
Imandra's inductive waterfall is the core of its automated proof capabilities, combining many lower-level proof strategies into a synergising pipeline. Imandra's waterfall is deeply inspired by the pioneering work of Boyer-Moore, and adapts many of their powerful ideas for automated induction to Imandra's typed, higher-order logic.

The architecture of the waterfall is as follows:

Imandra Waterfall

The top level goal we're trying to prove is transformed into a clause, which then starts "flowing" through the waterfall.

Once a step in the waterfall successfuly transforms a clause, the clause is pushed into a "pool" and the waterfall process recurses by picking clauses from it.

If a clause flows through the entire waterfall unchanged, the top level goal can't be automatically proved (or refuted!), thus solving is aborted and checkpoints are suggested, informing the user what parts of the proof Imandra may need help with and suggesting lemmas to be proved.

If a clause is refuted, the entire waterfall process is aborted and the top level goal is refuted, possibly with an explicit counterexample.

If a clause is proved, it simply "evaporates" and the waterfall process continues by picking new clauses from the pool. The toplevel goal is considered to be proved if all the clauses in the pool evaporate.


As the first step in the waterfall process, the full simplifier is applied to a clause, making use of all enabled rewrite and forward-chaining rules, decision procedures for algebraic datatypes and arithmetic, and performing case-splits.

Once a clause cannot be simplified further, we call it "stable under simplification" and let it flow through the waterfall.

Simplification is in may ways the most important part of the waterfall, and the step that most often causes a clause to evaporate or the goal to be refuted (the only other step that can do this is the unrolling check, but this is less common).

For this reason, making good use of rewrite rules in order to control simplification is perhaps the most powerful tool Imandra gives us. Thus it's important to spend as much time as possible teaching Imandra a good set of rules to apply.

Unrolling check

Once a clause is stable under simplification, unrolling is applied, with the unrolling depth controlled via the #induct_unroll global limit, set to 10 by default (as opposed to the default global limit #unroll which is set to 100 by default).

This step does not produce modified clauses, instead it is used as a lightweight check trying to find a contradiction and refute the (sub)goal, or in certain lucky instances proving it and thus evaporating the clause. This check (governed by the #induct_unroll limit) is also used to validate candidate generalizations and cross-fertilizations.

Destructor Elimination

Destructor elimination is a step that deals with transforming the representation of a clause using "destructor" terms into an equivalent one that uses a "constructor" term instead.

The term destructor is used to indicate a function call that "decomposes" a variable into its components under some representation, symmetrically the term constructor is used to indicate one that "combines" all the constituent destructor terms to form the original variable.

As a concrete example, we know we can represent a non empty list x as (List.hd x) :: (List.tl x). In this example we have two instances of destructors: List.hd x and List.tl, with :: as the constructor function.

After applying destructor elimination to a clause containing destructor terms on x, all instances of List.hd x become a new variable a, all instances of List.tl x become a new variable b and all instances of x itself become the term a::b. All the instances of the destructors are now replaced in favor of simple variables, and the variable that got destructed is instead replaced with an instance of the matching constructor.

This change of representation may seem counterintuitive at first, but it's one of the strongest heuristics that Imandra uses in order to make a goal inductible.

Imandra automatically knows how to apply destructor elimination on lists and algebraic datatypes, and allows users to register new ones through the introduction of elimination rules.

Elimination Rules

An elimination rule is a theorem of the form

h_1 && .. && h_k ==> lhs = x

which Imandra can use to register a new destructor elimination heuristic for further use.

In order for a theorem to be a valid elimination rule, lhs must contain at least one function invocation (called a destructor term) whose arguments must contain every variable in the goal exactly once, and x must appear in the lhs only in such destructor terms.

As a concrete example, Imandra bakes in the list destructor elimination rule which would look like this:

let hd_tl_elim x =
  x <> [] ==> (List.hd x) :: (List.tl x) = x

Since this rule is in a sense built into Imandra, evaluation of this rule will not actually work (the entire body is simplified to true before Imandra can attempt to recognise and extract destructors). Nevertheless, this makes for a good conceptual example.

We can see how this rule follows the pattern described above: the lhs contains two destructor terms List.hd x and List.tl x which are then combined using :: to form x.

When Imandra encounters a term matching such a destructor, provided that the instantiations of the hypotheses can be established, it will generalize all the instantiated destructor terms in the conjecture to new variables, and will then replace the instantiation of x in the conjecture with the newly instantiated lhs term.

An example of an elimination rule as used in the wild is the following, trading a representation in terms of difference, for one in terms of the easier to reason about plus (the actual definitions are not included here, but they are the usual functions over Peano numbers).

lemma difference_elim x y =
  not (lessp y x) ==> (plus x (difference y x)) = y
[@@auto] [@@elim]


Once a clause is stable under simplification and no more destructors can be eliminated, the next step in the waterfall is fertilization.

This step uses equalities in the hypothesis by substituting one side of the equality for the other in the conclusion and subsequently throwing away the original equality hypothesis. Cross-fertilization is preferred, which is a restriction of fertilization designed to facilitate uses of an inductive hypothesis.

After this step is performed the resulting term is sometimes more amenable than the original for further simplification, but the main reason why this heuristic is important is in order to simplify the conjecture as much as possible preparing it for induction.

If fertilization is applied to a clause that is already under induction, Imandra prefers to perform so called cross-fertilization instead of the more general uniform fertilization, by restricting it so that the substitution only happens into one side of the conclusion.


This step attempts to generalize a conjecture into a stronger one which may be more amenable to proof by induction. It is only automatically applied when an ongoing proof attempt is already under a top-level induction.

Whenever common subterms appear in multiple literals Imandra attempts to generalize them into new variables, assuming that those subterms represent place-holders for arbitrary objects whose properties are described by the hypotheses.

For a term to be considered eligible for generalization, it must not be an explicit value template, an equality or a destructor term.

A term is an explicit value template if it is a variable (actually, a Skolem constant) such as x, a constant value such as 1 or Some [1;2;3], or the application of a constructor to explicit value templates such as A [1;x;3].

This generalization process can sometimes produce goals that are "too general" and not theorems. This is called "over generalization." In such a case, the proof attempt involving the generalized goal will fail. Imandra attempts to validate candidate generalizations by recursive unrolling (up to #induct_unroll). If unrolling is able to find a counterexample to the candidate generalization, then the generalization is abandoned and the subgoal being processed is unchanged.

Generalization Rules

A generalization rule is a theorem that can be used to restrict generalizations.

For example, consider a function square = (fun (n : int) -> n * n). If Imandra decides to generalize the term square x in a goal by replacing square x with a fresh variable v, it may be desirable for Imandra to "remember" the fact that v is non-negative, i.e., to adjoin an additional hypothesis stating v >= 0.

Imandra can be instructed to do this through the a generalization rule of the following form:

lemma square_gen n =
 (square n) [@trigger] >= 0

In general, such rules may have arbitrary Boolean structure.

In order for a theorem to be a valid generalization rule, it must contain at least one term which is a function application applied to at least one of the variables of the theorem and is marked as a trigger term using the [@trigger] annotation.

If Imandra has decided to generalize a term tm, it searches through its database of generalization rules for the most recent rule whose trigger matches tm. If such a rule is found, it is instantiated based upon the trigger match, and the corresponding instance is adjoined as an additional hypothesis to the generalized goal.


Finally, once a clause reaches the end of the waterfall, all that remains to be tried is to apply induction on it.

If an induction scheme can be found and synthesized, Imandra applies it to the clause by instantiating phi in the induction scheme to the goal being considered. This produces a single clause that is then case-split into base and inductive cases by simplification once the clause restarts the waterfall process.