Using Imandra Discover¶
Imandra Discover is a tool for theory exploration and producing conjectures. Sometimes, it is not entirely clear what lemmas are necessary for a proof to succeed, or what the properties of a program are. Discover intends to help with this problem, giving the user potential properties to be proved and themselves used as lemmas.
Balanced Binary Trees¶
In this example, we will define a type of binary trees, and a function that creates a balanced binary tree of a given number of nodes. Balanced binary trees are trees where the subtrees to the left and right of the root have either the same number of nodes, or differ by one. We will then demonstrate how to use Discover for the discovery of properties of these functions.
You may need to #require
the Discover bridge. This may not be necessary if you are using Try Imandra or Imandra through a Docker image. The command is commented out here for reference so that you can easily use it if needed.
(* #require "imandra-discover-bridge";; *)
open Imandra_discover_bridge.User_level;;
It is common to restrict induction used by Imandra using #max_induct
This is our type of binary trees. The content of the binary trees is immaterial.
Keep in mind that Discover instantiates polymorphic types with int
. This means that if this was a polymorphic binary tree whose values were of 'a
, Discover would replace the type variable 'a
with int
. If Discover gives you unexpected output or seems to lack things that it should have, take a look at the signature used by Discover. You can specify the types of your functions to prevent this.
type bt = | Empty
| Branch of
{value : int;
left : bt;
right : bt;};;
type bt = Empty | Branch of { value : Z.t; left : bt; right : bt; }
Let's define some functions that we will use in the construction of balanced binary trees.
let lhs_split n = n/2;;
let rhs_split n = n - lhs_split n;;
val lhs_split : Z.t -> Z.t = <fun> val rhs_split : Z.t -> Z.t = <fun>
What are some properties that hold of these functions? We should ask Discover to suggest some things. We invoke Discover with the events database db
and pass it a list of the string function names we would like Discover to investigate.
discover db ~iterations:2i ["+";"lhs_split";"rhs_split"];;
<===DISCOVER===================================> We are running Discover on the following signature: +:int->int->int lhs_split:int->int rhs_split:int->int We are running Discover with this inferred constant type: type nonrec discover_type = | Bool of discover_bool | Int of discover_int <==============================================> Running Discover on: discover_run <===DISCOVER RESULTS===========================> The below laws are the result of the condition: No condition. These are the 6 amazing conjectures suggested by Discover for discover_run. fun x -> (lhs_split (x + x)) = x fun x -> (rhs_split (x + x)) = x fun x -> ((lhs_split x) + (rhs_split x)) = x fun x y -> (y + x) = (x + y) fun x y z -> (y + (x + z)) = (x + (y + z)) fun x y z -> ((x + y) + z) = (x + (y + z)) These are SUBSUMED laws that may be interesting to the user. No subsumed conjectures. <==============================================> A string list `discover_result` with the conjectures before filtering has been defined. A string list `discover_result_simplified` contains the conjectures after simplification by Imandra. - : unit = ()
Discover finishes after running for a few seconds and gives us some conjectures we could try to prove. One of them states that the sum of the lhs_split
and rhs_split
of some x0
is equal to x0
. Great, we can ask Imandra to prove it for us.
lemma discover__2 x0 = ((lhs_split x0) + (rhs_split x0)) = x0 [@@rewrite] [@@auto];;
val discover__2 : discover_int -> discover_bool = <fun> Goal: lhs_split x0 + rhs_split x0 = x0. 1 tautological subgoal. Subgoal 1: |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- true But this is obviously true.
Pattern will match only if `lhs_split` is disabled (non-recursive function) See
Pattern will match only if `rhs_split` is disabled (non-recursive function) See
Now, we will make a function that should return a balanced binary tree with n
nodes, given n
let rec cbal n =
if n < 0 then Empty else
match n with
| 0 -> Empty
| 1 -> Branch {value=1; left = Empty; right = Empty}
| _ -> let left_split = lhs_split (n-1) in
let right_split = rhs_split (n-1) in
let left = cbal left_split in
let right = cbal right_split in
Branch {value=1; left; right};;
val cbal : discover_int -> bt = <fun>
Termination proof
original: | cbal n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub: | cbal (lhs_split (n - 1)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
original ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt n) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt (lhs_split (n - 1))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
path: | [not (1 = n) && not (0 = n) && not (n < 0)] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
proof: | detailed proof
original: | cbal n | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub: | cbal (rhs_split (n - 1)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
original ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt n) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt (rhs_split (n - 1))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
path: | [not (1 = n) && not (0 = n) && not (n < 0)] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
proof: | detailed proof
This is simply the size of the tree.
let rec nodes tree =
match tree with
| Empty -> 0
| Branch {left; right; _} -> 1 + (nodes left) + (nodes right);;
val nodes : bt -> discover_int = <fun>
Termination proof
original: | nodes tree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub: | nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, tree)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
original ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt tree) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt (Destruct(Branch, 1, tree))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
path: | [Is_a(Branch, tree)] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
proof: | detailed proof
original: | nodes tree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub: | nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, tree)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
original ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt tree) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sub ordinal: | Ordinal.Int (_cnt (Destruct(Branch, 2, tree))) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
path: | [Is_a(Branch, tree)] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
proof: | detailed proof
In our function cbal
, we always return Empty
if n < 0
. This suggests that we will want to have a predicate capturing the interesting case where the input to cbal
is nonnegative, and a predicate for the zero or negative case.
let nonnegative x = x >= 0;;
let leq_zero x = x <= 0;;
val nonnegative : discover_int -> discover_bool = <fun> val leq_zero : discover_int -> discover_bool = <fun>
Now that we have the functions nodes
and cbal
, we should ask Discover to find some properties that may hold. Since cbal
is only really interesting if the input is nonnegative, we invoke Discover with the labeled argument ~condition
set to the string literal "nonnegative"
. This string argument lets Discover know to always instantiate a fixed variable with values satisfying the predicate we just defined. We specify nodes
and cbal
for investigation.
discover db ~condition:"nonnegative" ["nodes";"cbal"];;
<===DISCOVER===================================> We are running Discover on the following signature: mk_Empty:bt mk_Branch:int->bt->bt->bt nodes:bt->int cbal:int->bt We are running Discover with this inferred constant type: type nonrec discover_type = | Bool of discover_bool | Int of discover_int | Bt of discover_bt <==============================================> Running Discover on: discover_run <===DISCOVER RESULTS===========================> The below laws are the result of the condition: nonnegative x0 These are the 4 amazing conjectures suggested by Discover for discover_run. fun x -> (nonnegative x) ==> (cbal (nodes mk_Empty)) = mk_Empty fun x -> (nonnegative x) ==> (nodes (cbal x)) = x fun x y z -> (nonnegative x) ==> (nodes (mk_Branch x z y)) = (nodes (mk_Branch x y z)) fun u x y z -> (nonnegative x) ==> (nodes (mk_Branch (nodes u) y z)) = (nodes (mk_Branch x y z)) These are SUBSUMED laws that may be interesting to the user. No subsumed conjectures. <==============================================> A string list `discover_result` with the conjectures before filtering has been defined. A string list `discover_result_simplified` contains the conjectures after simplification by Imandra. - : unit = ()
Great, Discover suggests that the balanced binary trees produced by cbal
have the correct number of nodes! It's often helpful to tweak the lemmas suggested by Discover. In this case we'll replace the predicate condition with its body. Let's have Imandra prove it.
lemma discover__0 x0 = x0 >= 0 ==> (nodes (cbal x0)) = x0 [@@auto];;
val discover__0 : discover_int -> discover_bool = <fun> Goal: x0 >= 0 ==> nodes (cbal x0) = x0. 1 nontautological subgoal. Subgoal 1: H0. x0 >= 0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodes (cbal x0) = x0 Must try induction. We shall induct according to a scheme derived from cbal. Induction scheme: (not (not (1 = x0) && (not (0 = x0) && not (x0 < 0))) ==> φ x0) && (not (x0 < 0) && (not (0 = x0) && (not (1 = x0) && (φ (rhs_split (x0 - 1)) && φ (lhs_split (x0 - 1))))) ==> φ x0). 2 nontautological subgoals. Subgoal 1.2: H0. x0 >= 0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0) C1. nodes (cbal x0) = x0 But simplification reduces this to true, using the definitions of cbal and nodes. Subgoal 1.1: H0. 0 <= x0 H1. not (0 = x0) H2. not (1 = x0) H3. x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2) >= 1 ==> nodes (cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = (-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2) H4. ((-1) + x0) / 2 >= 0 ==> nodes (cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) = ((-1) + x0) / 2 H5. x0 >= 0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodes (cbal x0) = x0 But simplification reduces this to true, using the definitions of cbal and nodes. ⓘ Rules: (:def cbal) (:def nodes) (:induct cbal)
ground_instances: | 0 |
definitions: | 6 |
inductions: | 1 |
search_time: | 0.262s |
start[0.262s, "Goal"] ( :var_0: ) >= 0 ==> nodes (cbal ( :var_0: )) = ( :var_0: )
not (x0 >= 0) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0)start[0.262s, "1"] not (x0 >= 0) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0)
induction on (functional ?) :scheme (not (not (1 = x0) && (not (0 = x0) && not (x0 < 0))) ==> φ x0) && (not (x0 < 0) && (not (0 = x0) && (not (1 = x0) && (φ (rhs_split (x0 - 1)) && φ (lhs_split (x0 - 1))))) ==> φ x0)
Split (let (_x_0 : bool) = not (1 = x0) in let (_x_1 : bool) = not (0 = x0) in let (_x_2 : bool) = 0 <= x0 in let (_x_3 : bool) = nodes (cbal x0) = x0 in let (_x_4 : bool) = not (x0 >= 0) in let (_x_5 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_6 : int) = _x_5 / 2 in let (_x_7 : int) = (-1) * _x_6 in let (_x_8 : int) = _x_5 + _x_7 in ((_x_0 && _x_1 && _x_2) || _x_3 || _x_4) && (not (_x_2 && _x_1 && _x_0 && (not (x0 + _x_7 >= 1) || (nodes (cbal _x_8) = _x_8)) && (not (_x_6 >= 0) || (nodes (cbal _x_6) = _x_6))) || _x_3 || _x_4) :cases [not (x0 >= 0) || (not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0)) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0); let (_x_0 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = _x_0 / 2 in let (_x_2 : int) = (-1) * _x_1 in let (_x_3 : int) = _x_0 + _x_2 in not (0 <= x0) || (0 = x0) || (1 = x0) || not (x0 + _x_2 >= 1 ==> nodes (cbal _x_3) = _x_3) || not (_x_1 >= 0 ==> nodes (cbal _x_1) = _x_1) || not (x0 >= 0) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0)])
let (_x_0 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = _x_0 / 2 in let (_x_2 : int) = (-1) * _x_1 in let (_x_3 : int) = _x_0 + _x_2 in not (0 <= x0) || (0 = x0) || (1 = x0) || not (x0 + _x_2 >= 1 ==> nodes (cbal _x_3) = _x_3) || not (_x_1 >= 0 ==> nodes (cbal _x_1) = _x_1) || not (x0 >= 0) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0)start[0.079s, "1.1"] let (_x_0 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = _x_0 / 2 in let (_x_2 : int) = (-1) * _x_1 in let (_x_3 : int) = _x_0 + _x_2 in not (0 <= x0) || (0 = x0) || (1 = x0) || not (x0 + _x_2 >= 1 ==> nodes (cbal _x_3) = _x_3) || not (_x_1 >= 0 ==> nodes (cbal _x_1) = _x_1) || not (x0 >= 0) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0)
into: true
expansions: [nodes, cbal]
rewrite_steps: forward_chaining:
not (x0 >= 0) || (not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0)) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0)start[0.079s, "1.2"] not (x0 >= 0) || (not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0)) || (nodes (cbal x0) = x0)
into: true
expansions: [nodes, nodes, nodes, cbal]
rewrite_steps: forward_chaining:
What about the zero or negative case?
discover db ~condition:"leq_zero" ["nodes";"cbal";"Empty"];;
<===DISCOVER===================================> We are running Discover on the following signature: Empty:bt mk_Empty:bt mk_Branch:int->bt->bt->bt nodes:bt->int cbal:int->bt We are running Discover with this inferred constant type: type nonrec discover_type = | Bool of discover_bool | Int of discover_int | Bt of discover_bt <==============================================> Running Discover on: discover_run <===DISCOVER RESULTS===========================> The below laws are the result of the condition: leq_zero x0 These are the 5 amazing conjectures suggested by Discover for discover_run. fun x -> (leq_zero x) ==> mk_Empty = Empty fun x -> (leq_zero x) ==> (cbal x) = Empty fun x y -> (leq_zero x) ==> (nodes (mk_Branch y Empty Empty)) = (nodes (mk_Branch x Empty Empty)) fun x y z -> (leq_zero x) ==> (nodes (mk_Branch x z y)) = (nodes (mk_Branch x y z)) fun u x y z -> (leq_zero x) ==> (nodes (mk_Branch (nodes u) y z)) = (nodes (mk_Branch x y z)) These are SUBSUMED laws that may be interesting to the user. No subsumed conjectures. <==============================================> A string list `discover_result` with the conjectures before filtering has been defined. A string list `discover_result_simplified` contains the conjectures after simplification by Imandra. - : unit = ()
Discover suggests exactly what cbal
does in the less than or equal to zero case, so we can have Imandra prove this as well.
lemma discover__0_neg x0 = x0 <= 0 ==> (cbal x0) = Empty [@@auto];;
val discover__0_neg : discover_int -> discover_bool = <fun> Goal: x0 <= 0 ==> cbal x0 = Empty. 1 nontautological subgoal. Subgoal 1: H0. x0 <= 0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbal x0 = Empty But simplification reduces this to true, using the definition of cbal. ⓘ Rules: (:def cbal)
ground_instances: | 0 |
definitions: | 1 |
inductions: | 0 |
search_time: | 0.012s |
start[0.012s, "Goal"] ( :var_0: ) <= 0 ==> cbal ( :var_0: ) = Empty
not (x0 <= 0) || (cbal x0 = Empty)start[0.011s, "1"] not (x0 <= 0) || (cbal x0 = Empty)
into: true
expansions: cbal
rewrite_steps: forward_chaining:
We were interested in verifying that the trees produced by cbal
are actually balanced, so here is a predicate capturing that idea.
let is_balanced tree =
match tree with
| Empty -> true
| Branch {left; right; _} ->
let lnodes = nodes left in
let rnodes = nodes right in
rnodes = lnodes || rnodes - lnodes = 1;;
val is_balanced : discover_bt -> discover_bool = <fun>
Now we can ask Discover to find a relationship between is_balanced
, cbal
, and true
. We include true
so that Discover can suggest predicates as equations. Similarly, you can include false
to find things that don't hold.
discover db ["is_balanced";"cbal";"true"];;
<===DISCOVER===================================> We are running Discover on the following signature: true:bool mk_Empty:bt mk_Branch:int->bt->bt->bt is_balanced:bt->bool cbal:int->bt We are running Discover with this inferred constant type: type nonrec discover_type = | Bool of discover_bool | Int of discover_int | Bt of discover_bt <==============================================> Running Discover on: discover_run <===DISCOVER RESULTS===========================> The below laws are the result of the condition: No condition. These are the 3 amazing conjectures suggested by Discover for discover_run. (is_balanced mk_Empty) = true fun x -> (is_balanced (cbal x)) = true fun x y -> (is_balanced (mk_Branch x y y)) = true These are SUBSUMED laws that may be interesting to the user. No subsumed conjectures. <==============================================> A string list `discover_result` with the conjectures before filtering has been defined. A string list `discover_result_simplified` contains the conjectures after simplification by Imandra. - : unit = ()
Discover suggests that every tree produced by cbal
is balanced. We can prove this too!
lemma discover_cbal_balanced_0 x0 = x0 >= 0 ==> (is_balanced (cbal x0)) [@@auto];;
val discover_cbal_balanced_0 : discover_int -> discover_bool = <fun> Goal: x0 >= 0 ==> is_balanced (cbal x0). 1 nontautological subgoal. Subgoal 1: H0. Is_a(Branch, cbal x0) H1. x0 >= 0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal x0)) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal x0)) C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal x0)) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal x0)) = 1 Must try induction. We shall induct according to a scheme derived from cbal. Induction scheme: (not (not (1 = x0) && (not (0 = x0) && not (x0 < 0))) ==> φ x0) && (not (x0 < 0) && (not (0 = x0) && (not (1 = x0) && (φ (rhs_split (x0 - 1)) && φ (lhs_split (x0 - 1))))) ==> φ x0). 2 nontautological subgoals. Subgoal 1.2: H0. Is_a(Branch, cbal x0) H1. x0 >= 0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0) C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal x0)) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal x0)) = 1 C2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal x0)) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal x0)) But simplification reduces this to true, using the definitions of cbal and nodes. Subgoal 1.1: H0. 0 <= x0 H1. not (0 = x0) H2. not (1 = x0) H3. not Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) || (nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1) || not (x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2) >= 1) || (nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))))) H4. (nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1) || not (((-1) + x0) / 2 >= 0) || (nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) || not Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) H5. Is_a(Branch, cbal x0) H6. x0 >= 0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal x0)) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal x0)) = 1 C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal x0)) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal x0)) This simplifies, using the definitions of cbal and nodes to the following 8 subgoals: Subgoal 1.1.8: H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. 0 <= x0 H2. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 2 C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C2. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C3. 1 = x0 C4. 0 = x0 C5. (-1) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.8': H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. 0 <= x0 H2. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 2 C1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C2. 0 = x0 But we verify Subgoal 1.1.8' by recursive unrolling. Subgoal 1.1.7: H0. 0 <= x0 H1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 H2. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 2 C1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C2. 1 = x0 C3. 0 = x0 C4. (-1) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.7': H0. 0 <= x0 H1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 H2. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C1. 0 = x0 C2. (-1) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) But we verify Subgoal 1.1.7' by recursive unrolling. Subgoal 1.1.6: H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) H1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. 0 <= x0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 0 C2. 1 = x0 C3. 0 = x0 C4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) C5. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = (-1) This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.6': H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) H1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. 0 <= x0 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 0 C1. 0 = x0 C2. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) But we verify Subgoal 1.1.6' by recursive unrolling. Subgoal 1.1.5: H0. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. 0 <= x0 H2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 0 C1. 1 = x0 C2. 0 = x0 C3. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) C4. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = (-1) This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.5': H0. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. 0 <= x0 H2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. 0 = x0 C1. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) C2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = (-1) But we verify Subgoal 1.1.5' by recursive unrolling. Subgoal 1.1.4: H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) H1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H3. 0 <= x0 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 C3. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C4. 1 = x0 C5. 0 = x0 This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.4': H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) H1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H3. 0 <= x0 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C1. 0 = x0 But we verify Subgoal 1.1.4' by recursive unrolling. Subgoal 1.1.3: H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) H1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. 0 <= x0 H3. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 C3. 1 = x0 C4. 0 = x0 This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.3': H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) H1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. 0 <= x0 H3. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C1. 0 = x0 But we verify Subgoal 1.1.3' by recursive unrolling. Subgoal 1.1.2: H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. 0 <= x0 H3. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C3. 1 = x0 C4. 0 = x0 This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.2': H0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H2. 0 <= x0 H3. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C1. 0 = x0 But we verify Subgoal 1.1.2' by recursive unrolling. Subgoal 1.1.1: H0. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. 0 <= x0 H2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 H3. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C1. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 C2. 1 = x0 C3. 0 = x0 This simplifies to: Subgoal 1.1.1': H0. Is_a(Branch, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2))) H1. 0 <= x0 H2. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = 1 H3. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + (-1) * nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) = 1 H4. Is_a(Branch, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2)) |--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C0. nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal ((-1) + x0 + (-1) * (((-1) + x0) / 2)))) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) + nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, cbal (((-1) + x0) / 2))) C1. 0 = x0 But we verify Subgoal 1.1.1' by recursive unrolling. ⓘ Rules: (:def cbal) (:def nodes) (:induct cbal)
ground_instances: | 37 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
definitions: | 17 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
inductions: | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
search_time: | 3.513s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
details: | Expand
start[3.513s, "Goal"] let (_x_0 : bt) = cbal ( :var_0: ) in let (_x_1 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_0)) in let (_x_2 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_0)) in ( :var_0: ) >= 0 ==> (if Is_a(Branch, _x_0) then (_x_1 = _x_2) || (_x_1 - _x_2 = 1) else true)
let (_x_0 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_0)) in let (_x_2 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_0)) in not Is_a(Branch, _x_0) || not (x0 >= 0) || (_x_1 = _x_2) || (_x_1 + (-1) * _x_2 = 1)start[3.513s, "1"] let (_x_0 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_0)) in let (_x_2 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_0)) in not Is_a(Branch, _x_0) || not (x0 >= 0) || (_x_1 = _x_2) || (_x_1 + (-1) * _x_2 = 1)
induction on (functional ?) :scheme (not (not (1 = x0) && (not (0 = x0) && not (x0 < 0))) ==> φ x0) && (not (x0 < 0) && (not (0 = x0) && (not (1 = x0) && (φ (rhs_split (x0 - 1)) && φ (lhs_split (x0 - 1))))) ==> φ x0)
Split (let (_x_0 : bool) = not (1 = x0) in let (_x_1 : bool) = not (0 = x0) in let (_x_2 : bool) = 0 <= x0 in let (_x_3 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_4 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_3)) in let (_x_5 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_3)) in let (_x_6 : bool) = _x_4 + (-1) * _x_5 = 1 in let (_x_7 : bool) = _x_4 = _x_5 in let (_x_8 : bool) = not Is_a(Branch, _x_3) in let (_x_9 : bool) = not (x0 >= 0) in let (_x_10 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_11 : int) = _x_10 / 2 in let (_x_12 : int) = (-1) * _x_11 in let (_x_13 : bt) = cbal (_x_10 + _x_12) in let (_x_14 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_13)) in let (_x_15 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_13)) in let (_x_16 : bt) = cbal _x_11 in let (_x_17 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_16)) in let (_x_18 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_16)) in ((_x_0 && _x_1 && _x_2) || _x_6 || _x_7 || _x_8 || _x_9) && (_x_6 || _x_7 || not (_x_2 && _x_1 && _x_0 && (not Is_a(Branch, _x_13) || (_x_14 + (-1) * _x_15 = 1) || not (x0 + _x_12 >= 1) || (_x_14 = _x_15)) && ((_x_17 + (-1) * _x_18 = 1) || not (_x_11 >= 0) || (_x_17 = _x_18) || not Is_a(Branch, _x_16))) || _x_8 || _x_9) :cases [let (_x_0 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_0)) in let (_x_2 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_0)) in not Is_a(Branch, _x_0) || not (x0 >= 0) || (not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0)) || (_x_1 + (-1) * _x_2 = 1) || (_x_1 = _x_2); let (_x_0 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = _x_0 / 2 in let (_x_2 : int) = (-1) * _x_1 in let (_x_3 : bt) = cbal (_x_0 + _x_2) in let (_x_4 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_3)) in let (_x_5 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_3)) in let (_x_6 : bt) = cbal _x_1 in let (_x_7 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_6)) in let (_x_8 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_6)) in let (_x_9 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_10 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_9)) in let (_x_11 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_9)) in not (0 <= x0) || (0 = x0) || (1 = x0) || not (not Is_a(Branch, _x_3) || (_x_4 + (-1) * _x_5 = 1) || not (x0 + _x_2 >= 1) || (_x_4 = _x_5)) || not ((_x_7 + (-1) * _x_8 = 1) || not (_x_1 >= 0) || (_x_7 = _x_8) || not Is_a(Branch, _x_6)) || not Is_a(Branch, _x_9) || not (x0 >= 0) || (_x_10 + (-1) * _x_11 = 1) || (_x_10 = _x_11)])
let (_x_0 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = _x_0 / 2 in let (_x_2 : int) = (-1) * _x_1 in let (_x_3 : bt) = cbal (_x_0 + _x_2) in let (_x_4 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_3)) in let (_x_5 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_3)) in let (_x_6 : bt) = cbal _x_1 in let (_x_7 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_6)) in let (_x_8 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_6)) in let (_x_9 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_10 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_9)) in let (_x_11 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_9)) in not (0 <= x0) || (0 = x0) || (1 = x0) || not (not Is_a(Branch, _x_3) || (_x_4 + (-1) * _x_5 = 1) || not (x0 + _x_2 >= 1) || (_x_4 = _x_5)) || not ((_x_7 + (-1) * _x_8 = 1) || not (_x_1 >= 0) || (_x_7 = _x_8) || not Is_a(Branch, _x_6)) || not Is_a(Branch, _x_9) || not (x0 >= 0) || (_x_10 + (-1) * _x_11 = 1) || (_x_10 = _x_11)start[3.331s, "1.1"] let (_x_0 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = _x_0 / 2 in let (_x_2 : int) = (-1) * _x_1 in let (_x_3 : bt) = cbal (_x_0 + _x_2) in let (_x_4 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_3)) in let (_x_5 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_3)) in let (_x_6 : bt) = cbal _x_1 in let (_x_7 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_6)) in let (_x_8 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_6)) in let (_x_9 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_10 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_9)) in let (_x_11 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_9)) in not (0 <= x0) || (0 = x0) || (1 = x0) || not (not Is_a(Branch, _x_3) || (_x_4 + (-1) * _x_5 = 1) || not (x0 + _x_2 >= 1) || (_x_4 = _x_5)) || not ((_x_7 + (-1) * _x_8 = 1) || not (_x_1 >= 0) || (_x_7 = _x_8) || not Is_a(Branch, _x_6)) || not Is_a(Branch, _x_9) || not (x0 >= 0) || (_x_10 + (-1) * _x_11 = 1) || (_x_10 = _x_11)
into: let (_x_0 : int) = (-1) + x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = _x_0 / 2 in let (_x_2 : bt) = cbal _x_1 in let (_x_3 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_2)) in let (_x_4 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_2)) in let (_x_5 : bool) = not (_x_3 = _x_4) in let (_x_6 : int) = (-1) * _x_4 in let (_x_7 : int) = (-1) * _x_3 in let (_x_8 : bool) = _x_6 + _x_7 = 2 in let (_x_9 : bool) = not (0 <= x0) in let (_x_10 : bool) = _x_3 + _x_6 = 1 in let (_x_11 : bt) = cbal (_x_0 + (-1) * _x_1) in let (_x_12 : bool) = Is_a(Branch, _x_11) in let (_x_13 : bool) = 1 = x0 in let (_x_14 : bool) = 0 = x0 in let (_x_15 : bool) = Is_a(Branch, _x_2) in let (_x_16 : bool) = not _x_15 in let (_x_17 : int) = _x_4 + _x_3 in let (_x_18 : bool) = (-1) = _x_17 in let (_x_19 : bool) = not _x_10 in let (_x_20 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_11)) in let (_x_21 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_11)) in let (_x_22 : bool) = not (_x_20 = _x_21) in let (_x_23 : bool) = not _x_12 in let (_x_24 : bool) = _x_20 + (-1) * _x_21 = 1 in let (_x_25 : int) = _x_21 + _x_20 in let (_x_26 : bool) = _x_25 = 0 in let (_x_27 : bool) = _x_25 = (-1) in let (_x_28 : bool) = not _x_24 in let (_x_29 : bool) = _x_25 = _x_17 in let (_x_30 : bool) = _x_29 || _x_22 in let (_x_31 : bool) = _x_25 + _x_6 + _x_7 = 1 in (_x_5 || _x_8 || _x_9 || _x_10 || _x_12 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_16 || _x_18) && (_x_8 || _x_9 || _x_19 || _x_12 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_16 || _x_18) && (_x_22 || _x_23 || _x_24 || _x_9 || _x_26 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_15 || _x_27) && (_x_23 || _x_9 || _x_28 || _x_26 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_15 || _x_27) && (_x_30 || _x_5 || _x_23 || _x_31 || _x_24 || _x_9 || _x_10 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_16) && (_x_30 || _x_23 || _x_31 || _x_24 || _x_9 || _x_19 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_16) && (_x_29 || _x_5 || _x_23 || _x_31 || _x_9 || _x_28 || _x_10 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_16) && (_x_29 || _x_23 || _x_31 || _x_9 || _x_28 || _x_19 || _x_13 || _x_14 || _x_16)
expansions: [nodes, nodes, cbal, nodes, nodes, cbal, nodes, nodes, cbal, nodes, nodes, cbal, cbal]
rewrite_steps: forward_chaining: Subproof
let (_x_0 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_0)) in let (_x_2 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_0)) in not Is_a(Branch, _x_0) || not (x0 >= 0) || (not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0)) || (_x_1 + (-1) * _x_2 = 1) || (_x_1 = _x_2)start[3.331s, "1.2"] let (_x_0 : bt) = cbal x0 in let (_x_1 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 2, _x_0)) in let (_x_2 : int) = nodes (Destruct(Branch, 1, _x_0)) in not Is_a(Branch, _x_0) || not (x0 >= 0) || (not (1 = x0) && not (0 = x0) && (0 <= x0)) || (_x_1 + (-1) * _x_2 = 1) || (_x_1 = _x_2)
into: true
expansions: [nodes, nodes, cbal, cbal]
rewrite_steps: forward_chaining:
In this demonstration we used Discover to suggest conjectures and lemmas used in the verification of some properties of balanced binary trees. We also showed examples of using conditions with Discover and some basic pointers on its use.