Analysing Machine Learning Models With Imandra

In this notebook we show how Imandra can be used to analyse and reason about models that have been learnt from data, an important and exciting topic bridging the gap between formal methods and machine learning (ML). Brief notes and some links are included, but for a fuller explanation (with code snippets included for reference) see our corresponding Medium post. You can also find all of our code for both learning and analysing our models on GitHub.

To illustrate this approach we'll be looking at (relatively simple) examples from two of the most common tasks within supervised learning (and ML more generally): classification and regression. In particular, we'll show how two of the most common kinds of model used to perform these tasks, random forests and neural networks, can be analysed using Imandra. For each task we'll use a real-world benchmark dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and create our models using Python with some standard ML libraries.

We'll mostly be working with reals in this notebook so we'll start by installing a pretty printer so that we're not overrun with digits.

In [1]:
let pp_approx fmt r = CCFormat.fprintf fmt "%s" (Real.to_string_approx r) [@@program]
#install_printer pp_approx
val pp_approx : Format.formatter -> real -> unit = <fun>


In a classification task we want to learn to predict the label of a datapoint based on previous data. In the classic Wisconsin Breast Cancer (Diagnostic) dataset) the task is to predict whether the cancer is benign or malignant based on the features of cell nuclei. In the dataset we have the following variables:

1. ID number
2. Diagnosis (malignant or benign)
3-32. Real values for the mean, standard error, and the 'worst' value for each cell nucleus'
      a) Radius
      b) Texture
      c) Perimeter
      d) Area
      e) Smoothness
      f) Compactness
      g) Concavity
      h) Concave points
      i) Symmetry
      j) Fractal dimension

As is standard practice we pre-process the data before learning. First we standardise each variable to have zero mean and unit variance, then remove all but one from sets of highly correlated variables, along with those that have low mutual information with respect to the target variable. The data is split into training (80%) and test (20%) sets and we use Scikit-Learn to learn a random forest of 3 decision trees of maximum depth 3. As this is a relatively straightforward problem even this simple model achieves a fairly high accuracy. Using a short Python script each tree is then converted to Imandra Modelling Language (IML) and can be reasoned about using Imandra.

In [2]:
let tree_0 (f_0 : real) (f_1 : real) (f_2 : real) (f_3 : real) (f_4 : real) (f_5 : real) (f_6 : real) = let open Real in
  if f_2 <=. (-0.10815) then
    if f_0 <=. (0.26348) then
      if f_6 <=. (-0.06176) then
        (236.0, 1.0)
        (17.0, 5.0)
      if f_3 <=. (-0.54236) then
        (8.0, 2.0)
        (3.0, 7.0)
    if f_6 <=. (0.09812) then
      if f_6 <=. (-0.17063) then
        (24.0, 0.0)
        (4.0, 2.0)
      if f_2 <=. (2.65413) then
        (6.0, 128.0)
        (7.0, 5.0);;

let tree_1 (f_0 : real) (f_1 : real) (f_2 : real) (f_3 : real) (f_4 : real) (f_5 : real) (f_6 : real) = let open Real in
  if f_5 <=. (-0.05799) then
    if f_0 <=. (0.68524) then
      if f_1 <=. (-0.83180) then
        (110.0, 3.0)
        (137.0, 0.0)
      if f_3 <=. (0.45504) then
        (1.0, 8.0)
        (0.0, 7.0)
    if f_0 <=. (-0.18668) then
      if f_6 <=. (0.45214) then
        (39.0, 0.0)
        (2.0, 11.0)
      if f_6 <=. (-0.00009) then
        (8.0, 4.0)
        (5.0, 120.0);;

let tree_2 (f_0 : real) (f_1 : real) (f_2 : real) (f_3 : real) (f_4 : real) (f_5 : real) (f_6 : real) = let open Real in
  if f_2 <=. (0.10459) then
    if f_5 <=. (-0.38015) then
      if f_5 <=. (-0.60659) then
        (139.0, 1.0)
        (44.0, 3.0)
      if f_6 <=. (-0.07927) then
        (38.0, 2.0)
        (25.0, 17.0)
    if f_6 <=. (0.46888) then
      if f_3 <=. (0.41642) then
        (28.0, 3.0)
        (1.0, 4.0)
      if f_2 <=. (1.74327) then
        (3.0, 122.0)
        (4.0, 21.0);;

let rf (f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_5, f_6) = let open Real in
let (a_0, b_0) = tree_0 f_0 f_1 f_2 f_3 f_4 f_5 f_6 in
let (a_1, b_1) = tree_1 f_0 f_1 f_2 f_3 f_4 f_5 f_6 in
let (a_2, b_2) = tree_2 f_0 f_1 f_2 f_3 f_4 f_5 f_6 in
let a = a_0 + a_1 + a_2 in
let b = b_0 + b_1 + b_2 in
(a, b);;
val tree_0 :
  real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real * real = <fun>
val tree_1 :
  real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real * real = <fun>
val tree_2 :
  real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real -> real * real = <fun>
val rf : real * real * real * real * real * real * real -> real * real =

We can create a custom input type in Imandra for our model, so that we can keep track of the different features of our data.

In [3]:
type rf_input = {
  radius_mean : real;
  compactness_mean : real;
  concavity_mean : real;
  radius_se : real;
  compactness_worst : real;
  concavity_worst : real;
  concave_points_worst : real;
type rf_input = {
  radius_mean : real;
  compactness_mean : real;
  concavity_mean : real;
  radius_se : real;
  compactness_worst : real;
  concavity_worst : real;
  concave_points_worst : real;

However, remember that we also processed our data before learning. To make things easier we'll add in a function applying this transformation to each input variable. Here we simply use some multiplicative and additive scaling values extracted during our data pre-processing stage. After that we can define a full model which combines these pre-processing steps and the random forest.

In [4]:
let process_rf_input input = let open Real in
let f_0 = (input.radius_mean          - 14.12729) / 3.52405 in
let f_1 = (input.compactness_mean     - 0.10434)  / 0.05281 in
let f_2 = (input.concavity_mean       - 0.08880)  / 0.07972 in
let f_3 = (input.radius_se            - 0.40517)  / 0.27731 in
let f_4 = (input.compactness_worst    - 0.25427)  / 0.15734 in
let f_5 = (input.concavity_worst      - 0.27219)  / 0.20862 in
let f_6 = (input.concave_points_worst - 0.11461)  / 0.06573 in
(f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_5, f_6)

let process_rf_output c =
let (a, b) = c in
if a >. b then "benign" else "malignant"

let rf_model input = input |> process_rf_input |> rf |> process_rf_output
val process_rf_input :
  rf_input -> real * real * real * real * real * real * real = <fun>
val process_rf_output : real * real -> string = <fun>
val rf_model : rf_input -> string = <fun>

As our model is fully executable we can both query it as well as find counterexamples, prove properties, apply logical side-conditions, decompose its regions, and more. As a quick sanity check to make sure everything is working, let's run a datum from our dataset through the model. In particular, we'll input (17.99, 0.2776, 0.3001, 1.095, 0.6656, 0.7119, 0.2654) which is classified as malignant in the data.

In [5]:
let x = {
  radius_mean = 17.99;
  compactness_mean = 0.2776;
  concavity_mean = 0.3001;
  radius_se = 1.095;
  compactness_worst = 0.6656;
  concavity_worst = 0.7119;
  concave_points_worst = 0.7119;

let y = rf_model x
val x : rf_input =
  {radius_mean = 17.99; compactness_mean = 0.2776; concavity_mean = 0.3001;
   radius_se = 1.095; compactness_worst = 0.6656; concavity_worst = 0.7119;
   concave_points_worst = 0.7119}
val y : string = "malignant"

Great, just what we'd expect. Now we'll use Imandra to generate an example datapoint for us given that diagnosis is benign.

In [6]:
instance (fun x -> rf_model x = "benign")
- : rf_input -> bool = <fun>
module CX : sig val x : rf_input end
Instance (after 0 steps, 0.020s):
let x : rf_input =
  {radius_mean = (-216972096653/500000000);
   compactness_mean = (-140469793679/500000000);
   concavity_mean = (-4048959910859/500000000); radius_se = 5853;
   compactness_worst = 9; concavity_worst = (-5709271784029/5000000000);
   concave_points_worst = (-47569488241/78125000)}
proof attempt
num checks:2
arith assert lower:7
arith tableau max rows:1
arith tableau max columns:39
arith pivots:3
rlimit count:3538
mk clause:63
datatype occurs check:25
mk bool var:148
arith assert upper:15
datatype accessor ax:28
arith num rows:1
datatype constructor ax:4
num allocs:7657784
final checks:1
added eqs:93
arith eq adapter:6
max memory:17.450000
  • start[0.020s]
      let (_x_0 : real) = ….2 in
      let (_x_1 : (Real.t * Real.t)) = if _x_0 <= (-2163/20000) then … else …
      let (_x_2 : (Real.t * Real.t))
          = if ….5 <= (-5799/100000) then … else …
      let (_x_3 : (Real.t * Real.t)) = if _x_0 <= 10459/100000 then … else …
      (if _x_1.0 +. _x_2.0 +. _x_3.0 > _x_1.1 +. _x_2.1 +. _x_3.1 then "benign"
       else "malignant")
      = "benign"
  • simplify

    let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_mean in
    let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concave_points_worst in
    let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_se in
    let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_mean in
    let (_x_4 : (Real.t * Real.t))
        = if _x_0 <= 40089141/500000000
            if _x_3 <= 7527903347/500000000
            then if _x_1 <= 8636759/78125000 then … else …
            else if _x_2 <= 636920371/2500000000 then … else …
          if _x_1 <= 302648569/2500000000
          then if _x_1 <= 1033944901/10000000000 then … else …
          else if _x_0 <= 750968109/2500000000 then … else …
    let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_worst in
    let (_x_6 : (Real.t * Real.t))
        = if _x_5 <= 1300460631/5000000000
            if _x_3 <= 8271055011/500000000
              if ( :var_0: ).compactness_mean <= 30206321/500000000 then …
              else …
            else if _x_2 <= 166049107/312500000 then … else …
          if _x_3 <= 6734710173/500000000
          then if _x_1 <= 721645811/5000000000 then … else …
          else if _x_1 <= 1146040843/10000000000 then … else …
    let (_x_7 : (Real.t * Real.t))
        = if _x_0 <= 242844787/2500000000
            if _x_5 <= 192883107/1000000000
            then if _x_5 <= 728215971/5000000000 then … else …
            else if _x_1 <= 1093995829/10000000000 then … else …
          if _x_1 <= 181786853/1250000000
          then if _x_2 <= 2603237151/5000000000 then … else …
          else if _x_0 <= 569433711/2500000000 then … else …
    (if _x_4.0 +. _x_6.0 +. _x_7.0 <= _x_4.1 +. _x_6.1 +. _x_7.1 then "malignant"
     else "benign")
    = "benign"
      • Sat (Some let x : rf_input = {radius_mean = (Q.of_string "-216972096653/500000000"); compactness_mean = (Q.of_string "-140469793679/500000000"); concavity_mean = (Q.of_string "-4048959910859/500000000"); radius_se = (Q.of_nativeint (5853n)); compactness_worst = (Q.of_nativeint (9n)); concavity_worst = (Q.of_string "-5709271784029/5000000000"); concave_points_worst = (Q.of_string "-47569488241/78125000")} )
      In [7]:
      - : rf_input =
      {radius_mean = -433.944193306; compactness_mean = -280.939587358;
       concavity_mean = -8097.91982172; radius_se = 5853.; compactness_worst = 9.;
       concavity_worst = -1141.85435681; concave_points_worst = -608.889449485}

      This looks a bit funny however; notice how the unspecified input variables are unbounded in a way that doesn't make sense with respect to the data. In general we might only care about the performance of our model when some reasonable bounds are placed on the input (for example, the mean radius can't be negative, and if the values for this variable in our dataset range between 6.98 and 28.11 we wouldn't really expect any value greater than, say, 35). Using the description of each variable in the dataset we can form a condition describing valid and reasonable inputs to our model. In machine learning more generally, we are typically only interested in the performance and quality of a model over some particular distribution of data, which we often have particular prior beliefs about.

      In [8]:
      let is_valid_rf input =
        5.0 <=. input.radius_mean && input.radius_mean <=. 35.0 &&
        0.0 <=. input.compactness_mean && input.compactness_mean <=. 0.4 &&
        0.0 <=. input.concavity_mean && input.concavity_mean <=. 0.5 &&
        0.0 <=. input.radius_se && input.radius_se <=. 3.5 &&
        0.0 <=. input.compactness_worst && input.compactness_worst <=. 1.2 &&
        0.0 <=. input.concavity_worst && input.concavity_worst <=. 1.5 &&
        0.0 <=. input.concave_points_worst && input.concave_points_worst <=. 0.35
      instance (fun x -> rf_model x = "benign" && is_valid_rf x)
      val is_valid_rf : rf_input -> bool = <fun>
      - : rf_input -> bool = <fun>
      module CX : sig val x : rf_input end
      Instance (after 0 steps, 0.020s):
      let x : rf_input =
        {radius_mean = 15370932811137/2500000000000;
         compactness_mean = 13562638129/5000000000000;
         concavity_mean = 11265048621/5000000000000; radius_se = 40971/20000;
         compactness_worst = 321/5000;
         concavity_worst = 443483526339/50000000000000;
         concave_points_worst = 34970237191/390625000000}
      proof attempt
      num checks:2
      arith assert lower:14
      arith tableau max rows:1
      arith tableau max columns:39
      arith pivots:3
      rlimit count:4512
      mk clause:63
      datatype occurs check:25
      mk bool var:162
      arith assert upper:22
      datatype accessor ax:28
      arith num rows:1
      datatype constructor ax:4
      num allocs:15467374
      final checks:1
      added eqs:93
      arith eq adapter:6
      max memory:18.090000
      • start[0.020s]
          let (_x_0 : real) = ….2 in
          let (_x_1 : (Real.t * Real.t)) = if _x_0 <= (-2163/20000) then … else …
          let (_x_2 : (Real.t * Real.t))
              = if ….5 <= (-5799/100000) then … else …
          let (_x_3 : (Real.t * Real.t)) = if _x_0 <= 10459/100000 then … else …
          let (_x_4 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_mean in
          let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_mean in
          let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_mean in
          let (_x_7 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_se in
          let (_x_8 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_worst in
          let (_x_9 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_worst in
          let (_x_10 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concave_points_worst in
          ((if _x_1.0 +. _x_2.0 +. _x_3.0 > _x_1.1 +. _x_2.1 +. _x_3.1 then "benign"
            else "malignant")
           = "benign")
          && ((5 <= _x_4)
              && ((_x_4 <= 35)
                  && ((0 <= _x_5)
                      && ((_x_5 <= 2/5)
                          && ((0 <= _x_6)
                              && ((_x_6 <= 1/2)
                                  && ((0 <= _x_7)
                                      && ((_x_7 <= 7/2)
                                          && ((0 <= _x_8)
                                              && ((_x_8 <= 6/5)
                                                  && ((0 <= _x_9)
                                                      && ((_x_9 <= 3/2)
                                                          && ((0 <= _x_10)
                                                              && (_x_10 <= 7/20))))))))))))))
      • simplify

        let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_mean in
        let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concave_points_worst in
        let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_se in
        let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_mean in
        let (_x_4 : (Real.t * Real.t))
            = if _x_0 <= 40089141/500000000
                if _x_3 <= 7527903347/500000000
                then if _x_1 <= 8636759/78125000 then … else …
                else if _x_2 <= 636920371/2500000000 then … else …
              if _x_1 <= 302648569/2500000000
              then if _x_1 <= 1033944901/10000000000 then … else …
              else if _x_0 <= 750968109/2500000000 then … else …
        let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_mean in
        let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_worst in
        let (_x_7 : (Real.t * Real.t))
            = if _x_6 <= 1300460631/5000000000
                if _x_3 <= 8271055011/500000000
                then if _x_5 <= 30206321/500000000 then … else …
                else if _x_2 <= 166049107/312500000 then … else …
              if _x_3 <= 6734710173/500000000
              then if _x_1 <= 721645811/5000000000 then … else …
              else if _x_1 <= 1146040843/10000000000 then … else …
        let (_x_8 : (Real.t * Real.t))
            = if _x_0 <= 242844787/2500000000
                if _x_6 <= 192883107/1000000000
                then if _x_6 <= 728215971/5000000000 then … else …
                else if _x_1 <= 1093995829/10000000000 then … else …
              if _x_1 <= 181786853/1250000000
              then if _x_2 <= 2603237151/5000000000 then … else …
              else if _x_0 <= 569433711/2500000000 then … else …
        let (_x_9 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_worst in
        ((if _x_4.0 +. _x_7.0 +. _x_8.0 <= _x_4.1 +. _x_7.1 +. _x_8.1
          then "malignant" else "benign")
         = "benign")
        && (5 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 35) && (0 <= _x_5) && (_x_5 <= 2/5) && (0 <= _x_0)
        && (_x_0 <= 1/2) && (0 <= _x_2) && (_x_2 <= 7/2) && (0 <= _x_9)
        && (_x_9 <= 6/5) && (0 <= _x_6) && (_x_6 <= 3/2) && (0 <= _x_1)
        && (_x_1 <= 7/20)
          • Sat (Some let x : rf_input = {radius_mean = (Q.of_string "15370932811137/2500000000000"); compactness_mean = (Q.of_string "13562638129/5000000000000"); concavity_mean = (Q.of_string "11265048621/5000000000000"); radius_se = (Q.of_string "40971/20000"); compactness_worst = (Q.of_string "321/5000"); concavity_worst = (Q.of_string "443483526339/50000000000000"); concave_points_worst = (Q.of_string "34970237191/390625000000")} )
          In [9]:
          - : rf_input =
          {radius_mean = 6.14837312445; compactness_mean = 0.0027125276258;
           concavity_mean = 0.0022530097242; radius_se = 2.04855;
           compactness_worst = 0.0642; concavity_worst = 0.00886967052678;
           concave_points_worst = 0.089523807209}

          This looks much better. Now let's move on to reasoning about our model in more interesting ways. One thing we can do is check the validity of certain constraints we might want our model to satisfy. For example, if the surface of a cell nucleus has many, large concave sections then is a particularly negative sign indicating that the cancer is likely to be malignant. We can use Imandra to easily verify that our model always classifies a sample of highly concave cells as malignant.

          In [10]:
          verify (fun x -> is_valid_rf x
                  && x.concavity_mean >=. 0.4
                  && x.concavity_worst >=. 1.0
                  && x.concave_points_worst >=. 0.25
                  ==> rf_model x = "malignant")
          - : rf_input -> bool = <fun>
          num checks:2
          arith assert lower:30
          arith tableau max rows:1
          arith tableau max columns:40
          arith pivots:2
          rlimit count:4443
          mk clause:50
          mk bool var:171
          arith assert upper:16
          datatype accessor ax:28
          arith conflicts:2
          arith num rows:1
          datatype constructor ax:4
          num allocs:26248381
          added eqs:102
          del clause:4
          arith eq adapter:8
          max memory:18.540000
          • start[0.021s]
              let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_mean in
              let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_mean in
              let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_mean in
              let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_se in
              let (_x_4 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_worst in
              let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_worst in
              let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concave_points_worst in
              let (_x_7 : real) = ….2 in
              let (_x_8 : (Real.t * Real.t)) = if _x_7 <= (-2163/20000) then … else …
              let (_x_9 : (Real.t * Real.t))
                  = if ….5 <= (-5799/100000) then … else …
              let (_x_10 : (Real.t * Real.t)) = if _x_7 <= 10459/100000 then … else …
              (5 <= _x_0)
              && ((_x_0 <= 35)
                  && ((0 <= _x_1)
                      && ((_x_1 <= 2/5)
                          && ((0 <= _x_2)
                              && ((_x_2 <= 1/2)
                                  && ((0 <= _x_3)
                                      && ((_x_3 <= 7/2)
                                          && ((0 <= _x_4)
                                              && ((_x_4 <= 6/5)
                                                  && ((0 <= _x_5)
                                                      && ((_x_5 <= 3/2)
                                                          && ((0 <= _x_6)
                                                              && (_x_6 <= 7/20)))))))))))))
              && ((_x_2 >= 2/5) && ((_x_5 >= 1) && (_x_6 >= 1/4)))
              ==> (if _x_8.0 +. _x_9.0 +. _x_10.0 > _x_8.1 +. _x_9.1 +. _x_10.1
                   then "benign" else "malignant")
                  = "malignant"
          • simplify

            let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_mean in
            let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_mean in
            let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_mean in
            let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).radius_se in
            let (_x_4 : real) = ( :var_0: ).compactness_worst in
            let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concavity_worst in
            let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_0: ).concave_points_worst in
            let (_x_7 : (Real.t * Real.t))
                = if _x_2 <= 40089141/500000000
                    if _x_0 <= 7527903347/500000000
                    then if _x_6 <= 8636759/78125000 then … else …
                    else if _x_3 <= 636920371/2500000000 then … else …
                  if _x_6 <= 302648569/2500000000
                  then if _x_6 <= 1033944901/10000000000 then … else …
                  else if _x_2 <= 750968109/2500000000 then … else …
            let (_x_8 : (Real.t * Real.t))
                = if _x_5 <= 1300460631/5000000000
                    if _x_0 <= 8271055011/500000000
                    then if _x_1 <= 30206321/500000000 then … else …
                    else if _x_3 <= 166049107/312500000 then … else …
                  if _x_0 <= 6734710173/500000000
                  then if _x_6 <= 721645811/5000000000 then … else …
                  else if _x_6 <= 1146040843/10000000000 then … else …
            let (_x_9 : (Real.t * Real.t))
                = if _x_2 <= 242844787/2500000000
                    if _x_5 <= 192883107/1000000000
                    then if _x_5 <= 728215971/5000000000 then … else …
                    else if _x_6 <= 1093995829/10000000000 then … else …
                  if _x_6 <= 181786853/1250000000
                  then if _x_3 <= 2603237151/5000000000 then … else …
                  else if _x_2 <= 569433711/2500000000 then … else …
            ((5 <= _x_0) && (_x_0 <= 35) && (0 <= _x_1) && (_x_1 <= 2/5) && (0 <= _x_2)
             && (_x_2 <= 1/2) && (0 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 7/2) && (0 <= _x_4)
             && (_x_4 <= 6/5) && (0 <= _x_5) && (_x_5 <= 3/2) && (0 <= _x_6)
             && (_x_6 <= 7/20) && (_x_2 >= 2/5) && (_x_5 >= 1) && (_x_6 >= 1/4))
            || ((if _x_7.0 +. _x_8.0 +. _x_9.0 <= _x_7.1 +. _x_8.1 +. _x_9.1
                 then "malignant" else "benign")
                = "malignant")
              • Unsat

              The nested if ... then ... else statements in how the trees are defined mean that they are a prime candidate for Imandra's region decomposition functionality. As well as the total model we can of course also decompose the individual trees making up the ensemble.

              In [11]:
     ~assuming:"is_valid_rf" "rf_model"
              - : Modular_decomp_intf.decomp_ref = <abstr>
              Regions details

              No group selected.

              • Concrete regions are numbered
              • Unnumbered regions are groups whose children share a particular constraint
              • Click on a region to view its details
              • Double click on a region to zoom in on it
              • Shift+double click to zoom out
              • Hit escape to reset back to the top
              decomp of (rf_model input
              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -9/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -9/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -9/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -9/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -9/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              22607/50000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -9/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              22607/50000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              22607/50000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 174327/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 174327/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 174327/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 174327/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 174327/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 174327/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              174327/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              174327/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              174327/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              174327/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              174327/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              174327/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -193/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -193/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -60659/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -193/3125

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -193/3125

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -60659/100000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -7603/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -7927/100000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -9/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -9/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -9/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -9/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              -193/3125 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -193/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -193/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -193/3125

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= -2163/20000

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > -7927/100000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              -2163/20000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 10459/100000

              -7927/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              -7603/20000 < ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -9/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              22607/50000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -9/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 22607/50000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              10459/100000 < ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) <= 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= -17063/100000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 2453/25000

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              2453/25000 < ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) <= 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              ((input.concavity_mean - 111/1250) / 1993/25000) > 265413/100000

              ((input.concave_points_worst - 11461/100000) / 6573/100000) > 5861/12500

              ((input.concavity_worst - 27219/100000) / 10431/50000) <= -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              0 <= input.concavity_mean <= 1/2

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.concavity_worst <= 3/2

              0 <= input.concave_points_worst <= 7/20

              In [12]:
              - : Modular_decomp_intf.decomp_ref = <abstr>
              Regions details

              No group selected.

              • Concrete regions are numbered
              • Unnumbered regions are groups whose children share a particular constraint
              • Click on a region to view its details
              • Double click on a region to zoom in on it
              • Shift+double click to zoom out
              • Hit escape to reset back to the top
              decomp of (tree_0 f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_5, f_6
              f_6 <= -193/3125

              f_0 <= 6587/25000

              f_2 <= -2163/20000

              f_6 > -193/3125

              f_0 <= 6587/25000

              f_2 <= -2163/20000

              f_3 <= -13559/25000

              f_0 > 6587/25000

              f_2 <= -2163/20000

              f_3 > -13559/25000

              f_0 > 6587/25000

              f_2 <= -2163/20000

              f_6 <= -17063/100000

              f_2 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 < f_6 <= 2453/25000

              f_2 > -2163/20000

              -2163/20000 < f_2 <= 265413/100000

              f_6 > 2453/25000

              f_2 > 265413/100000

              f_6 > 2453/25000


              We can also use side conditions on the region decomposition of our model by using the ~assuming: flag. One application here is in simulating partial observability. Perhaps we know most of the measurements for a particular set of cells and we'd like to see how the classification of the input depends on the remaining features. Let's imagine that we only have the concavity measurements for a particular patient's cell sample and we'd like to see how the output of our model depends on the values of the other features.

              In [13]:
              let partial_observation x =
                is_valid_rf x &&
                x.concavity_mean = 0.04295 &&
                x.concavity_worst = 0.26000 &&
                x.concave_points_worst = 0.11460;;
     ~prune:true ~assuming:"partial_observation" "rf_model" [@@program];;
              val partial_observation : rf_input -> bool = <fun>
              - : Modular_decomp_intf.decomp_ref = <abstr>
              Regions details

              No group selected.

              • Concrete regions are numbered
              • Unnumbered regions are groups whose children share a particular constraint
              • Click on a region to view its details
              • Double click on a region to zoom in on it
              • Shift+double click to zoom out
              • Hit escape to reset back to the top
              decomp of (rf_model input
              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -9/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -1/6573 > -9/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -1/6573 > -9/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -9/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 22607/50000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              22607/50000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -9/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 22607/50000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              22607/50000 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -9/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 22607/50000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 22607/50000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              22607/50000 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              174327/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              174327/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              174327/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              174327/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              174327/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              174327/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 174327/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 174327/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 174327/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 174327/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 174327/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 174327/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -60659/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -7603/20000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -60659/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -7927/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              -4667/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -9/100000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -9/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 6587/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -9/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -9/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              -1/6573 > 22607/50000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              22607/50000 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -193/3125 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > -2163/20000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              10459/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -9/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 22607/50000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              22607/50000 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -9/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -1219/20862 > -5799/100000

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= -4667/25000

              22607/50000 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              20821/50000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              265413/100000 >= -4585/7972

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              -17063/100000 >= -1/6573

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 10459/100000

              2453/25000 >= -1/6573

              -1/6573 > -17063/100000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 2453/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              5861/12500 >= -1/6573

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 20821/50000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -4585/7972 > 265413/100000

              -1/6573 > 5861/12500

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              Regions details

              No group selected.

              • Concrete regions are numbered
              • Unnumbered regions are groups whose children share a particular constraint
              • Click on a region to view its details
              • Double click on a region to zoom in on it
              • Shift+double click to zoom out
              • Hit escape to reset back to the top
              decomp of (rf_model input
              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > 1422/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              -13559/25000 < ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= 1422/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) > 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) > -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 6587/25000

              -1/6573 > -193/3125

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) <= -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000

              -2163/20000 >= -4585/7972

              6587/25000 < ((input.radius_mean - 1412729/100000) / 70481/20000) <= 17131/25000

              ((input.radius_se - 40517/100000) / 27731/100000) > -13559/25000

              -5799/100000 >= -1219/20862

              ((input.compactness_mean - 5217/50000) / 5281/100000) <= -4159/5000

              -1219/20862 > -7603/20000

              -1/6573 > -7927/100000

              7/20 >= 573/5000

              859/20000 >= 0

              3/2 >= 13/50

              0 <= input.compactness_worst <= 6/5

              0 <= input.radius_se <= 7/2

              1/2 >= 859/20000

              0 <= input.compactness_mean <= 2/5

              5 <= input.radius_mean <= 35

              input.concavity_mean = 859/20000

              input.concavity_worst = 13/50

              input.concave_points_worst = 573/5000



              In a regression task we want to learn to predict the value(s) of some variable(s) based on previous data. In the commonly used Forest Fires dataset the aim is to predict the area burned by forest fires, in the northeast region of Portugal, by using meteorological and other data. This is a fairly difficult task and while the neural network below doesn't achieve state-of-the-art performance, it's enough to demonstrate how we can analyse relatively simple models in Imandra. In the dataset we have the following variables:

              1. X-axis spatial coordinate (within the Montesinho park map)
              2. Y-axis spatial coordinate (within the Montesinho park map)
              3. Month
              4. Day
              5. FFMC index (from the FWI system)
              6. DMC index (from the FWI system)
              7. DC index (from the FWI system)
              8. ISI index (from the FWI system)
              9. Temperature
              10. Relative percentage humidity
              11. Wind speed
              12. Rainfall
              13. Area of forest burned

              We again pre-process the data before learning by first transforming the month and day variables into a numerical value and applying a sine transformation (so that similar times are close in value), as well as removing outliers and applying an approximate logarithmic transformation to the area variable (as recommended in the dataset description). Each variable is scaled to lie between 0 and 1, and those with high correlations and/or low mutual information respect to the target variable are removed. We then split the data into training (80%) and test (20%) sets and use Keras to learn a simple feed-forward neural network with one (6 neuron) hidden layer, ReLU activation functions, and stochastic gradient descent to optimise the mean squared error. After saving our model as a .h5 file we use a short Python script to extract the network into an IML file and reason about it using Imandra.

              In [14]:
              let relu x = Real.(if x > 0.0 then x else 0.0);;
              let linear x = Real.(x)
              let layer_0 (x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5) = let open Real in
                let y_0 = relu @@ (0.20124)*x_0 + (-0.15722)*x_1 + (-0.19063)*x_2 + (-0.54562)*x_3 + (0.03425)*x_4 + (0.50104)*x_5 + -0.02768 in
                let y_1 = relu @@ (0.29103)*x_0 + (0.03180)*x_1 + (-0.16336)*x_2 + (0.17919)*x_3 + (0.32971)*x_4 + (-0.43206)*x_5 + -0.02620 in
                let y_2 = relu @@ (0.66419)*x_0 + (0.25399)*x_1 + (0.00449)*x_2 + (0.03841)*x_3 + (-0.51482)*x_4 + (0.58299)*x_5 + 0.11858 in
                let y_3 = relu @@ (0.47598)*x_0 + (-0.36142)*x_1 + (0.38981)*x_2 + (0.27632)*x_3 + (-0.61231)*x_4 + (-0.03662)*x_5 + -0.02890 in
                let y_4 = relu @@ (0.10277)*x_0 + (-0.28841)*x_1 + (0.04637)*x_2 + (0.28808)*x_3 + (0.05957)*x_4 + (-0.22041)*x_5 + 0.18270 in
                let y_5 = relu @@ (0.55604)*x_0 + (-0.04015)*x_1 + (0.10557)*x_2 + (0.60757)*x_3 + (-0.32314)*x_4 + (0.47933)*x_5 + -0.24876 in
                (y_0, y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4, y_5)
              let layer_1 (x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5) = let open Real in
                let y_0 = linear @@ (0.28248)*x_0 + (-0.25208)*x_1 + (-0.50075)*x_2 + (-0.07092)*x_3 + (-0.43189)*x_4 + (0.60065)*x_5 + 0.47136 in
              let nn (x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5) = let open Real in
                (x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5) |> layer_0 |> layer_1
              val relu : real -> real = <fun>
              val linear : 'a -> 'a = <fun>
              val layer_0 :
                real * real * real * real * real * real ->
                real * real * real * real * real * real = <fun>
              val layer_1 : real * real * real * real * real * real -> real = <fun>
              val nn : real * real * real * real * real * real -> real = <fun>

              Given the description of the dataset above we can again create some custom input types in Imandra for our model.

              In [15]:
              type month = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun| Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
              type day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
              type nn_input = {
                month : month;
                day : day;
                dmc : real;
                temp : real;
                rh : real;
                rain : real
              type month =
                | Feb
                | Mar
                | Apr
                | May
                | Jun
                | Jul
                | Aug
                | Sep
                | Oct
                | Nov
                | Dec
              type day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
              type nn_input = {
                month : month;
                day : day;
                dmc : real;
                temp : real;
                rh : real;
                rain : real;

              As before, because we pre-processed our data, we'll add in a function applying this transform to each input variable. Equally, we'll need to convert back to hectares for our output variable, again using some minimum and maximum values extracted during our data pre-processing stage. After that we define a full model which combines these pre/post-processing steps and the network above.

              In [16]:
              let month_2_num = let open Real in function
                | Jan -> 0.134
                | Feb -> 0.500
                | Mar -> 1.000
                | Apr -> 1.500
                | May -> 1.866
                | Jun -> 2.000
                | Jul -> 1.866
                | Aug -> 1.500
                | Sep -> 1.000
                | Oct -> 0.500
                | Nov -> 0.133
                | Dec -> 0.000
              let day_2_num = let open Real in function
                | Mon -> 0.377
                | Tue -> 1.223
                | Wed -> 1.901
                | Thu -> 1.901
                | Fri -> 1.223
                | Sat -> 0.377
                | Sun -> 0.000
              let process_nn_input input = let open Real in
                let real_month = month_2_num input.month in
                let real_day = day_2_num in
                let x_0 = (real_month - 0.0)  / (2.0   - 0.0)  in
                let x_1 = (real_day   - 0.0)  / (1.901 - 0.0)  in
                let x_2 = (input.dmc  - 1.1)  / (291.3 - 1.1)  in
                let x_3 = (input.temp - 2.2)  / (33.3  - 2.2)  in
                let x_4 = (input.rh   - 15.0) / (100.0 - 15.0) in
                let x_5 = (input.rain - 0.0)  / (6.40  - 0.0)  in
                (x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5)
              let process_nn_output y_0 = let open Real in
                let y = 4.44323 * y_0 in
                if y <= 1.0 then (y - 0.00000) * 1.71828 else
                if y <= 2.0 then (y - 0.63212) * 4.67077 else
                if y <= 3.0 then (y - 1.49679) * 12.69648 else
                if y <= 4.0 then (y - 2.44700) * 34.51261 else
                (y - 3.42868) * 93.81501
              let nn_model input = input |> process_nn_input |> nn |> process_nn_output
              val month_2_num : month -> real = <fun>
              val day_2_num : day -> real = <fun>
              val process_nn_input : nn_input -> real * real * real * real * real * real =
              val process_nn_output : real -> real = <fun>
              val nn_model : nn_input -> real = <fun>

              Let's start as in the previous section by running a datum from our dataset through the model. In particular, we'll input x = (Aug, Sat, 231.1, 26.9, 31.0, 0.0) which has an area of y = 4.96 hectares in the data.

              In [17]:
              let x = {
                month = Aug;
                day = Sat;
                dmc = 231.1;
                temp = 26.9;
                rh = 31.0;
                rain = 0.0
              let y = nn_model x
              val x : nn_input =
                {month = Aug; day = Sat; dmc = 231.1; temp = 26.9; rh = 31.; rain = 0.}
              val y : real = 2.1368837387

              Our answer is both roughly similar to the recorded datapoint value and also to the value we get from our original Keras model, 2.13683266556. The small disparity here is due to our rounding the weight values in our network to 5 decimal places when we extracted them to IML, though it wasn't necessary to do so. Now we'll use Imandra to generate an example for us with some particular side conditions.

              In [18]:
              instance (fun x -> nn_model x >. 20.0 && x.temp = 20.0 && x.month = May)
              - : nn_input -> bool = <fun>
              module CX : sig val x : nn_input end
              Instance (after 0 steps, 0.024s):
              let x : nn_input =
                {month = May; day = Mon;
                 dmc = 21812795464694793897621937/1716591489173879380000; temp = 20;
                 rh = 158599645263172235275767/34331829783477587600;
                 rain = 8790549761999984912489/53643484036683730625}
              proof attempt
              num checks:1
              arith assert lower:33
              arith tableau max rows:19
              arith tableau max columns:117
              arith pivots:13
              rlimit count:15278
              mk clause:69
              datatype occurs check:7
              mk bool var:106
              arith assert upper:45
              datatype splits:4
              arith row summations:106
              arith bound prop:2
              arith fixed eqs:3
              datatype accessor ax:10
              arith conflicts:1
              arith num rows:19
              arith assert diseq:1
              datatype constructor ax:5
              final checks:1
              added eqs:47
              del clause:16
              arith eq adapter:23
              max memory:23.180000
              num allocs:35902760097.000000
              • start[0.024s]
                  let (_x_0 : real)
                      = 5031/25000 * … +. (-7861/50000) * … +. (-19063/100000) * …
                        +. (-27281/50000) * … +. 137/4000 * … +. 6263/12500 * …
                        +. (-173/6250)
                  let (_x_1 : real)
                      = 29103/100000 * … +. 159/5000 * … +. (-1021/6250) * …
                        +. 17919/100000 * … +. 32971/100000 * … +. (-21603/50000) * …
                        +. (-131/5000)
                  let (_x_2 : real)
                      = 66419/100000 * … +. 25399/100000 * … +. 449/100000 * …
                        +. 3841/100000 * … +. (-25741/50000) * … +. 58299/100000 * …
                        +. 5929/50000
                  let (_x_3 : real)
                      = 23799/50000 * … +. (-18071/50000) * … +. 38981/100000 * …
                        +. 1727/6250 * … +. (-61231/100000) * … +. (-1831/50000) * …
                        +. (-289/10000)
                  let (_x_4 : real)
                      = 10277/100000 * … +. (-28841/100000) * … +. 4637/100000 * …
                        +. 3601/12500 * … +. 5957/100000 * … +. (-22041/100000) * …
                        +. 1827/10000
                  let (_x_5 : real)
                      = 13901/25000 * … +. (-803/20000) * … +. 10557/100000 * …
                        +. 60757/100000 * … +. (-16157/50000) * … +. 47933/100000 * …
                        +. (-6219/25000)
                  let (_x_6 : real)
                      = 444323/100000
                        * (3531/12500 * (if _x_0 > 0 then _x_0 else 0)
                           +. (-3151/12500) * (if _x_1 > 0 then _x_1 else 0)
                           +. (-2003/4000) * (if _x_2 > 0 then _x_2 else 0)
                           +. (-1773/25000) * (if _x_3 > 0 then _x_3 else 0)
                           +. (-43189/100000) * (if _x_4 > 0 then _x_4 else 0)
                           +. 12013/20000 * (if _x_5 > 0 then _x_5 else 0) +. 1473/3125)
                  ((if _x_6 <= 1 then (_x_6 - 0) * 42957/25000
                    if _x_6 <= 2 then (_x_6 - 15803/25000) * 467077/100000
                    if _x_6 <= 3 then (_x_6 - 149679/100000) * 79353/6250
                    else if _x_6 <= 4 then … else …)
                   > 20)
                  && ((( :var_0: ).temp = 20) && (( :var_0: ).month = May))
              • simplify

                let (_x_0 : month) = ( :var_0: ).month in
                let (_x_1 : real)
                    = if _x_0 = Jan then 67/500
                      if _x_0 = Feb then 1/2
                      else if _x_0 = Mar then 1 else if _x_0 = Apr then 3/2 else …
                let (_x_2 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_1 in
                let (_x_3 : day) = ( :var_0: ).day in
                let (_x_4 : real)
                    = if _x_3 = Mon then 377/1000
                      if _x_3 = Tue then 1223/1000
                      if (_x_3 = Wed) || (_x_3 = Thu) then 1901/1000
                      else if _x_3 = Fri then 1223/1000 else …
                let (_x_5 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_4 in
                let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                let (_x_7 : real) = (-19063/29020000) * _x_6 in
                let (_x_8 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                let (_x_9 : real) = (-27281/1555000) * _x_8 in
                let (_x_10 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                let (_x_11 : real) = 137/340000 * _x_10 in
                let (_x_12 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                let (_x_13 : real) = 6263/80000 * _x_12 in
                let (_x_14 : real)
                    = if _x_2 +. _x_5 +. _x_7 +. _x_9 +. _x_11 +. _x_13
                         <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                      then 0
                        1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_2 +. _x_5 +. _x_7 +. _x_9 +. _x_11
                        +. _x_13
                let (_x_15 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_1 in
                let (_x_16 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_4 in
                let (_x_17 : real) = (-1021/1813750) * _x_6 in
                let (_x_18 : real) = 17919/3110000 * _x_8 in
                let (_x_19 : real) = 32971/8500000 * _x_10 in
                let (_x_20 : real) = (-21603/320000) * _x_12 in
                let (_x_21 : real)
                    = if _x_15 +. _x_16 +. _x_17 +. _x_18 +. _x_19 +. _x_20
                         <= 73983893263/767143700000
                      then 0
                        (-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_15 +. _x_16 +. _x_17 +. _x_18
                        +. _x_19 +. _x_20
                let (_x_22 : real) = 66419/200000 * _x_1 in
                let (_x_23 : real) = 25399/190100 * _x_4 in
                let (_x_24 : real) = 449/29020000 * _x_6 in
                let (_x_25 : real) = 3841/3110000 * _x_8 in
                let (_x_26 : real) = (-25741/4250000) * _x_10 in
                let (_x_27 : real) = 58299/640000 * _x_12 in
                let (_x_28 : real)
                    = if _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25 +. _x_26 +. _x_27
                         <= (-317131778543/1534287400000)
                      then 0
                        317131778543/1534287400000 +. _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25
                        +. _x_26 +. _x_27
                let (_x_29 : real) = 23799/100000 * _x_1 in
                let (_x_30 : real) = (-18071/95050) * _x_4 in
                let (_x_31 : real) = 38981/29020000 * _x_6 in
                let (_x_32 : real) = 1727/194375 * _x_8 in
                let (_x_33 : real) = (-61231/8500000) * _x_10 in
                let (_x_34 : real) = (-1831/320000) * _x_12 in
                let (_x_35 : real)
                    = if _x_29 +. _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32 +. _x_33 +. _x_34
                         <= (-89188713933/1534287400000)
                      then 0
                        89188713933/1534287400000 +. _x_29 +. _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32
                        +. _x_33 +. _x_34
                let (_x_36 : real) = 10277/200000 * _x_1 in
                let (_x_37 : real) = (-28841/190100) * _x_4 in
                let (_x_38 : real) = 4637/29020000 * _x_6 in
                let (_x_39 : real) = 3601/388750 * _x_8 in
                let (_x_40 : real) = 5957/8500000 * _x_10 in
                let (_x_41 : real) = (-22041/640000) * _x_12 in
                let (_x_42 : real)
                    = if _x_36 +. _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40 +. _x_41
                         <= (-372238333/2454859840)
                      then 0
                        372238333/2454859840 +. _x_36 +. _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40
                        +. _x_41
                let (_x_43 : real) = 13901/50000 * _x_1 in
                let (_x_44 : real) = (-803/38020) * _x_4 in
                let (_x_45 : real) = 10557/29020000 * _x_6 in
                let (_x_46 : real) = 60757/3110000 * _x_8 in
                let (_x_47 : real) = (-16157/4250000) * _x_10 in
                let (_x_48 : real) = 47933/640000 * _x_12 in
                let (_x_49 : real)
                    = if _x_43 +. _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46 +. _x_47 +. _x_48
                         <= 72146699557/306857480000
                      then 0
                        (-72146699557/306857480000) +. _x_43 +. _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46
                        +. _x_47 +. _x_48
                let (_x_50 : real)
                    = 1568904513/1250000000 * _x_14 +. (-1400061773/1250000000) * _x_21
                      +. (-889978969/400000000) * _x_28 +. (-787784679/2500000000) * _x_35
                      +. (-19189866047/10000000000) * _x_42 +. 5337652199/2000000000 * _x_49
                ((if _x_50 <= (-341987779/312500000)
                    28114831522503/7812500000000 +. 67395431164941/31250000000000 * _x_14
                    +. (-60142453582761/31250000000000) * _x_21
                    +. (-38230826571333/10000000000000) * _x_28
                    +. (-33840866455803/62500000000000) * _x_35
                    +. (-824339075780979/250000000000000) * _x_42
                    +. 229289525512443/50000000000000 * _x_49
                  if _x_50 <= (-29487779/312500000)
                    213430965464483/31250000000000 +. 732799213218501/125000000000000 * _x_14
                    +. (-653936652747521/125000000000000) * _x_21
                    +. (-415688706903613/40000000000000) * _x_28
                    +. (-367956104513283/250000000000000) * _x_35
                    +. (-8963145063634619/1000000000000000) * _x_42
                    +. 2493094576152323/200000000000000 * _x_49
                  if _x_50 <= 283012221/312500000
                    1852306369389/244140625000 +. 124497279820089/7812500000000 * _x_14
                    +. (-111099101872869/7812500000000) * _x_21
                    +. (-70622501127057/2500000000000) * _x_28
                    +. (-62513077632687/15625000000000) * _x_35
                    +. (-1522773440427591/62500000000000) * _x_42
                    +. 423558714947247/12500000000000 * _x_49
                  else if _x_50 <= 595512221/312500000 then … else …)
                 <= 20)
                && (_x_8 = 20) && (_x_0 = May)
                  • Sat (Some let x : nn_input = {month = May; day = Mon; dmc = (Q.of_string "21812795464694793897621937/1716591489173879380000"); temp = (Q.of_nativeint (20n)); rh = (Q.of_string "158599645263172235275767/34331829783477587600"); rain = (Q.of_string "8790549761999984912489/53643484036683730625")} )
                  In [19]:
                  - : nn_input =
                  {month = May; day = Mon; dmc = 12707.0392707; temp = 20.; rh = 4619.60944882;
                   rain = 163.869851481}

                  Notice how the unspecified input variables are unbounded, just as in our original classification instances. Using the description of each variable in the data (plus some reasonable assumptions about Portugal's climate) we can form the following condition describing valid inputs to the network.

                  In [20]:
                  let is_valid_nn input =
                    0.0 <=. input.dmc && input.dmc <=. 500.0 &&
                    0.0 <=. input.temp && input.temp <=. 40.0 &&
                    0.0 <=. input.rh && input.rh <=. 100.0 &&
                    0.0 <=. input.rain && input.rain <=. 15.0
                  instance (fun x -> nn_model x >. 20.0 && x.temp = 20.0 && x.month = May && is_valid_nn x)
                  val is_valid_nn : nn_input -> bool = <fun>
                  - : nn_input -> bool = <fun>
                  module CX : sig val x : nn_input end
                  Instance (after 0 steps, 0.081s):
                  let x : nn_input =
                    {month = May; day = Mon; dmc = 500; temp = 20; rh = 100;
                     rain = 61813136597750659483591857/4163613196373707965595000}
                  proof attempt
                  arith offset eqs:1
                  num checks:1
                  arith assert lower:83
                  arith tableau max rows:24
                  arith tableau max columns:122
                  arith pivots:98
                  rlimit count:140525
                  mk clause:136
                  datatype occurs check:7
                  mk bool var:206
                  arith assert upper:117
                  datatype splits:8
                  arith row summations:1163
                  arith bound prop:8
                  arith fixed eqs:31
                  datatype accessor ax:10
                  minimized lits:14
                  arith conflicts:15
                  arith num rows:24
                  arith assert diseq:15
                  datatype constructor ax:11
                  final checks:1
                  added eqs:167
                  del clause:35
                  arith eq adapter:74
                  max memory:23.830000
                  num allocs:36421152190.000000
                  • start[0.081s]
                      let (_x_0 : real)
                          = 5031/25000 * … +. (-7861/50000) * … +. (-19063/100000) * …
                            +. (-27281/50000) * … +. 137/4000 * … +. 6263/12500 * …
                            +. (-173/6250)
                      let (_x_1 : real)
                          = 29103/100000 * … +. 159/5000 * … +. (-1021/6250) * …
                            +. 17919/100000 * … +. 32971/100000 * … +. (-21603/50000) * …
                            +. (-131/5000)
                      let (_x_2 : real)
                          = 66419/100000 * … +. 25399/100000 * … +. 449/100000 * …
                            +. 3841/100000 * … +. (-25741/50000) * … +. 58299/100000 * …
                            +. 5929/50000
                      let (_x_3 : real)
                          = 23799/50000 * … +. (-18071/50000) * … +. 38981/100000 * …
                            +. 1727/6250 * … +. (-61231/100000) * … +. (-1831/50000) * …
                            +. (-289/10000)
                      let (_x_4 : real)
                          = 10277/100000 * … +. (-28841/100000) * … +. 4637/100000 * …
                            +. 3601/12500 * … +. 5957/100000 * … +. (-22041/100000) * …
                            +. 1827/10000
                      let (_x_5 : real)
                          = 13901/25000 * … +. (-803/20000) * … +. 10557/100000 * …
                            +. 60757/100000 * … +. (-16157/50000) * … +. 47933/100000 * …
                            +. (-6219/25000)
                      let (_x_6 : real)
                          = 444323/100000
                            * (3531/12500 * (if _x_0 > 0 then _x_0 else 0)
                               +. (-3151/12500) * (if _x_1 > 0 then _x_1 else 0)
                               +. (-2003/4000) * (if _x_2 > 0 then _x_2 else 0)
                               +. (-1773/25000) * (if _x_3 > 0 then _x_3 else 0)
                               +. (-43189/100000) * (if _x_4 > 0 then _x_4 else 0)
                               +. 12013/20000 * (if _x_5 > 0 then _x_5 else 0) +. 1473/3125)
                      let (_x_7 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                      let (_x_8 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                      let (_x_9 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                      let (_x_10 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                      ((if _x_6 <= 1 then (_x_6 - 0) * 42957/25000
                        if _x_6 <= 2 then (_x_6 - 15803/25000) * 467077/100000
                        if _x_6 <= 3 then (_x_6 - 149679/100000) * 79353/6250
                        else if _x_6 <= 4 then … else …)
                       > 20)
                      && ((_x_7 = 20)
                          && ((( :var_0: ).month = May)
                              && ((0 <= _x_8)
                                  && ((_x_8 <= 500)
                                      && ((0 <= _x_7)
                                          && ((_x_7 <= 40)
                                              && ((0 <= _x_9)
                                                  && ((_x_9 <= 100)
                                                      && ((0 <= _x_10) && (_x_10 <= 15))))))))))
                  • simplify

                    let (_x_0 : month) = ( :var_0: ).month in
                    let (_x_1 : real)
                        = if _x_0 = Jan then 67/500
                          if _x_0 = Feb then 1/2
                          else if _x_0 = Mar then 1 else if _x_0 = Apr then 3/2 else …
                    let (_x_2 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_1 in
                    let (_x_3 : day) = ( :var_0: ).day in
                    let (_x_4 : real)
                        = if _x_3 = Mon then 377/1000
                          if _x_3 = Tue then 1223/1000
                          if (_x_3 = Wed) || (_x_3 = Thu) then 1901/1000
                          else if _x_3 = Fri then 1223/1000 else …
                    let (_x_5 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_4 in
                    let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                    let (_x_7 : real) = (-19063/29020000) * _x_6 in
                    let (_x_8 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                    let (_x_9 : real) = (-27281/1555000) * _x_8 in
                    let (_x_10 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                    let (_x_11 : real) = 137/340000 * _x_10 in
                    let (_x_12 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                    let (_x_13 : real) = 6263/80000 * _x_12 in
                    let (_x_14 : real)
                        = if _x_2 +. _x_5 +. _x_7 +. _x_9 +. _x_11 +. _x_13
                             <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                          then 0
                            1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_2 +. _x_5 +. _x_7 +. _x_9 +. _x_11
                            +. _x_13
                    let (_x_15 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_1 in
                    let (_x_16 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_4 in
                    let (_x_17 : real) = (-1021/1813750) * _x_6 in
                    let (_x_18 : real) = 17919/3110000 * _x_8 in
                    let (_x_19 : real) = 32971/8500000 * _x_10 in
                    let (_x_20 : real) = (-21603/320000) * _x_12 in
                    let (_x_21 : real)
                        = if _x_15 +. _x_16 +. _x_17 +. _x_18 +. _x_19 +. _x_20
                             <= 73983893263/767143700000
                          then 0
                            (-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_15 +. _x_16 +. _x_17 +. _x_18
                            +. _x_19 +. _x_20
                    let (_x_22 : real) = 66419/200000 * _x_1 in
                    let (_x_23 : real) = 25399/190100 * _x_4 in
                    let (_x_24 : real) = 449/29020000 * _x_6 in
                    let (_x_25 : real) = 3841/3110000 * _x_8 in
                    let (_x_26 : real) = (-25741/4250000) * _x_10 in
                    let (_x_27 : real) = 58299/640000 * _x_12 in
                    let (_x_28 : real)
                        = if _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25 +. _x_26 +. _x_27
                             <= (-317131778543/1534287400000)
                          then 0
                            317131778543/1534287400000 +. _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25
                            +. _x_26 +. _x_27
                    let (_x_29 : real) = 23799/100000 * _x_1 in
                    let (_x_30 : real) = (-18071/95050) * _x_4 in
                    let (_x_31 : real) = 38981/29020000 * _x_6 in
                    let (_x_32 : real) = 1727/194375 * _x_8 in
                    let (_x_33 : real) = (-61231/8500000) * _x_10 in
                    let (_x_34 : real) = (-1831/320000) * _x_12 in
                    let (_x_35 : real)
                        = if _x_29 +. _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32 +. _x_33 +. _x_34
                             <= (-89188713933/1534287400000)
                          then 0
                            89188713933/1534287400000 +. _x_29 +. _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32
                            +. _x_33 +. _x_34
                    let (_x_36 : real) = 10277/200000 * _x_1 in
                    let (_x_37 : real) = (-28841/190100) * _x_4 in
                    let (_x_38 : real) = 4637/29020000 * _x_6 in
                    let (_x_39 : real) = 3601/388750 * _x_8 in
                    let (_x_40 : real) = 5957/8500000 * _x_10 in
                    let (_x_41 : real) = (-22041/640000) * _x_12 in
                    let (_x_42 : real)
                        = if _x_36 +. _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40 +. _x_41
                             <= (-372238333/2454859840)
                          then 0
                            372238333/2454859840 +. _x_36 +. _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40
                            +. _x_41
                    let (_x_43 : real) = 13901/50000 * _x_1 in
                    let (_x_44 : real) = (-803/38020) * _x_4 in
                    let (_x_45 : real) = 10557/29020000 * _x_6 in
                    let (_x_46 : real) = 60757/3110000 * _x_8 in
                    let (_x_47 : real) = (-16157/4250000) * _x_10 in
                    let (_x_48 : real) = 47933/640000 * _x_12 in
                    let (_x_49 : real)
                        = if _x_43 +. _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46 +. _x_47 +. _x_48
                             <= 72146699557/306857480000
                          then 0
                            (-72146699557/306857480000) +. _x_43 +. _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46
                            +. _x_47 +. _x_48
                    let (_x_50 : real)
                        = 1568904513/1250000000 * _x_14 +. (-1400061773/1250000000) * _x_21
                          +. (-889978969/400000000) * _x_28 +. (-787784679/2500000000) * _x_35
                          +. (-19189866047/10000000000) * _x_42 +. 5337652199/2000000000 * _x_49
                    ((if _x_50 <= (-341987779/312500000)
                        28114831522503/7812500000000 +. 67395431164941/31250000000000 * _x_14
                        +. (-60142453582761/31250000000000) * _x_21
                        +. (-38230826571333/10000000000000) * _x_28
                        +. (-33840866455803/62500000000000) * _x_35
                        +. (-824339075780979/250000000000000) * _x_42
                        +. 229289525512443/50000000000000 * _x_49
                      if _x_50 <= (-29487779/312500000)
                        213430965464483/31250000000000 +. 732799213218501/125000000000000 * _x_14
                        +. (-653936652747521/125000000000000) * _x_21
                        +. (-415688706903613/40000000000000) * _x_28
                        +. (-367956104513283/250000000000000) * _x_35
                        +. (-8963145063634619/1000000000000000) * _x_42
                        +. 2493094576152323/200000000000000 * _x_49
                      if _x_50 <= 283012221/312500000
                        1852306369389/244140625000 +. 124497279820089/7812500000000 * _x_14
                        +. (-111099101872869/7812500000000) * _x_21
                        +. (-70622501127057/2500000000000) * _x_28
                        +. (-62513077632687/15625000000000) * _x_35
                        +. (-1522773440427591/62500000000000) * _x_42
                        +. 423558714947247/12500000000000 * _x_49
                      else if _x_50 <= 595512221/312500000 then … else …)
                     <= 20)
                    && (_x_8 = 20) && (_x_0 = May) && (0 <= _x_6) && (_x_6 <= 500) && (0 <= _x_8)
                    && (_x_8 <= 40) && (0 <= _x_10) && (_x_10 <= 100) && (0 <= _x_12)
                    && (_x_12 <= 15)
                      • Sat (Some let x : nn_input = {month = May; day = Mon; dmc = (Q.of_nativeint (500n)); temp = (Q.of_nativeint (20n)); rh = (Q.of_nativeint (100n)); rain = (Q.of_string "61813136597750659483591857/4163613196373707965595000")} )
                      In [21]:
                      nn_model CX.x
                      - : nn_input =
                      {month = May; day = Mon; dmc = 500.; temp = 20.; rh = 100.;
                       rain = 14.846032444}
                      - : real = 29.7959279019

                      These constraints mean it is slightly harder for Imandra to find a particular instance satisfying our original demand, but nonetheless it's possible. Now let's try something a bit more interesting. First of all let's check for one desirable property of the model, namely that it never outputs a negative area as a prediction.

                      In [22]:
                      verify (fun x -> is_valid_nn x ==> nn_model x >=. 0.0)
                      - : nn_input -> bool = <fun>
                      arith offset eqs:10
                      num checks:1
                      arith assert lower:495
                      arith tableau max rows:24
                      arith tableau max columns:144
                      arith pivots:660
                      rlimit count:1390862
                      mk clause:518
                      mk bool var:523
                      arith assert upper:389
                      datatype splits:104
                      arith row summations:8003
                      arith bound prop:20
                      arith fixed eqs:85
                      datatype accessor ax:18
                      minimized lits:157
                      arith conflicts:76
                      arith num rows:24
                      arith assert diseq:201
                      datatype constructor ax:17
                      added eqs:1123
                      del clause:196
                      arith eq adapter:230
                      max memory:24.670000
                      num allocs:37024728259.000000
                      • start[0.679s]
                          let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                          let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                          let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                          let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                          let (_x_4 : real)
                              = 5031/25000 * … +. (-7861/50000) * … +. (-19063/100000) * …
                                +. (-27281/50000) * … +. 137/4000 * … +. 6263/12500 * …
                                +. (-173/6250)
                          let (_x_5 : real)
                              = 29103/100000 * … +. 159/5000 * … +. (-1021/6250) * …
                                +. 17919/100000 * … +. 32971/100000 * … +. (-21603/50000) * …
                                +. (-131/5000)
                          let (_x_6 : real)
                              = 66419/100000 * … +. 25399/100000 * … +. 449/100000 * …
                                +. 3841/100000 * … +. (-25741/50000) * … +. 58299/100000 * …
                                +. 5929/50000
                          let (_x_7 : real)
                              = 23799/50000 * … +. (-18071/50000) * … +. 38981/100000 * …
                                +. 1727/6250 * … +. (-61231/100000) * … +. (-1831/50000) * …
                                +. (-289/10000)
                          let (_x_8 : real)
                              = 10277/100000 * … +. (-28841/100000) * … +. 4637/100000 * …
                                +. 3601/12500 * … +. 5957/100000 * … +. (-22041/100000) * …
                                +. 1827/10000
                          let (_x_9 : real)
                              = 13901/25000 * … +. (-803/20000) * … +. 10557/100000 * …
                                +. 60757/100000 * … +. (-16157/50000) * … +. 47933/100000 * …
                                +. (-6219/25000)
                          let (_x_10 : real)
                              = 444323/100000
                                * (3531/12500 * (if _x_4 > 0 then _x_4 else 0)
                                   +. (-3151/12500) * (if _x_5 > 0 then _x_5 else 0)
                                   +. (-2003/4000) * (if _x_6 > 0 then _x_6 else 0)
                                   +. (-1773/25000) * (if _x_7 > 0 then _x_7 else 0)
                                   +. (-43189/100000) * (if _x_8 > 0 then _x_8 else 0)
                                   +. 12013/20000 * (if _x_9 > 0 then _x_9 else 0) +. 1473/3125)
                          (0 <= _x_0)
                          && ((_x_0 <= 500)
                              && ((0 <= _x_1)
                                  && ((_x_1 <= 40)
                                      && ((0 <= _x_2)
                                          && ((_x_2 <= 100) && ((0 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 15)))))))
                          ==> (if _x_10 <= 1 then (_x_10 - 0) * 42957/25000
                               if _x_10 <= 2 then (_x_10 - 15803/25000) * 467077/100000
                               if _x_10 <= 3 then (_x_10 - 149679/100000) * 79353/6250
                               else if _x_10 <= 4 then … else …)
                              >= 0
                      • simplify

                        let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                        let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                        let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                        let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                        let (_x_4 : month) = ( :var_0: ).month in
                        let (_x_5 : real)
                            = if _x_4 = Jan then 67/500
                              if _x_4 = Feb then 1/2
                              else if _x_4 = Mar then 1 else if _x_4 = Apr then 3/2 else …
                        let (_x_6 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_5 in
                        let (_x_7 : day) = ( :var_0: ).day in
                        let (_x_8 : real)
                            = if _x_7 = Mon then 377/1000
                              if _x_7 = Tue then 1223/1000
                              if (_x_7 = Wed) || (_x_7 = Thu) then 1901/1000
                              else if _x_7 = Fri then 1223/1000 else …
                        let (_x_9 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_8 in
                        let (_x_10 : real) = (-19063/29020000) * _x_0 in
                        let (_x_11 : real) = (-27281/1555000) * _x_1 in
                        let (_x_12 : real) = 137/340000 * _x_2 in
                        let (_x_13 : real) = 6263/80000 * _x_3 in
                        let (_x_14 : real)
                            = if _x_6 +. _x_9 +. _x_10 +. _x_11 +. _x_12 +. _x_13
                                 <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                              then 0
                                1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_6 +. _x_9 +. _x_10 +. _x_11 +. _x_12
                                +. _x_13
                        let (_x_15 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_5 in
                        let (_x_16 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_8 in
                        let (_x_17 : real) = (-1021/1813750) * _x_0 in
                        let (_x_18 : real) = 17919/3110000 * _x_1 in
                        let (_x_19 : real) = 32971/8500000 * _x_2 in
                        let (_x_20 : real) = (-21603/320000) * _x_3 in
                        let (_x_21 : real)
                            = if _x_15 +. _x_16 +. _x_17 +. _x_18 +. _x_19 +. _x_20
                                 <= 73983893263/767143700000
                              then 0
                                (-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_15 +. _x_16 +. _x_17 +. _x_18
                                +. _x_19 +. _x_20
                        let (_x_22 : real) = 66419/200000 * _x_5 in
                        let (_x_23 : real) = 25399/190100 * _x_8 in
                        let (_x_24 : real) = 449/29020000 * _x_0 in
                        let (_x_25 : real) = 3841/3110000 * _x_1 in
                        let (_x_26 : real) = (-25741/4250000) * _x_2 in
                        let (_x_27 : real) = 58299/640000 * _x_3 in
                        let (_x_28 : real)
                            = if _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25 +. _x_26 +. _x_27
                                 <= (-317131778543/1534287400000)
                              then 0
                                317131778543/1534287400000 +. _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25
                                +. _x_26 +. _x_27
                        let (_x_29 : real) = 23799/100000 * _x_5 in
                        let (_x_30 : real) = (-18071/95050) * _x_8 in
                        let (_x_31 : real) = 38981/29020000 * _x_0 in
                        let (_x_32 : real) = 1727/194375 * _x_1 in
                        let (_x_33 : real) = (-61231/8500000) * _x_2 in
                        let (_x_34 : real) = (-1831/320000) * _x_3 in
                        let (_x_35 : real)
                            = if _x_29 +. _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32 +. _x_33 +. _x_34
                                 <= (-89188713933/1534287400000)
                              then 0
                                89188713933/1534287400000 +. _x_29 +. _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32
                                +. _x_33 +. _x_34
                        let (_x_36 : real) = 10277/200000 * _x_5 in
                        let (_x_37 : real) = (-28841/190100) * _x_8 in
                        let (_x_38 : real) = 4637/29020000 * _x_0 in
                        let (_x_39 : real) = 3601/388750 * _x_1 in
                        let (_x_40 : real) = 5957/8500000 * _x_2 in
                        let (_x_41 : real) = (-22041/640000) * _x_3 in
                        let (_x_42 : real)
                            = if _x_36 +. _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40 +. _x_41
                                 <= (-372238333/2454859840)
                              then 0
                                372238333/2454859840 +. _x_36 +. _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40
                                +. _x_41
                        let (_x_43 : real) = 13901/50000 * _x_5 in
                        let (_x_44 : real) = (-803/38020) * _x_8 in
                        let (_x_45 : real) = 10557/29020000 * _x_0 in
                        let (_x_46 : real) = 60757/3110000 * _x_1 in
                        let (_x_47 : real) = (-16157/4250000) * _x_2 in
                        let (_x_48 : real) = 47933/640000 * _x_3 in
                        let (_x_49 : real)
                            = if _x_43 +. _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46 +. _x_47 +. _x_48
                                 <= 72146699557/306857480000
                              then 0
                                (-72146699557/306857480000) +. _x_43 +. _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46
                                +. _x_47 +. _x_48
                        let (_x_50 : real)
                            = 1568904513/1250000000 * _x_14 +. (-1400061773/1250000000) * _x_21
                              +. (-889978969/400000000) * _x_28 +. (-787784679/2500000000) * _x_35
                              +. (-19189866047/10000000000) * _x_42 +. 5337652199/2000000000 * _x_49
                        ((0 <= _x_0) && (_x_0 <= 500) && (0 <= _x_1) && (_x_1 <= 40) && (0 <= _x_2)
                         && (_x_2 <= 100) && (0 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 15))
                        || ((if _x_50 <= (-341987779/312500000)
                               28114831522503/7812500000000 +. 67395431164941/31250000000000 * _x_14
                               +. (-60142453582761/31250000000000) * _x_21
                               +. (-38230826571333/10000000000000) * _x_28
                               +. (-33840866455803/62500000000000) * _x_35
                               +. (-824339075780979/250000000000000) * _x_42
                               +. 229289525512443/50000000000000 * _x_49
                             if _x_50 <= (-29487779/312500000)
                               +. 732799213218501/125000000000000 * _x_14
                               +. (-653936652747521/125000000000000) * _x_21
                               +. (-415688706903613/40000000000000) * _x_28
                               +. (-367956104513283/250000000000000) * _x_35
                               +. (-8963145063634619/1000000000000000) * _x_42
                               +. 2493094576152323/200000000000000 * _x_49
                             if _x_50 <= 283012221/312500000
                               1852306369389/244140625000 +. 124497279820089/7812500000000 * _x_14
                               +. (-111099101872869/7812500000000) * _x_21
                               +. (-70622501127057/2500000000000) * _x_28
                               +. (-62513077632687/15625000000000) * _x_35
                               +. (-1522773440427591/62500000000000) * _x_42
                               +. 423558714947247/12500000000000 * _x_49
                             else if _x_50 <= 595512221/312500000 then … else …)
                            >= 0)
                          • Unsat

                          Finally, we'll try something slightly more ambitious and test a hypothesis. All other things remaining equal, we would expect that the higher the temperature, the larger the area of forest that would be burned. Due to the imperfections in our model (because of limited data, stochasticity in training, the complicated patterns present in natural physical phenomena, and so on) this assertion is in fact easily falsifiable by Imandra.

                          In [23]:
                          verify (fun a b ->
                                  is_valid_nn a &&
                                  is_valid_nn b &&
                                  a.month = b.month &&
                         = &&
                                  a.dmc = b.dmc &&
                                  a.rh = b.rh &&
                                  a.rain = b.rain &&
                                  a.temp >=. b.temp ==>
                                  nn_model a >=. nn_model b)
                          - : nn_input -> nn_input -> bool = <fun>
                          module CX : sig val a : nn_input val b : nn_input end
                          Counterexample (after 0 steps, 0.085s):
                          let a : nn_input =
                            {month = Feb; day = Wed;
                             dmc =
                             temp =
                             rh = 2838030508772931709299579845938505/99121293814810940978468626413632;
                             rain = 2253453577908486561218616795846/7743851079282104763942861438565}
                          let b : nn_input =
                            {month = Feb; day = Wed;
                             dmc =
                             temp =
                             rh = 2838030508772931709299579845938505/99121293814810940978468626413632;
                             rain = 2253453577908486561218616795846/7743851079282104763942861438565}
                          proof attempt
                          arith offset eqs:3
                          num checks:1
                          arith assert lower:49
                          arith tableau max rows:46
                          arith tableau max columns:177
                          arith pivots:47
                          rlimit count:173326
                          mk clause:122
                          datatype occurs check:17
                          mk bool var:226
                          arith assert upper:42
                          datatype splits:8
                          arith row summations:910
                          arith fixed eqs:6
                          datatype accessor ax:19
                          minimized lits:5
                          arith conflicts:3
                          arith num rows:46
                          arith assert diseq:2
                          datatype constructor ax:12
                          final checks:1
                          added eqs:95
                          del clause:16
                          arith eq adapter:30
                          max memory:25.610000
                          num allocs:37894110514.000000
                          • start[0.085s]
                              let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                              let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                              let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                              let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                              let (_x_4 : real) = ( :var_1: ).dmc in
                              let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_1: ).temp in
                              let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rh in
                              let (_x_7 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rain in
                              let (_x_8 : real)
                                  = 5031/25000 * … +. (-7861/50000) * … +. (-19063/100000) * …
                                    +. (-27281/50000) * … +. 137/4000 * … +. 6263/12500 * …
                                    +. (-173/6250)
                              let (_x_9 : real)
                                  = 29103/100000 * … +. 159/5000 * … +. (-1021/6250) * …
                                    +. 17919/100000 * … +. 32971/100000 * … +. (-21603/50000) * …
                                    +. (-131/5000)
                              let (_x_10 : real)
                                  = 66419/100000 * … +. 25399/100000 * … +. 449/100000 * …
                                    +. 3841/100000 * … +. (-25741/50000) * … +. 58299/100000 * …
                                    +. 5929/50000
                              let (_x_11 : real)
                                  = 23799/50000 * … +. (-18071/50000) * … +. 38981/100000 * …
                                    +. 1727/6250 * … +. (-61231/100000) * … +. (-1831/50000) * …
                                    +. (-289/10000)
                              let (_x_12 : real)
                                  = 10277/100000 * … +. (-28841/100000) * … +. 4637/100000 * …
                                    +. 3601/12500 * … +. 5957/100000 * … +. (-22041/100000) * …
                                    +. 1827/10000
                              let (_x_13 : real)
                                  = 13901/25000 * … +. (-803/20000) * … +. 10557/100000 * …
                                    +. 60757/100000 * … +. (-16157/50000) * … +. 47933/100000 * …
                                    +. (-6219/25000)
                              let (_x_14 : real)
                                  = 444323/100000
                                    * (3531/12500 * (if _x_8 > 0 then _x_8 else 0)
                                       +. (-3151/12500) * (if _x_9 > 0 then _x_9 else 0)
                                       +. (-2003/4000) * (if _x_10 > 0 then _x_10 else 0)
                                       +. (-1773/25000) * (if _x_11 > 0 then _x_11 else 0)
                                       +. (-43189/100000) * (if _x_12 > 0 then _x_12 else 0)
                                       +. 12013/20000 * (if _x_13 > 0 then _x_13 else 0) +. 1473/3125)
                              let (_x_15 : real) = (_x_14 - 15803/25000) * 467077/100000 in
                              let (_x_16 : bool) = _x_14 <= 2 in
                              let (_x_17 : real) = (_x_14 - 0) * 42957/25000 in
                              let (_x_18 : bool) = _x_14 <= 1 in
                              let (_x_19 : real)
                                  = 444323/100000
                                    * (3531/12500 * … +. (-3151/12500) * … +. (-2003/4000) * …
                                       +. (-1773/25000) * … +. (-43189/100000) * …
                                       +. 12013/20000 * … +. 1473/3125)
                              (0 <= _x_0)
                              && ((_x_0 <= 500)
                                  && ((0 <= _x_1)
                                      && ((_x_1 <= 40)
                                          && ((0 <= _x_2)
                                              && ((_x_2 <= 100) && ((0 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 15)))))))
                              && ((0 <= _x_4)
                                  && ((_x_4 <= 500)
                                      && ((0 <= _x_5)
                                          && ((_x_5 <= 40)
                                              && ((0 <= _x_6)
                                                  && ((_x_6 <= 100) && ((0 <= _x_7) && (_x_7 <= 15)))))))
                                  && ((( :var_0: ).month = ( :var_1: ).month)
                                      && ((( :var_0: ).day = ( :var_1: ).day)
                                          && ((_x_0 = _x_4)
                                              && ((_x_2 = _x_6) && ((_x_3 = _x_7) && (_x_1 >= _x_5)))))))
                              ==> (if _x_18 then _x_17
                                   if _x_16 then _x_15
                                   if _x_14 <= 3 then (_x_14 - 149679/100000) * 79353/6250
                                   else if _x_14 <= 4 then … else …)
                                  >= (if _x_18 then _x_17
                                      if _x_16 then _x_15
                                      if _x_19 <= 3 then (_x_19 - 149679/100000) * 79353/6250
                                      else if _x_19 <= 4 then … else …)
                          • simplify

                            let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                            let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                            let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                            let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                            let (_x_4 : real) = ( :var_1: ).dmc in
                            let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_1: ).temp in
                            let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rh in
                            let (_x_7 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rain in
                            let (_x_8 : month) = ( :var_0: ).month in
                            let (_x_9 : month) = ( :var_1: ).month in
                            let (_x_10 : day) = ( :var_0: ).day in
                            let (_x_11 : day) = ( :var_1: ).day in
                            let (_x_12 : bool) = _x_8 = Mar in
                            let (_x_13 : bool) = _x_8 = Feb in
                            let (_x_14 : bool) = _x_8 = Jan in
                            let (_x_15 : real)
                                = if _x_14 then 67/500
                                  if _x_13 then 1/2
                                  else if _x_12 then 1 else if _x_8 = Apr then 3/2 else …
                            let (_x_16 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_15 in
                            let (_x_17 : bool) = (_x_10 = Wed) || (_x_10 = Thu) in
                            let (_x_18 : bool) = _x_10 = Tue in
                            let (_x_19 : bool) = _x_10 = Mon in
                            let (_x_20 : real)
                                = if _x_19 then 377/1000
                                  if _x_18 then 1223/1000
                                  if _x_17 then 1901/1000 else if _x_10 = Fri then 1223/1000 else …
                            let (_x_21 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_20 in
                            let (_x_22 : real) = (-19063/29020000) * _x_0 in
                            let (_x_23 : real) = (-27281/1555000) * _x_1 in
                            let (_x_24 : real) = 137/340000 * _x_2 in
                            let (_x_25 : real) = 6263/80000 * _x_3 in
                            let (_x_26 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_15 in
                            let (_x_27 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_20 in
                            let (_x_28 : real) = (-1021/1813750) * _x_0 in
                            let (_x_29 : real) = 17919/3110000 * _x_1 in
                            let (_x_30 : real) = 32971/8500000 * _x_2 in
                            let (_x_31 : real) = (-21603/320000) * _x_3 in
                            let (_x_32 : real)
                                = if _x_26 +. _x_27 +. _x_28 +. _x_29 +. _x_30 +. _x_31
                                     <= 73983893263/767143700000
                                  then 0
                                    (-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_26 +. _x_27 +. _x_28 +. _x_29
                                    +. _x_30 +. _x_31
                            let (_x_33 : real) = 66419/200000 * _x_15 in
                            let (_x_34 : real) = 25399/190100 * _x_20 in
                            let (_x_35 : real) = 449/29020000 * _x_0 in
                            let (_x_36 : real) = 3841/3110000 * _x_1 in
                            let (_x_37 : real) = (-25741/4250000) * _x_2 in
                            let (_x_38 : real) = 58299/640000 * _x_3 in
                            let (_x_39 : real)
                                = if _x_33 +. _x_34 +. _x_35 +. _x_36 +. _x_37 +. _x_38
                                     <= (-317131778543/1534287400000)
                                  then 0
                                    317131778543/1534287400000 +. _x_33 +. _x_34 +. _x_35 +. _x_36
                                    +. _x_37 +. _x_38
                            let (_x_40 : real) = 23799/100000 * _x_15 in
                            let (_x_41 : real) = (-18071/95050) * _x_20 in
                            let (_x_42 : real) = 38981/29020000 * _x_0 in
                            let (_x_43 : real) = 1727/194375 * _x_1 in
                            let (_x_44 : real) = (-61231/8500000) * _x_2 in
                            let (_x_45 : real) = (-1831/320000) * _x_3 in
                            let (_x_46 : real)
                                = if _x_40 +. _x_41 +. _x_42 +. _x_43 +. _x_44 +. _x_45
                                     <= (-89188713933/1534287400000)
                                  then 0
                                    89188713933/1534287400000 +. _x_40 +. _x_41 +. _x_42 +. _x_43
                                    +. _x_44 +. _x_45
                            let (_x_47 : real) = 10277/200000 * _x_15 in
                            let (_x_48 : real) = (-28841/190100) * _x_20 in
                            let (_x_49 : real) = 4637/29020000 * _x_0 in
                            let (_x_50 : real) = 3601/388750 * _x_1 in
                            let (_x_51 : real) = 5957/8500000 * _x_2 in
                            let (_x_52 : real) = (-22041/640000) * _x_3 in
                            let (_x_53 : real)
                                = if _x_47 +. _x_48 +. _x_49 +. _x_50 +. _x_51 +. _x_52
                                     <= (-372238333/2454859840)
                                  then 0
                                    372238333/2454859840 +. _x_47 +. _x_48 +. _x_49 +. _x_50 +. _x_51
                                    +. _x_52
                            let (_x_54 : real) = 13901/50000 * _x_15 in
                            let (_x_55 : real) = (-803/38020) * _x_20 in
                            let (_x_56 : real) = 10557/29020000 * _x_0 in
                            let (_x_57 : real) = 60757/3110000 * _x_1 in
                            let (_x_58 : real) = (-16157/4250000) * _x_2 in
                            let (_x_59 : real) = 47933/640000 * _x_3 in
                            let (_x_60 : real)
                                = if _x_54 +. _x_55 +. _x_56 +. _x_57 +. _x_58 +. _x_59
                                     <= 72146699557/306857480000
                                  then 0
                                    (-72146699557/306857480000) +. _x_54 +. _x_55 +. _x_56 +. _x_57
                                    +. _x_58 +. _x_59
                            let (_x_61 : real)
                                = 1568904513/1250000000
                                  * (if _x_16 +. _x_21 +. _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25
                                        <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                                     then 0
                                       (1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_16 +. _x_21 +. _x_22 +. _x_23
                                        +. _x_24 +. _x_25))
                                  +. (-1400061773/1250000000) * _x_32 +. (-889978969/400000000) * _x_39
                                  +. (-787784679/2500000000) * _x_46
                                  +. (-19189866047/10000000000) * _x_53 +. 5337652199/2000000000 * _x_60
                            let (_x_62 : real)
                                = 5031/50000
                                  * (if _x_14 then 67/500
                                     else if _x_13 then 1/2 else if _x_12 then 1 else …)
                            let (_x_63 : real)
                                = (-7861/95050)
                                  * (if _x_19 then 377/1000
                                     else if _x_18 then 1223/1000 else if _x_17 then 1901/1000 else …)
                            let (_x_64 : real)
                                = if _x_62 +. _x_63 +. _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25
                                     <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                                  then 0
                                    1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_62 +. _x_63 +. _x_22 +. _x_23 +. _x_24
                                    +. _x_25
                            let (_x_65 : bool) = _x_9 = Mar in
                            let (_x_66 : bool) = _x_9 = Feb in
                            let (_x_67 : bool) = _x_9 = Jan in
                            let (_x_68 : real)
                                = if _x_67 then 67/500
                                  if _x_66 then 1/2
                                  else if _x_65 then 1 else if _x_9 = Apr then 3/2 else …
                            let (_x_69 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_68 in
                            let (_x_70 : bool) = (_x_11 = Wed) || (_x_11 = Thu) in
                            let (_x_71 : bool) = _x_11 = Tue in
                            let (_x_72 : bool) = _x_11 = Mon in
                            let (_x_73 : real)
                                = if _x_72 then 377/1000
                                  if _x_71 then 1223/1000
                                  if _x_70 then 1901/1000 else if _x_11 = Fri then 1223/1000 else …
                            let (_x_74 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_73 in
                            let (_x_75 : real) = (-19063/29020000) * _x_4 in
                            let (_x_76 : real) = (-27281/1555000) * _x_5 in
                            let (_x_77 : real) = 137/340000 * _x_6 in
                            let (_x_78 : real) = 6263/80000 * _x_7 in
                            let (_x_79 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_68 in
                            let (_x_80 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_73 in
                            let (_x_81 : real) = (-1021/1813750) * _x_4 in
                            let (_x_82 : real) = 17919/3110000 * _x_5 in
                            let (_x_83 : real) = 32971/8500000 * _x_6 in
                            let (_x_84 : real) = (-21603/320000) * _x_7 in
                            let (_x_85 : real)
                                = if _x_67 then 67/500
                                  else if _x_66 then 1/2 else if _x_65 then 1 else …
                            let (_x_86 : real)
                                = if _x_72 then 377/1000
                                  else if _x_71 then 1223/1000 else if _x_70 then 1901/1000 else …
                            let (_x_87 : real) = 449/29020000 * _x_4 in
                            let (_x_88 : real) = 3841/3110000 * _x_5 in
                            let (_x_89 : real) = (-25741/4250000) * _x_6 in
                            let (_x_90 : real) = 58299/640000 * _x_7 in
                            let (_x_91 : real)
                                = if 66419/200000 * _x_68 +. 25399/190100 * _x_73 +. _x_87 +. _x_88
                                     +. _x_89 +. _x_90 <= (-317131778543/1534287400000)
                                  then 0
                                    317131778543/1534287400000 +. 66419/200000 * _x_85
                                    +. 25399/190100 * _x_86 +. _x_87 +. _x_88 +. _x_89 +. _x_90
                            let (_x_92 : real) = 23799/100000 * _x_68 in
                            let (_x_93 : real) = (-18071/95050) * _x_73 in
                            let (_x_94 : real) = 38981/29020000 * _x_4 in
                            let (_x_95 : real) = 1727/194375 * _x_5 in
                            let (_x_96 : real) = (-61231/8500000) * _x_6 in
                            let (_x_97 : real) = (-1831/320000) * _x_7 in
                            let (_x_98 : real)
                                = if _x_92 +. _x_93 +. _x_94 +. _x_95 +. _x_96 +. _x_97
                                     <= (-89188713933/1534287400000)
                                  then 0
                                    89188713933/1534287400000 +. _x_92 +. _x_93 +. _x_94 +. _x_95
                                    +. _x_96 +. _x_97
                            let (_x_99 : real) = 10277/200000 * _x_68 in
                            let (_x_100 : real) = (-28841/190100) * _x_73 in
                            let (_x_101 : real) = 4637/29020000 * _x_4 in
                            let (_x_102 : real) = 3601/388750 * _x_5 in
                            let (_x_103 : real) = 5957/8500000 * _x_6 in
                            let (_x_104 : real) = (-22041/640000) * _x_7 in
                            let (_x_105 : real)
                                = if _x_99 +. _x_100 +. _x_101 +. _x_102 +. _x_103 +. _x_104
                                     <= (-372238333/2454859840)
                                  then 0
                                    372238333/2454859840 +. _x_99 +. _x_100 +. _x_101 +. _x_102 +. _x_103
                                    +. _x_104
                            let (_x_106 : real) = 13901/50000 * _x_68 in
                            let (_x_107 : real) = (-803/38020) * _x_73 in
                            let (_x_108 : real) = 10557/29020000 * _x_4 in
                            let (_x_109 : real) = 60757/3110000 * _x_5 in
                            let (_x_110 : real) = (-16157/4250000) * _x_6 in
                            let (_x_111 : real) = 47933/640000 * _x_7 in
                            let (_x_112 : real)
                                = if _x_106 +. _x_107 +. _x_108 +. _x_109 +. _x_110 +. _x_111
                                     <= 72146699557/306857480000
                                  then 0
                                    (-72146699557/306857480000) +. _x_106 +. _x_107 +. _x_108 +. _x_109
                                    +. _x_110 +. _x_111
                            let (_x_113 : real)
                                = 1568904513/1250000000
                                  * (if _x_69 +. _x_74 +. _x_75 +. _x_76 +. _x_77 +. _x_78
                                        <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                                     then 0
                                       (1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_69 +. _x_74 +. _x_75 +. _x_76
                                        +. _x_77 +. _x_78))
                                  +. (-1400061773/1250000000)
                                     * (if _x_79 +. _x_80 +. _x_81 +. _x_82 +. _x_83 +. _x_84
                                           <= 73983893263/767143700000
                                        then 0
                                          ((-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_79 +. _x_80 +. _x_81
                                           +. _x_82 +. _x_83 +. _x_84))
                                  +. (-889978969/400000000) * _x_91 +. (-787784679/2500000000) * _x_98
                                  +. (-19189866047/10000000000) * _x_105
                                  +. 5337652199/2000000000 * _x_112
                            let (_x_114 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_85 in
                            let (_x_115 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_86 in
                            let (_x_116 : real)
                                = if _x_114 +. _x_115 +. _x_75 +. _x_76 +. _x_77 +. _x_78
                                     <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                                  then 0
                                    1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_114 +. _x_115 +. _x_75 +. _x_76
                                    +. _x_77 +. _x_78
                            let (_x_117 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_85 in
                            let (_x_118 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_86 in
                            let (_x_119 : real)
                                = if _x_117 +. _x_118 +. _x_81 +. _x_82 +. _x_83 +. _x_84
                                     <= 73983893263/767143700000
                                  then 0
                                    (-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_117 +. _x_118 +. _x_81 +. _x_82
                                    +. _x_83 +. _x_84
                            ((0 <= _x_0) && (_x_0 <= 500) && (0 <= _x_1) && (_x_1 <= 40) && (0 <= _x_2)
                             && (_x_2 <= 100) && (0 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 15) && (0 <= _x_4)
                             && (_x_4 <= 500) && (0 <= _x_5) && (_x_5 <= 40) && (0 <= _x_6)
                             && (_x_6 <= 100) && (0 <= _x_7) && (_x_7 <= 15) && (_x_8 = _x_9)
                             && (_x_10 = _x_11) && (_x_0 = _x_4) && (_x_2 = _x_6) && (_x_3 = _x_7)
                             && (_x_1 >= _x_5))
                            || ((if _x_61 <= (-341987779/312500000)
                                   28114831522503/7812500000000 +. 67395431164941/31250000000000 * _x_64
                                   +. (-60142453582761/31250000000000) * _x_32
                                   +. (-38230826571333/10000000000000) * _x_39
                                   +. (-33840866455803/62500000000000) * _x_46
                                   +. (-824339075780979/250000000000000) * _x_53
                                   +. 229289525512443/50000000000000 * _x_60
                                 if _x_61 <= (-29487779/312500000)
                                   +. 732799213218501/125000000000000 * _x_64
                                   +. (-653936652747521/125000000000000) * _x_32
                                   +. (-415688706903613/40000000000000) * _x_39
                                   +. (-367956104513283/250000000000000) * _x_46
                                   +. (-8963145063634619/1000000000000000) * _x_53
                                   +. 2493094576152323/200000000000000 * _x_60
                                 if _x_61 <= 283012221/312500000
                                   1852306369389/244140625000 +. 124497279820089/7812500000000 * _x_64
                                   +. (-111099101872869/7812500000000) * _x_32
                                   +. (-70622501127057/2500000000000) * _x_39
                                   +. (-62513077632687/15625000000000) * _x_46
                                   +. (-1522773440427591/62500000000000) * _x_53
                                   +. 423558714947247/12500000000000 * _x_60
                                 else if _x_61 <= 595512221/312500000 then … else …)
                                >= (if _x_113 <= (-341987779/312500000)
                                      +. 67395431164941/31250000000000 * _x_116
                                      +. (-60142453582761/31250000000000) * _x_119
                                      +. (-38230826571333/10000000000000) * _x_91
                                      +. (-33840866455803/62500000000000) * _x_98
                                      +. (-824339075780979/250000000000000) * _x_105
                                      +. 229289525512443/50000000000000 * _x_112
                                    if _x_113 <= (-29487779/312500000)
                                      +. 732799213218501/125000000000000 * _x_116
                                      +. (-653936652747521/125000000000000) * _x_119
                                      +. (-415688706903613/40000000000000) * _x_91
                                      +. (-367956104513283/250000000000000) * _x_98
                                      +. (-8963145063634619/1000000000000000) * _x_105
                                      +. 2493094576152323/200000000000000 * _x_112
                                    if _x_113 <= 283012221/312500000
                                      +. 124497279820089/7812500000000 * _x_116
                                      +. (-111099101872869/7812500000000) * _x_119
                                      +. (-70622501127057/2500000000000) * _x_91
                                      +. (-62513077632687/15625000000000) * _x_98
                                      +. (-1522773440427591/62500000000000) * _x_105
                                      +. 423558714947247/12500000000000 * _x_112
                                    else if _x_113 <= 595512221/312500000 then … else …))
                              • Sat (Some let a : nn_input = {month = Feb; day = Wed; dmc = (Q.of_string "122304426830407328935430577136040621/495606469074054704892343132068160"); temp = (Q.of_string "6775264916844612722220302409475001/991212938148109409784686264136320"); rh = (Q.of_string "2838030508772931709299579845938505/99121293814810940978468626413632"); rain = (Q.of_string "2253453577908486561218616795846/7743851079282104763942861438565")} let b : nn_input = {month = Feb; day = Wed; dmc = (Q.of_string "122304426830407328935430577136040621/495606469074054704892343132068160"); temp = (Q.of_string "1318513360202850640642737033007853/198242587629621881956937252827264"); rh = (Q.of_string "2838030508772931709299579845938505/99121293814810940978468626413632"); rain = (Q.of_string "2253453577908486561218616795846/7743851079282104763942861438565")} )
                              In [24]:
                              nn_model CX.a;;
                              nn_model CX.b;;
                              - : real = 6.83532736114
                              - : real = 6.65100963405
                              - : real = 1.71178000271
                              - : real = 1.71828

                              Although the network doesn't satisfy our original verification statement we can restrict our setting in a sensible way in order to prove something slightly weaker:

                              • There is very little data from winter months, and so the model is unlikely to generalise well here, hence we'll only consider non-winter months
                              • We'll increase the tolerance in temperature to 10 degrees celsius
                              • We'll increase the tolerance in area burned to 25 hectares
                              In [25]:
                              let winter month = month = Oct || month = Nov || month = Dec || month = Jan || month = Feb
                              verify (fun a b ->
                                      is_valid_nn a &&
                                      is_valid_nn b &&
                                      a.month = b.month &&
                                      not (winter a.month) &&
                             = &&
                                      a.dmc = b.dmc &&
                                      a.rh = b.rh &&
                                      a.rain = b.rain &&
                                      (a.temp -. 10.0) >=. b.temp ==>
                                      (nn_model a +. 25.0) >=. nn_model b)
                              val winter : month -> bool = <fun>
                              - : nn_input -> nn_input -> bool = <fun>
                              arith offset eqs:39
                              num checks:1
                              arith assert lower:6400
                              arith tableau max rows:63
                              arith tableau max columns:220
                              arith pivots:6051
                              rlimit count:44426921
                              mk clause:1996
                              mk bool var:1110
                              arith assert upper:5064
                              datatype splits:12
                              arith row summations:177387
                              arith bound prop:168
                              arith fixed eqs:1519
                              datatype accessor ax:20
                              minimized lits:1550
                              arith conflicts:492
                              arith num rows:63
                              arith assert diseq:2676
                              datatype constructor ax:25
                              added eqs:15882
                              del clause:770
                              arith eq adapter:458
                              max memory:29.900000
                              num allocs:43904357362.000000
                              • start[17.898s]
                                  let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                                  let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                                  let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                                  let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                                  let (_x_4 : real) = ( :var_1: ).dmc in
                                  let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_1: ).temp in
                                  let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rh in
                                  let (_x_7 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rain in
                                  let (_x_8 : month) = ( :var_0: ).month in
                                  let (_x_9 : real)
                                      = 5031/25000 * … +. (-7861/50000) * … +. (-19063/100000) * …
                                        +. (-27281/50000) * … +. 137/4000 * … +. 6263/12500 * …
                                        +. (-173/6250)
                                  let (_x_10 : real)
                                      = 29103/100000 * … +. 159/5000 * … +. (-1021/6250) * …
                                        +. 17919/100000 * … +. 32971/100000 * … +. (-21603/50000) * …
                                        +. (-131/5000)
                                  let (_x_11 : real)
                                      = 66419/100000 * … +. 25399/100000 * … +. 449/100000 * …
                                        +. 3841/100000 * … +. (-25741/50000) * … +. 58299/100000 * …
                                        +. 5929/50000
                                  let (_x_12 : real)
                                      = 23799/50000 * … +. (-18071/50000) * … +. 38981/100000 * …
                                        +. 1727/6250 * … +. (-61231/100000) * … +. (-1831/50000) * …
                                        +. (-289/10000)
                                  let (_x_13 : real)
                                      = 10277/100000 * … +. (-28841/100000) * … +. 4637/100000 * …
                                        +. 3601/12500 * … +. 5957/100000 * … +. (-22041/100000) * …
                                        +. 1827/10000
                                  let (_x_14 : real)
                                      = 13901/25000 * … +. (-803/20000) * … +. 10557/100000 * …
                                        +. 60757/100000 * … +. (-16157/50000) * … +. 47933/100000 * …
                                        +. (-6219/25000)
                                  let (_x_15 : real)
                                      = 444323/100000
                                        * (3531/12500 * (if _x_9 > 0 then _x_9 else 0)
                                           +. (-3151/12500) * (if _x_10 > 0 then _x_10 else 0)
                                           +. (-2003/4000) * (if _x_11 > 0 then _x_11 else 0)
                                           +. (-1773/25000) * (if _x_12 > 0 then _x_12 else 0)
                                           +. (-43189/100000) * (if _x_13 > 0 then _x_13 else 0)
                                           +. 12013/20000 * (if _x_14 > 0 then _x_14 else 0) +. 1473/3125)
                                  let (_x_16 : real)
                                      = if _x_15 <= 1 then (_x_15 - 0) * 42957/25000
                                        if _x_15 <= 2 then (_x_15 - 15803/25000) * 467077/100000
                                        if _x_15 <= 3 then (_x_15 - 149679/100000) * 79353/6250
                                        else if _x_15 <= 4 then … else …
                                  (0 <= _x_0)
                                  && ((_x_0 <= 500)
                                      && ((0 <= _x_1)
                                          && ((_x_1 <= 40)
                                              && ((0 <= _x_2)
                                                  && ((_x_2 <= 100) && ((0 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 15)))))))
                                  && ((0 <= _x_4)
                                      && ((_x_4 <= 500)
                                          && ((0 <= _x_5)
                                              && ((_x_5 <= 40)
                                                  && ((0 <= _x_6)
                                                      && ((_x_6 <= 100) && ((0 <= _x_7) && (_x_7 <= 15)))))))
                                      && ((_x_8 = ( :var_1: ).month)
                                          && (not
                                              ((_x_8 = Oct)
                                               || ((_x_8 = Nov)
                                                   || ((_x_8 = Dec) || ((_x_8 = Jan) || (_x_8 = Feb)))))
                                              && ((( :var_0: ).day = ( :var_1: ).day)
                                                  && ((_x_0 = _x_4)
                                                      && ((_x_2 = _x_6)
                                                          && ((_x_3 = _x_7) && (_x_1 - 10 >= _x_5))))))))
                                  ==> _x_16 +. 25 >= _x_16
                              • simplify

                                let (_x_0 : real) = ( :var_0: ).dmc in
                                let (_x_1 : real) = ( :var_0: ).temp in
                                let (_x_2 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rh in
                                let (_x_3 : real) = ( :var_0: ).rain in
                                let (_x_4 : real) = ( :var_1: ).dmc in
                                let (_x_5 : real) = ( :var_1: ).temp in
                                let (_x_6 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rh in
                                let (_x_7 : real) = ( :var_1: ).rain in
                                let (_x_8 : month) = ( :var_0: ).month in
                                let (_x_9 : month) = ( :var_1: ).month in
                                let (_x_10 : bool) = _x_8 = Jan in
                                let (_x_11 : bool) = _x_8 = Feb in
                                let (_x_12 : day) = ( :var_0: ).day in
                                let (_x_13 : day) = ( :var_1: ).day in
                                let (_x_14 : real)
                                    = if _x_10 then 67/500
                                      if _x_11 then 1/2
                                      else if _x_8 = Mar then 1 else if _x_8 = Apr then 3/2 else …
                                let (_x_15 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_14 in
                                let (_x_16 : real)
                                    = if _x_12 = Mon then 377/1000
                                      if _x_12 = Tue then 1223/1000
                                      if (_x_12 = Wed) || (_x_12 = Thu) then 1901/1000
                                      else if _x_12 = Fri then 1223/1000 else …
                                let (_x_17 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_16 in
                                let (_x_18 : real) = (-19063/29020000) * _x_0 in
                                let (_x_19 : real) = (-27281/1555000) * _x_1 in
                                let (_x_20 : real) = 137/340000 * _x_2 in
                                let (_x_21 : real) = 6263/80000 * _x_3 in
                                let (_x_22 : real)
                                    = if _x_15 +. _x_17 +. _x_18 +. _x_19 +. _x_20 +. _x_21
                                         <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                                      then 0
                                        1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_15 +. _x_17 +. _x_18 +. _x_19 +. _x_20
                                        +. _x_21
                                let (_x_23 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_14 in
                                let (_x_24 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_16 in
                                let (_x_25 : real) = (-1021/1813750) * _x_0 in
                                let (_x_26 : real) = 17919/3110000 * _x_1 in
                                let (_x_27 : real) = 32971/8500000 * _x_2 in
                                let (_x_28 : real) = (-21603/320000) * _x_3 in
                                let (_x_29 : real)
                                    = if _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25 +. _x_26 +. _x_27 +. _x_28
                                         <= 73983893263/767143700000
                                      then 0
                                        (-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_23 +. _x_24 +. _x_25 +. _x_26
                                        +. _x_27 +. _x_28
                                let (_x_30 : real) = 66419/200000 * _x_14 in
                                let (_x_31 : real) = 25399/190100 * _x_16 in
                                let (_x_32 : real) = 449/29020000 * _x_0 in
                                let (_x_33 : real) = 3841/3110000 * _x_1 in
                                let (_x_34 : real) = (-25741/4250000) * _x_2 in
                                let (_x_35 : real) = 58299/640000 * _x_3 in
                                let (_x_36 : real)
                                    = if _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32 +. _x_33 +. _x_34 +. _x_35
                                         <= (-317131778543/1534287400000)
                                      then 0
                                        317131778543/1534287400000 +. _x_30 +. _x_31 +. _x_32 +. _x_33
                                        +. _x_34 +. _x_35
                                let (_x_37 : real) = 23799/100000 * _x_14 in
                                let (_x_38 : real) = (-18071/95050) * _x_16 in
                                let (_x_39 : real) = 38981/29020000 * _x_0 in
                                let (_x_40 : real) = 1727/194375 * _x_1 in
                                let (_x_41 : real) = (-61231/8500000) * _x_2 in
                                let (_x_42 : real) = (-1831/320000) * _x_3 in
                                let (_x_43 : real)
                                    = if _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40 +. _x_41 +. _x_42
                                         <= (-89188713933/1534287400000)
                                      then 0
                                        89188713933/1534287400000 +. _x_37 +. _x_38 +. _x_39 +. _x_40
                                        +. _x_41 +. _x_42
                                let (_x_44 : real) = 10277/200000 * _x_14 in
                                let (_x_45 : real) = (-28841/190100) * _x_16 in
                                let (_x_46 : real) = 4637/29020000 * _x_0 in
                                let (_x_47 : real) = 3601/388750 * _x_1 in
                                let (_x_48 : real) = 5957/8500000 * _x_2 in
                                let (_x_49 : real) = (-22041/640000) * _x_3 in
                                let (_x_50 : real)
                                    = if _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46 +. _x_47 +. _x_48 +. _x_49
                                         <= (-372238333/2454859840)
                                      then 0
                                        372238333/2454859840 +. _x_44 +. _x_45 +. _x_46 +. _x_47 +. _x_48
                                        +. _x_49
                                let (_x_51 : real) = 13901/50000 * _x_14 in
                                let (_x_52 : real) = (-803/38020) * _x_16 in
                                let (_x_53 : real) = 10557/29020000 * _x_0 in
                                let (_x_54 : real) = 60757/3110000 * _x_1 in
                                let (_x_55 : real) = (-16157/4250000) * _x_2 in
                                let (_x_56 : real) = 47933/640000 * _x_3 in
                                let (_x_57 : real)
                                    = if _x_51 +. _x_52 +. _x_53 +. _x_54 +. _x_55 +. _x_56
                                         <= 72146699557/306857480000
                                      then 0
                                        (-72146699557/306857480000) +. _x_51 +. _x_52 +. _x_53 +. _x_54
                                        +. _x_55 +. _x_56
                                let (_x_58 : real)
                                    = 1568904513/1250000000 * _x_22 +. (-1400061773/1250000000) * _x_29
                                      +. (-889978969/400000000) * _x_36 +. (-787784679/2500000000) * _x_43
                                      +. (-19189866047/10000000000) * _x_50 +. 5337652199/2000000000 * _x_57
                                let (_x_59 : bool) = _x_9 = Mar in
                                let (_x_60 : bool) = _x_9 = Feb in
                                let (_x_61 : bool) = _x_9 = Jan in
                                let (_x_62 : real)
                                    = if _x_61 then 67/500
                                      if _x_60 then 1/2
                                      else if _x_59 then 1 else if _x_9 = Apr then 3/2 else …
                                let (_x_63 : real) = 5031/50000 * _x_62 in
                                let (_x_64 : bool) = (_x_13 = Wed) || (_x_13 = Thu) in
                                let (_x_65 : bool) = _x_13 = Tue in
                                let (_x_66 : bool) = _x_13 = Mon in
                                let (_x_67 : real)
                                    = if _x_66 then 377/1000
                                      if _x_65 then 1223/1000
                                      if _x_64 then 1901/1000 else if _x_13 = Fri then 1223/1000 else …
                                let (_x_68 : real) = (-7861/95050) * _x_67 in
                                let (_x_69 : real) = (-19063/29020000) * _x_4 in
                                let (_x_70 : real) = (-27281/1555000) * _x_5 in
                                let (_x_71 : real) = 137/340000 * _x_6 in
                                let (_x_72 : real) = 6263/80000 * _x_7 in
                                let (_x_73 : real) = 29103/200000 * _x_62 in
                                let (_x_74 : real) = 159/9505 * _x_67 in
                                let (_x_75 : real) = (-1021/1813750) * _x_4 in
                                let (_x_76 : real) = 17919/3110000 * _x_5 in
                                let (_x_77 : real) = 32971/8500000 * _x_6 in
                                let (_x_78 : real) = (-21603/320000) * _x_7 in
                                let (_x_79 : real)
                                    = if _x_73 +. _x_74 +. _x_75 +. _x_76 +. _x_77 +. _x_78
                                         <= 73983893263/767143700000
                                      then 0
                                        (-73983893263/767143700000) +. _x_73 +. _x_74 +. _x_75 +. _x_76
                                        +. _x_77 +. _x_78
                                let (_x_80 : real) = 66419/200000 * _x_62 in
                                let (_x_81 : real) = 25399/190100 * _x_67 in
                                let (_x_82 : real) = 449/29020000 * _x_4 in
                                let (_x_83 : real) = 3841/3110000 * _x_5 in
                                let (_x_84 : real) = (-25741/4250000) * _x_6 in
                                let (_x_85 : real) = 58299/640000 * _x_7 in
                                let (_x_86 : real)
                                    = if _x_80 +. _x_81 +. _x_82 +. _x_83 +. _x_84 +. _x_85
                                         <= (-317131778543/1534287400000)
                                      then 0
                                        317131778543/1534287400000 +. _x_80 +. _x_81 +. _x_82 +. _x_83
                                        +. _x_84 +. _x_85
                                let (_x_87 : real) = 23799/100000 * _x_62 in
                                let (_x_88 : real) = (-18071/95050) * _x_67 in
                                let (_x_89 : real) = 38981/29020000 * _x_4 in
                                let (_x_90 : real) = 1727/194375 * _x_5 in
                                let (_x_91 : real) = (-61231/8500000) * _x_6 in
                                let (_x_92 : real) = (-1831/320000) * _x_7 in
                                let (_x_93 : real)
                                    = if _x_87 +. _x_88 +. _x_89 +. _x_90 +. _x_91 +. _x_92
                                         <= (-89188713933/1534287400000)
                                      then 0
                                        89188713933/1534287400000 +. _x_87 +. _x_88 +. _x_89 +. _x_90
                                        +. _x_91 +. _x_92
                                let (_x_94 : real) = 10277/200000 * _x_62 in
                                let (_x_95 : real) = (-28841/190100) * _x_67 in
                                let (_x_96 : real) = 4637/29020000 * _x_4 in
                                let (_x_97 : real) = 3601/388750 * _x_5 in
                                let (_x_98 : real) = 5957/8500000 * _x_6 in
                                let (_x_99 : real) = (-22041/640000) * _x_7 in
                                let (_x_100 : real)
                                    = if _x_94 +. _x_95 +. _x_96 +. _x_97 +. _x_98 +. _x_99
                                         <= (-372238333/2454859840)
                                      then 0
                                        372238333/2454859840 +. _x_94 +. _x_95 +. _x_96 +. _x_97 +. _x_98
                                        +. _x_99
                                let (_x_101 : real) = 13901/50000 * _x_62 in
                                let (_x_102 : real) = (-803/38020) * _x_67 in
                                let (_x_103 : real) = 10557/29020000 * _x_4 in
                                let (_x_104 : real) = 60757/3110000 * _x_5 in
                                let (_x_105 : real) = (-16157/4250000) * _x_6 in
                                let (_x_106 : real) = 47933/640000 * _x_7 in
                                let (_x_107 : real)
                                    = if _x_101 +. _x_102 +. _x_103 +. _x_104 +. _x_105 +. _x_106
                                         <= 72146699557/306857480000
                                      then 0
                                        (-72146699557/306857480000) +. _x_101 +. _x_102 +. _x_103 +. _x_104
                                        +. _x_105 +. _x_106
                                let (_x_108 : real)
                                    = 1568904513/1250000000
                                      * (if _x_63 +. _x_68 +. _x_69 +. _x_70 +. _x_71 +. _x_72
                                            <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                                         then 0
                                           (1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_63 +. _x_68 +. _x_69 +. _x_70
                                            +. _x_71 +. _x_72))
                                      +. (-1400061773/1250000000) * _x_79 +. (-889978969/400000000) * _x_86
                                      +. (-787784679/2500000000) * _x_93
                                      +. (-19189866047/10000000000) * _x_100
                                      +. 5337652199/2000000000 * _x_107
                                let (_x_109 : real)
                                    = 5031/50000
                                      * (if _x_61 then 67/500
                                         else if _x_60 then 1/2 else if _x_59 then 1 else …)
                                let (_x_110 : real)
                                    = (-7861/95050)
                                      * (if _x_66 then 377/1000
                                         else if _x_65 then 1223/1000 else if _x_64 then 1901/1000 else …)
                                let (_x_111 : real)
                                    = if _x_109 +. _x_110 +. _x_69 +. _x_70 +. _x_71 +. _x_72
                                         <= (-1716983137/306857480000)
                                      then 0
                                        1716983137/306857480000 +. _x_109 +. _x_110 +. _x_69 +. _x_70
                                        +. _x_71 +. _x_72
                                ((0 <= _x_0) && (_x_0 <= 500) && (0 <= _x_1) && (_x_1 <= 40) && (0 <= _x_2)
                                 && (_x_2 <= 100) && (0 <= _x_3) && (_x_3 <= 15) && (0 <= _x_4)
                                 && (_x_4 <= 500) && (0 <= _x_5) && (_x_5 <= 40) && (0 <= _x_6)
                                 && (_x_6 <= 100) && (0 <= _x_7) && (_x_7 <= 15) && (_x_8 = _x_9)
                                 && not ((_x_8 = Oct) || (_x_8 = Nov) || (_x_8 = Dec) || _x_10 || _x_11)
                                 && (_x_12 = _x_13) && (_x_0 = _x_4) && (_x_2 = _x_6) && (_x_3 = _x_7)
                                 && (_x_1 >= 10 +. _x_5))
                                || ((if _x_58 <= (-341987779/312500000)
                                       28114831522503/7812500000000 +. 67395431164941/31250000000000 * _x_22
                                       +. (-60142453582761/31250000000000) * _x_29
                                       +. (-38230826571333/10000000000000) * _x_36
                                       +. (-33840866455803/62500000000000) * _x_43
                                       +. (-824339075780979/250000000000000) * _x_50
                                       +. 229289525512443/50000000000000 * _x_57
                                     if _x_58 <= (-29487779/312500000)
                                       +. 732799213218501/125000000000000 * _x_22
                                       +. (-653936652747521/125000000000000) * _x_29
                                       +. (-415688706903613/40000000000000) * _x_36
                                       +. (-367956104513283/250000000000000) * _x_43
                                       +. (-8963145063634619/1000000000000000) * _x_50
                                       +. 2493094576152323/200000000000000 * _x_57
                                     if _x_58 <= 283012221/312500000
                                       1852306369389/244140625000 +. 124497279820089/7812500000000 * _x_22
                                       +. (-111099101872869/7812500000000) * _x_29
                                       +. (-70622501127057/2500000000000) * _x_36
                                       +. (-62513077632687/15625000000000) * _x_43
                                       +. (-1522773440427591/62500000000000) * _x_50
                                       +. 423558714947247/12500000000000 * _x_57
                                     else if _x_58 <= 595512221/312500000 then … else …)
                                    >= (-25)
                                       +. (if _x_108 <= (-341987779/312500000)
                                             +. 67395431164941/31250000000000 * _x_111
                                             +. (-60142453582761/31250000000000) * _x_79
                                             +. (-38230826571333/10000000000000) * _x_86
                                             +. (-33840866455803/62500000000000) * _x_93
                                             +. (-824339075780979/250000000000000) * _x_100
                                             +. 229289525512443/50000000000000 * _x_107
                                           if _x_108 <= (-29487779/312500000)
                                             +. 732799213218501/125000000000000 * _x_111
                                             +. (-653936652747521/125000000000000) * _x_79
                                             +. (-415688706903613/40000000000000) * _x_86
                                             +. (-367956104513283/250000000000000) * _x_93
                                             +. (-8963145063634619/1000000000000000) * _x_100
                                             +. 2493094576152323/200000000000000 * _x_107
                                           if _x_108 <= 283012221/312500000
                                             +. 124497279820089/7812500000000 * _x_111
                                             +. (-111099101872869/7812500000000) * _x_79
                                             +. (-70622501127057/2500000000000) * _x_86
                                             +. (-62513077632687/15625000000000) * _x_93
                                             +. (-1522773440427591/62500000000000) * _x_100
                                             +. 423558714947247/12500000000000 * _x_107
                                           else if _x_108 <= 595512221/312500000 then … else …))
                                  • Unsat

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