An introduction to imandra-tools
In this notebook, we'll introduce the imandra-tools
library and go through how to use its powerful modules to augment Imandra's decomposition facilities.
Normally, before using imandra-tools
, one would have to require it in their Imandra toplevel by executing the require statement #require "imandra-tools"
. Since the #require
directive is disabled for security reasons in this notebook, this step won't be necessary as we've pre-loaded imandra-tools.
Let's make sure this is actually the case before starting.
Great! Let's start exploring imandra-tools
Iterative Decomposition Framework (Idf)¶
The first module we're going to explore is Imandra_tools.Idf
. Its broad purpose is to provide a framework allowing for iterative, lazy decomposition of state-machine models.
Before diving into its usage, let's first define a simple example of such a model.
module Model = struct
type message = Add of int | Sub of int | Reset
type counter_state = { counter : int
; default : int }
let one_step msg state =
if state.counter = 1337 then
{ state with counter = state.default }
match msg with
| Reset -> { state with counter = 0 }
| Add n ->
if state.counter + n > 9000 then
{ state with counter = 0 }
{ state with counter = state.counter + n }
| Sub n ->
if n > state.counter then
{ state with counter = state.counter - n }
The above model is not very interesting but it exemplifies all that's needed for a model to be suitable for usage with Idf
- An algebraic type describing all the possible messages a model can react to (
) - A type describing the current state of the model (
) - A transition function from message and state to new state (
Now that the module is defined, we need to set-up Idf
for its decomposition.
We need to do is define a module implementing the Idf_intf.DFSM_SIG
module signature:
- a
module implementing theIdf_intf.SM_SIG
module signature:- an
type mapping to the model message type - a
type mapping to the model state type - an
value of typestate
- a
transition function mapping to the model transition function - an
function that takes anevent
and astate
and checks whether that<event,state>
transition is valid or not
- an
- a
value mapping to the name of the module being defined (this is necessary for reflection purposes) - a
module implementing theIdf_intf.TPL_SIG
module signature:- a
variant type symbolically describing events from our model - a
variant type mapping to the concreteevent
type - a
function mappingt
events toc
- a
open Imandra_tools
module Decomp = struct
module State_machine = struct
open Model
type event = message
type state = counter_state
let init_state : state =
{ counter = 0 ; default = 23 }
let step (event : event) (state : state) : state =
one_step event state
let is_valid (event : event) (state : state) : bool =
match event with
| Reset -> true
| Add n -> n > 0
| Sub n -> n > 0 && n <= state.counter
let module_name = "Decomp"
module Template = struct
type t = Add | Sub | Reset | Any
type c = State_machine.event
type state = State_machine.state
let concrete c t _state = match c, t with
| Add, Model.Add _ -> true
| Sub, Model.Sub _ -> true
| Reset, Model.Reset -> true
| Any, _ -> true
| _ -> false
We're now ready to create a decomposition recipe and apply it to an event template, simply instantiating Idf
with Decomp
in a module IDF
We can use the IDF
module to start decomposing any sequences of events, let's do that over a template of [any; add; any]
module IDF = Idf.Make(Decomp);;
let g = IDF.decompose (Decomp.Template.[Any;Add;Any]);;
Since IDF
generates a decomposition graph, we need to first create an empty graph via IDF.G.create
, we can then list all the paths of the decomposition graph from the initial state to the final state:
This output is not very useful, but we can ask Idf
to play out a sample execution of that path:
IDF.replay (first_path |> CCList.last_opt |> CCOption.get_exn_or "no paths")
Or we can ask Idf
to let us inspect the regions for that path (each region in the list will correspond to the constraints and invariant of the model up to each event in the template):
let first_path_regions = (fun n -> Remote_ref.get_shared_block (IDF.region n)) first_path
For a full description of the Idf
API and capabilities, check out the Iterative Decomposition Framework page.
Looking at the above regions we can spot a common problem with decompositions: the regions become very hard to read, even with quite simple models.
This is a good moment to introduce a second imandra-tools
Region Pretty Printer (Region_pp)¶
The purpose of the Region_pp
module is twofold: it provides a default drop-in pretty printer for regions, much more powerful than the default region printer and it also provides an extensible framework for creating powerful printers with semantic and ontologic understanding of the model being decomposed.
Behind the scenes, the printer has phases for constraint unification, merging, normalisation and pruning, symbolic evaluation, and much more - all of it is user-extensible and customizable.
All it takes to start reaping the benefits is to install the default pretty printer:
We can immediately appreciate that just under half the total constraints have been identified as redundant and eliminated.
Let's look at another example:
let f (x : int Set.t) y z =
if Set.subset x y then
Set.add z x
Set.add z (Set.empty);;
let d = "f";;
Modular_decomp.get_concrete d;;
let rs = Modular_decomp.get_concrete_regions d;;
It seems like Region_pp
could do a better job here:
Set.subset x y
is printed asSet.union x y = y
Set.add x y
is printed asMap.add x y true
Set.add z (Set.empty)
is printed asMap.add' (Map.const false) z true
instead of using a more desiderable set syntax like{ z }
Let's use the extension mechanisms of Region_pp
to achieve just that:
open Region_pp_intf
module Custom = struct
type ty = string
type c = Set of (ty, c) node list
let map f = function
| Set els -> Set ( f els)
let compare compare one two =
match one, two with
| Set s_one, Set s_two ->
List.length s_one = List.length s_two
&& CCList.for_all
(fun el -> List.exists (fun x -> compare el x = Equivalent) s_two)
let print p ~focus out = function
| Set s ->
CCFormat.(fprintf out "@[<hv>{ %a@ }@]" (list ~sep:(return "@ ; ") p)) s
module TY = Region_pp.String_conv
module PPrinter = Region_pp.Make (TY) (Custom)
open Custom
open PPrinter
let to_curried_types : PPrinter.ty -> PPrinter.ty list =
fun t -> CCString.split ~by:"->" t |> CCString.trim
let from_curried_types : PPrinter.ty list -> PPrinter.ty =
CCString.concat " -> "
let get_input_types : PPrinter.ty list -> ty list =
let open Caml in
fun t -> CCList.take (CCList.length t - 1i) t
let rec refine_ n =
let union_to_subset ty =
let bool_type = TY.translate_imandra_type Type.bool in
let types_of_union_input = to_curried_types ty |> get_input_types in
let subset_type = types_of_union_input @ [ bool_type ] in
from_curried_types subset_type
match view n with
| Funcall ({ view = Var "Map.add'"; _ }, _) when is_proper_set n ->
mk ~ty:n.ty (Custom (Set (gather_keys n)))
| Funcall ({ view = Var "Map.add'"; ty }, [ m; k; { view = Boolean true; _ } ])
mk ~ty:n.ty (Funcall (mk ~ty (Var "Set.add"), [ m; k ]))
(* verify (fun x y -> Set.union x y = y ==> Set.subset x y) *)
| Eq ({ view = Funcall ({ view = Var "Set.union"; ty }, [ x; y ]); _ }, z)
when Comparator.(is_eq (compare y z)) ->
let ty = union_to_subset ty in
mk ~ty:n.ty
( mk ~ty:n.ty (Funcall (mk ~ty (Var "Set.subset"), [ x; y ])),
mk ~ty:n.ty (Boolean true) ))
| Neq ({ view = Funcall ({ view = Var "Set.union"; ty }, [ x; y ]); _ }, z)
when Comparator.(is_eq (compare y z)) ->
let ty = union_to_subset ty in
mk ~ty:n.ty
( mk ~ty:n.ty (Funcall (mk ~ty (Var "Set.subset"), [ x; y ])),
mk ~ty:n.ty (Boolean false) ))
| Eq (z, { view = Funcall ({ view = Var "Set.union"; ty }, [ x; y ]); _ })
when Comparator.(is_eq (compare y z)) ->
let ty = union_to_subset ty in
mk ~ty:n.ty
( mk ~ty:n.ty (Funcall (mk ~ty (Var "Set.subset"), [ x; y ])),
mk ~ty:n.ty (Boolean true) ))
| Neq (z, { view = Funcall ({ view = Var "Set.union"; ty }, [ x; y ]); _ })
when Comparator.(is_eq (compare y z)) ->
mk ~ty:n.ty
( mk ~ty:n.ty (Funcall (mk ~ty (Var "Set.subset"), [ x; y ])),
mk ~ty:n.ty (Boolean false) ))
| _ -> n
and gather_keys n =
match view n with
| Funcall ({ view = Var "Map.add'"; _ }, [ m; k; { view = Boolean true; _ } ])
k :: gather_keys m
| Funcall ({ view = Var "Map.const"; _ }, [ { view = Boolean false; _ } ]) ->
| _ ->
(Printf.sprintf "Unexpected set value: %s" (PPrinter.Printer.to_string n))
and is_proper_set x =
ignore (gather_keys x);
with _ -> false
let refine ast = XF.walk_fix refine_ ast |> CCList.return
let print = PPrinter.print ~refine ()
Let's look at what we've done:
- first we've defined a
module whose signature includes the signature ofRegion_pp_intf.SIG
, definingmap
ing andcompare
ing functions for an abstractSet
value - next we instantiate
using thisCustom
module, creating aPPrinter
module that isSet
-aware - finally we define a
function that transforms aPPrinter.node
into customSet
values or convertsMap.
invocations into appropriateSet.
Let's install this printer and look at the regions again:
Great! Exactly what we wanted to be printed.
provides more extension hooks and utilities than just the PP
functor and ~refine
, but we'll go over that in more detail in a dedicated notebook.
Let's explore the next imandra-tools
Region Term Synthesizer (Region_term_synth)¶
's ability to both reify failed proofs into counter-examples and sample values from regions provides a lot of power. Region_term_synth
extends this power, allowing Imandra
to synthesize any region's Term
expression as code.
This, combined with Imandra
's decomposition facilities, allow us to generate powerful and complete regression test suites, analyse existing test suites to detect region coverage, and much more.
Let's see a quick example of how this works in practice:
Caml.List.mapi (fun i region ->
let gs = "region_" ^ (string_of_int i) in (* Imandra_util.Util.gensym () *)
let term = Term.and_l @@ Modular_region.constraints region in
let body = Region_term_synth.synthesize ~default:Term.Syn.(mk ~loc:Iloc.none False) term in
let args = Modular_region.args region |> |> String.concat " " in
let func = Printf.sprintf "let %s %s = %s" gs args body in
System.eval func;
The above should be quite straightforward:
- We extract the constraints from the region and we conjoin them into a single
- We ask
to synthesize our term, usingfalse
as a default value (we're synthesizing a Boolean function) - Finally we generate a string representation of a function using the synthesized term as its body, and evaluate it
We can start playing with those functions immediately:
region_0 (Set.of_list [1]) Set.empty 0;;
region_0 Set.empty (Set.of_list [1]) 0;;
region_1 Set.empty (Set.of_list [1]) 0;;
region_1 (Set.of_list [1]) Set.empty 0;;
Great! region_0
is now a Boolean function that checks whether or not certain values of x
and y
belong to the region of behaviour 0. region_1
does the same for the region of behaviour 1.
This ability to generate total functions from partial regions of behaviour is fundamental to creating modules like Idf
and Region_idx
Region Indexer (Region_idx)¶
It may be sometimes useful to know which region a particular input belongs to; while this can be done by using Region_term_synth
and synthesizing recogniser functions for each region and testing them against the value until we find a match, this could get very computationally expensive in the presence of a large number of regions and constraints.
provides a solution for this: it allows to create "indexing" functions that efficiently match input values against a single entry in a list of regions.
After providing a first class module specificing the types of the arguments to the function the regions belong to (as a tuple), Region_idx.indexer_for
returns an index alist and an indexer function.
let idx, indexer =
let args = (module struct type args = int Set.t * int Set.t * int end : Region_idx.Args with type args = _) in
Region_idx.indexer_for args rs;;
The first value returned is an alist of index -> region, while the second value is the indexer function, taking as inputs the arguments of the regions (as a tuple) and returning the index of the matching region, or raising Not_found
if the values don't match any regions (This can happen if the values provided don't satisfy the side condition, or if the list of regions passed to indexer_for
was partial).
Let's say we want to know which region the arguments Set.empty, (Set.of_list [1]), 0
belong to, we just need to find its index and find the matching region:
let i = indexer (Set.empty, (Set.of_list [1]), 0) in
CCList.assq i idx;;
Region Probabilities (Region_probs)¶
What if we want to not just identify the distinct regions of a program's behaviour, but how likely those behaviours are to occur? The Region_probs
module allows us to do just that. In particular, users can easily create custom hierarchical statistical models defining joint distributions over inputs to their programs or functions, then sample from these models to get a probability distribution over regions, or query them with Boolean conditions. Alternatively, a dataset in the form of a CSV
file can be imported and used as a set of samples when the underlying distribution is unknown. This introduction contains a short example, but for a more detailed tutorial of how to use the module, please see the dedicated Region Probabilities notebook.
First we'll open the Region_probs
module, then define some custom types and a function that we'll be decomposing:
open Region_probs;;
type colour = Red | Green | Blue;;
type obj = {colour : colour; broken : bool};;
type dom = (obj * Q.t * Z.t);;
let f' (obj, temp, num) =
let a =
if obj.colour = Red then
if obj.broken then num else 7
num * 2 in
let b =
if temp >. 18.5 && obj.colour = Blue then
temp +. 4.3
else if obj.colour = Green then
temp -. 7.8
14.1 in
(a, b);;
Now we can define a joint distribution over inputs to f
using some built-in probability distributions and a sequential sampling procedure. We can call this function with the unit argument ()
to generate samples:
let distribution () =
let c = categorical ~classes:[Red; Green; Blue] ~probs:[0.5; 0.2; 0.3] () in
let b = bernoulli ~p:0.4 () in
let mu = if b then 20. else 10. in
let temp = gaussian ~mu ~sigma:5. () in
let num =
if c = Green then
poisson ~lambda:6.5 ~constraints:[(7, 10)] ()
poisson ~lambda:6.5 () in
({colour = c; broken = b}, temp, num) [@@program];;
distribution ();;
Now we have all these components we can find the regions of f
, create a model from our distribution
function, then estimate and display region probabilities:
let d = ~prune:true "f'" [@@program];;
let regions = Modular_decomp.get_concrete_regions d [@@program];;
module Example = Distribution.From_Sampler (struct type domain = dom let dist = distribution end) [@@program];;
let probs = Example.get_probs regions () [@@program];;
print_probs probs;;
To see more of what can be done with the Region_probs
module, including forming models based on existing datasets and querying models using Boolean conditions, along with additional options, please see the Region Probabilities notebook.