Module Fix_global_state

val (>>=) : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t
type incoming_event =
| FIX_Message of Full_messages.full_top_level_msg
| Internal_Message of Fix_engine_state.fix_engine_int_inc_msg
| ModelAction of Actions.fix_action
| Terminate
type fix_global_state = {
incoming : incoming_event Lwt_mvar.t;
pub_callback : (Model_messages.model_msg -> Imandra_prelude.unit Lwt.t) option;
engine_state : Fix_engine_state.fix_engine_state;
model_state : State.model_state;
fix_callback : Full_messages.full_top_level_msg -> Imandra_prelude.unit Lwt.t;

Global state contains a fix_engine state and model_state

val _pp_incoming : incoming_event -> Imandra_prelude.String.t
val send_all_outgoing_fix : Fix_engine_state.fix_engine_state -> (Full_messages.full_top_level_msg -> Imandra_prelude.unit Lwt.t) -> Fix_engine_state.fix_engine_state Lwt.t

Running Fix_engine.one_step while there are outgoing messages and calling the fix_callback function for each

val send_messages_list : Model_messages.model_msg list -> Fix_engine_state.fix_engine_state -> (Full_messages.full_top_level_msg -> Imandra_prelude.unit Lwt.t) -> (Model_messages.model_msg -> Imandra_prelude.unit Lwt.t) option -> Fix_engine_state.fix_engine_state Lwt.t

Iterating over a list of model messages, pass each into fix_eigine and send anything that fix_engine produces

val while_busy_loop : fix_global_state -> fix_global_state Lwt.t
val main_loop : fix_global_state -> unit Lwt.t
val start : ?⁠pub:(Model_messages.model_msg -> Imandra_prelude.unit Lwt.t) option -> Fix_engine_state.fix_engine_state -> State.model_state -> (Full_messages.full_top_level_msg -> Imandra_prelude.unit Lwt.t) -> incoming_event Lwt_mvar.t * unit Lwt.t