Multiple Imports
In this section we describe the mechanism available in IPL for importing multiple imports. While this is possible this should be considered a potentially risky operation since there are necessary side-effects which may be surprising to the user. We describe some of those side-effects here.
Declaring Multiple Imports
In order to use elements from two FIX versions you must explicitly declare the imports at the top of the file. For our purposes we import FIX_4_2
and FIX_4_4
. In this example we want to import the message OrderSingle
from FIX_4_2
and message ExecutionReport
from FIX_4_4
. We do this with the code
import FIX_4_2
import FIX_4_4
internal state {
assignable {
Side : Side = Side.Buy;
message OrderSingle {
req Side
message ExecutionReport {
req Side
In this example a warning will appear at on the import of the message ExecutionReport
which says
This message is assumed to be from the FIX_4_2 but is also available from FIX_4_4; to avoid ambiguity please qualify using the library name for example "message FIX_4_2.ExecutionReport"
For our purposes we want to use the FIX_4_4
library so we modify the import of the library to
message FIX_4_4.ExecutionReport {
req Side
This configuration allows the import of fields such as PeggedPrice
in message ExecutionReport
message FIX_4_4.ExecutionReport {
req Side
req PeggedPrice
This would not be possible with FIX_4_2.ExecutionReport
and would produce the error
Couldn't resolve reference to AbstractField 'PeggedPrice'.
as PeggedPrice
does not exist in the declaration of ExecutionReport
from FIX version 4.2
Union of Record Fields and Enum Cases
One of the side effects of using multiple imports is that the cases available to enums are all of the cases available in both imports. For example the Side
enum which is the type of both Side
fields in the OrderSingle
and ExecutionReport
messages, will have cases available from both FIX libraries. 4.2
and 4.4
. If we introduce a receive block handler for the OrderSingle
the language server completion elements for elements of type Side
Buy, Sell, BuyMinus, SellPlus, SellShort, SellShortExempt, Undisclosed, Cross, CrossShort,
CrossShortExempt, AsDefined, Opposite, Subscribe, Redeem, Lend, Borrow
Those only from FIX version 4.2
are only
Buy, Sell, BuyMinus, SellPlus, SellShort, SellShortExempt, Undisclosed, Cross, CrossShort
which are the options were the only import to be import FIX_4_2
Inconsistency of Field Names
In an IPL model with one import, all fields with the same name must have the same tag and type; all fields with the same tag must have the same name. Any inconsistency here is marked as an error. When there are multiple imports there is an exception to this rule. We demonstrate this by way of an example. In our model we can import a field from FIX_4_2
and from FIX_4_4
which has the same tag but a different name:
import FIX_4_2
import FIX_4_4
internal state {
assignable {
Side : Side = Side.Buy;
message OrderSingle {
req Side
req IDSource
message FIX_4_4.ExecutionReport {
req Side
req PeggedPrice
req Instrument.SecurityIDSource
Both the field IDSource
and field SecurityIDSource
have tag "22"
but this is allowed in this context. If we want to extend a new record with a new field of tag "22"
the model will insist that it shares the name with any other field also referenced by tag in this model, and will choose the name according to the import names first. For example, in this context if we wish to make a new record and add a field with tag "22"
we would do so in this model as follows:
declare record myRecord {
IDSource "22" : IDSource
which is allowed. Attempting to write
declare record myRecord {
SecurityIDSource "22" : SecurityIDSource
will result in the errors
Field SecurityIDSource has tag 22, but a field with the same tag but name IDSource already exists.
Type error, expected "IDSource" but was "SecurityIDSource"
In order to allow this we can change the order of imports:
import FIX_4_4
import FIX_4_2
and then the latter version becomes admissible.
When importing into the assignable
section, both fields IDSource
and SecurityIDSource
are available and distinct.
Full Model – Imandra Analysis
Click on the image below for an interactive analysis of this model performed by imandra.
Model - IPL Code
// Imandra Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2024
// Code for 'Multiple Imports Example'
// For further info see
import FIX_4_2
import FIX_4_4
@title: "Multiple Imports Example"
messageFlows {
NewOrderOnly {
name "OrderOnly"
description "Send OrderSingle Message"
internal state {
assignable {
Side : Side = Side.Buy;
record myRecord {
IDSource "22" : IDSource
message OrderSingle {
req Side
req IDSource
message FIX_4_4.ExecutionReport {
req Side
req PeggedPrice
req Instrument.SecurityIDSource
Generated Documentation
Click here to view the generated documentation for this model.