Module Astlib.Migrate_501_502

module From = Ast_501
module To = Ast_502

Look for a particular attribute and remove it from the list. Attributes are used to make certain migrations round-trip. Returns None if the specified attribute is not found.

val migrate_ppx_context_load_path : Ast_501.Parsetree.expression -> Ast_501.Parsetree.expression
val migrate_ppx_context_payload : Ast_501.Parsetree.payload -> Ast_501.Parsetree.payload
val copy_class_infos : 'f0 'g0. ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_501.Parsetree.class_infos -> 'g0 Ast_502.Parsetree.class_infos
val copy_include_infos : 'f0 'g0. ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_501.Parsetree.include_infos -> 'g0 Ast_502.Parsetree.include_infos
val copy_open_infos : 'f0 'g0. ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_501.Parsetree.open_infos -> 'g0 Ast_502.Parsetree.open_infos
val copy_Longident_t : Longident.t -> Longident.t
val copy_loc : 'f0 'g0. ('f0 -> 'g0) -> 'f0 Ast_501.Asttypes.loc -> 'g0 Ast_502.Asttypes.loc
val copy_location : Location.t -> Location.t