; email = "email"; is_admin = false }) = Authed);;
run_test ((get_auth_result "/admin" { username = "test"; email = "email"; is_admin = false }) = Not_authed);;
run_test ((get_auth_result "/admin" { username = "test"; email = "email"; is_admin = true }) = Authed);;
run_test ((get_auth_result "/user/paula" { username = "joe"; email = "email"; is_admin = false } = Not_authed));;
run_test ((get_auth_result "/user/paula" { username = "paula"; email = "email"; is_admin = false } = Authed));;
run_test ((get_auth_result "/user/paula/profile" { username = "paula"; email = "email"; is_admin = false } = Authed));;
However the tests haven't quite covered all the cases. Let's use Imandra to verify a few things. Note that we've got tests for is_admin = true
(test 2) and is_admin = false
(test 3) on the /admin
route above, but this only checks that these inputs give the desired outcome, and not that all inputs do. So let's verify that all non-admin users are not authenticated for the admin area.
verify (fun u -> u.is_admin = false ==> (get_auth_result "/admin" u) = Not_authed)
This verification fails, and Imandra gives us an example input that violates the assumption we gave it - we hadn't considered the users added by the 'temporary hack' code path in our tests!
We can also ask for a decomposition of all the regions in the get_auth_result
function, which gives us an idea of the various conditions and complexity: